Income Tax : Understanding the exclusion of time limits during Court stays in assessment proceedings under Finance Bill 2025 for Income Tax ass...
Income Tax : Explore Section 263 of ITA, 1961, and its implications for revising assessment orders with no discussion on certain issues. Judici...
Income Tax : Explore landmark judgments on capital gain tax exemptions under Sections 54 and 54F of the Income Tax Act. Key highlights from ITA...
Income Tax : Understand the differences between appellate powers u/s 251, revisional powers u/s 263, and 264 of the Income Tax Act, and how the...
Income Tax : Explore the necessity of issuing notices under Section 263 post the Faceless Assessment Scheme introduction. Analyze the schemes e...
Income Tax : National Chamber of Industries & Commerce, U.P has made a representation against Indiscriminate notices by the Income Tax Depa...
Income Tax : KSCAA has made a Representation on Challenges in Income Tax Related to Rectification Proceedings, Order Giving Effect, Delay in P...
Income Tax : One of the key sources of dispute is the existing arrangement for follow up on audit objections by Internal Audit Party and the Re...
Income Tax : Delhi ITAT rules Section 56(2)(viib) of the IT Act does not apply to transactions between holding and subsidiary companies, quashi...
Income Tax : Rajasthan High Court held that profits and gains generated by captive consumption of electricity is eligible for deduction under s...
Income Tax : M/s. GRR Holdings is a firm was incorporated on 31.01.2014 with two partners Shri Gaddam Shyam Prasad Reddy & Shri Syed Fayaz Moha...
Income Tax : Calcutta HC dismisses IT appeal against Subhlabh Steels due to ongoing insolvency under IBC, citing SC ruling in Monnet Ispat. Rea...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Analysis of ITAT Jaipur’s decision in Shiv Vegpro Pvt. Ltd. Vs PCIT, addressing Section 263, delay condonation, and tax assessment disputes for AY 2017-18.
Detailed analysis of the ITAT Jaipur decision in Dinesh Kumar Chaurasia Vs ACIT on unexplained investments, Section 263 jurisdiction, and procedural lapses.
In the matter abovementioned ITAT upheld the jurisdiction u/s 263 exercised by PCIT, is right as twin condition of section 263 are fulfilled.
AO had raised queries on two issues i.e. (i) assessee claimed only 15% depreciation on the Higher Efficiency Boilers (being energy saving device), when it was eligible for depreciation allowance of 80% on the Written Down Value (WDV).
Kerala High Court held that revisionary proceedings by PCIT u/s. 263 rightly exercised since claim of provision for bad and doubtful debts was assumed by assessing officer to be correct without adequate enquiry. Accordingly, appeal dismissed.
Delhi High Court in CIT vs. Vikas Polymers clarified Section 263 of the Income-tax Act, emphasizing procedural compliance for revisional powers of the CIT.
Delhi High Court dismissed the Revenue’s appeal in CIT vs. Anil Kumar Sharma, affirming the Tribunal’s decision on Section 263 of the Income Tax Act.
ITAT Allahabad held that order passed by PCIT without considering the contentions of the assessee is against the principles of natural justice and accordingly is liable to be set aside. Accordingly, appeal of the assessee allowed.
Thereafter, PCIT called for the assessment records and examined the proceedings. CIT(A) after going through the case records and assessment records took a view that the order passed by the AO is erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of revenue.
ITAT Chennai held that only profit embedded to creditors written off and discount receipts is needed to be added since both i.e. creditors written off and discount receipts are inextricably linked with business of assessee. Hence, appeal partly allowed.