General Circular No 21/2012, Dated 02/08/2012
Sub: Filling of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account by companies in Non XBRL for accounting year commencing on or after 01.04.2011.
Notification no. S.0-447 (E) dated 28.02.2011 on revised schedule VI is effective from 1st April 2011. The current year filing is based on revised schedule VI is due for filing. The revised form 23AC & ACA is under finalization and will be notified shortly on the MCA website.
All companies who are required to file non XBRL eform 23 AC & ACA as per revised schedule VI be allowed to file their financial statement without any additional fee/penalty upto 15th September 2012 or with in 30 days from the date of their AGM, which ever is later.
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Hello, I do faced difficulty of filing Form 23 ACA for the financial year 2011-14 due to revision of schedule VI and introduction of XBRL for listed companies and not for closely held companies like private limited company. Our companies adoped accounts for financial year on 2nd day of July and closing date of filing without additional fee is before 2nd august 2012. Please advise. Some advised me to change the date of finacial year from 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2011 to make form uploaded which is against the accounting principles. Are we living in shining India?