Learn practical tips to use credit cards wisely, from choosing the right card to tracking spending and boosting credit score for better money management.
Learn the common reasons for DRHP rejection, including incomplete disclosures and non-compliance, and practical measures to navigate SEBI regulations effectively.
MP High Court upholds divorce on grounds of cruelty as wife’s false dowry allegations and refusal to cohabitate are deemed mental cruelty towards her husband.
Explore the challenges and ambiguities of the POSH Act after 11 years, including reporting gaps, unresolved cases, and the need for improved workplace redressal mechanisms.
Summary: The conversion of a private or unlisted public company into a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is governed by the LLP Act, 2008. This transition offers benefits such as limited liability, tax advantages, operational flexibility, reduced compliance, and perpetual succession. To qualify, the company must not be a Section 8 entity, have no pending charges, […]
Overview of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013: Board composition, women directors, resident and independent directors’ roles, qualifications, and remuneration.
Delhi HC directs trial courts to decide bail pleas promptly for undertrials who have served half their maximum sentence under BNSS, 2023.
Madras High Court ruled on service of notice under TNGST Act, emphasizing modes of communication and setting aside assessment orders served only via the online portal.
The Supreme Court ruled that extra-judicial confessions must be true, voluntary, and free from coercion to establish guilt, overturning a Bombay High Court verdict.
Direct taxation in India is plagued by mishandling, ignorance, and reliance on settlement schemes, risking the financial stability of small businesses and clients.