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Archive: 23 February 2001

Posts in 23 February 2001

Valuation (Customs) – Cases handled by Special Valuation Branch of the Custom Houses – Review of instructions

February 23, 2001 4165 Views 0 comment Print

Furthermore, where provisional assessment is being resorted to, the investigation and finalisation of the assessment must be completed within four months from the date of reply. If no decision is taken within 4 months, the extra duty deposit should be discontinued and the concerned Deputy Commissioner/Assistant Commissioner will be held responsible for inexplicable delay in finalisation.

All Industry Rates of Drawback in respect of Ready-made Garments falling under SS No.62.02 of the Drawback Table regarding.

February 23, 2001 448 Views 0 comment Print

The issue has been examined. The applicability of drawback caps should be decided taking into account the normal commercial practice of marketing, packing and invoicing, i.e., whether the goods like Lehnga-Choli. Skirt-Blouse, etc, are being sold as one unit of ready made garment at one price or these are individual components and being asked for buyers as separate pieces of garments and invoices issued separately (or prices shown separately on the same invoice)

Notification No. 5/2001-Customs (N.T.), dated: 23.02.2001

February 23, 2001 310 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (a) of sub-section (3) of Section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) and in supersession of the Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 3/2001-NT-Customs, [S.O.74(E)] dated the 25th January, 2001 the Central Government hereby determines for the purposes of said section in so far as these relate to export goods, that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency specified in the column (2) of Schedule I and Schedule II appended hereto into Indian Currency or vice versa shall, with effect from the 1st March, 2001.

Notification No. 4/2001-Customs (N.T.), dated: 23.02.2001

February 23, 2001 346 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 20 of the Indian Stamp Act 1899 (2 of 1899) and sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-section (3) of Section 14 of Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) and in supercession of the Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.2/2001-NT-Customs, [S.O.73(E)] dated the 25th January, 2001.

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