Since import of maize (corn) is under State Trading Regime (STR), the allottes of quota i.e. designated agencies in para 1 (b) above for this item shall also be granted an import licence for the allotted quantities as indicated at sl. No. 21(b) of Customs Notification No. 21/2002 dated 1.3.2002 in terms of para 2.11 of Exim Policy, 2002-2007, if they do not wish to make the imports through Food Corporation of India (FCI).
In the said notification, in the Table, against S. No. 1, in column (3), for the figure, brackets, words and letters “(i) M/s Oscol Electrometallurgical Combinat (OEMK)” the figure, brackets, words and letters “(i) M/s Oscol Electrometallurgical Combinat (OEMK), manufacturer and M/s Salzgitter International GmbH, Germany, the exporter” shall be substituted.