Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
CA, CS, CMA : In a partnership, compensation for the partners’ time, expertise, and capital investment is an important part of the busines...
Income Tax : Learn about disallowed expenses under PGBP in India's Income Tax Act. Understand key sections like 37, 40, and 40A, and their impa...
Income Tax : Income-tax Act contains provisions for taxability of various allowances received by a taxpayer. These allowances are either in the...
Income Tax : In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In ...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, rental income from house properties must be reported under "Income from House Property," not as business incom...
Income Tax : The introduction of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC), which will replace the 50-year-old Income Tax Act, will make Foreign Institutiona...
Income Tax : The proposed reduction in corporate tax rate from 30% to 25% in the new direct tax code is only one side of the story. The cut ha...
Income Tax : A Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement was signed between India and Tajikistan today, i.e. 20th November, 2008. The Agreement was s...
Income Tax : In ITO vs. Late Shri Chandi Ram, ITAT Jaipur upheld CIT(A)'s decision, recognizing arbitration and interest receipts from contract...
Income Tax : Assessee cannot include interest received on deposits as business receipts and estimate net profit under section 44AD on such inte...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that waiver of loan is not taxable under section 28(i) of the Income Tax Act as the same is not a business income....
Income Tax : Appellant builder treated Property as stock-in-trade & profits on its sale would be offered as business income and no rental incom...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that rental income from giving out commercial properties for compensation as per Memorandum of Association (MOA) ...
Income Tax : Clause (via) in section 28 is inserted by Finance Act, 2018, w.e.f. Financial year 2018-19 and it provides taxation of Inventory i...
Finance : A. P. (DIR Series)CIRCULAR NO03/RBI under Section 195 of the Income Tax Act read with Rule 29B of the IT Rules, any person respons...
The tax treatment of cross border software transactions has always been a matter of controversy. One of the major issues has been whether payments for software, where the seller retains all copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights in the software, should be characterized as royalty or as business income. This article addresses the said issue in the light of the definition of ‘royalty’ as per domestic law and as per DTAA (India – USA) and by making reference to some relevant case-laws. The author makes a pointer to the fact that though a Special Task Force was set up to examine the issues of taxation of software, no clarification has been issued by the CBDT so far. He, therefore, opines that it is high time that the CBDT/Finance Act should come up with a clarification/ amendment so as to address the confusion and litigation which is prevailing on the taxability of software payments.
ITO vs. Ellora Silk Mills (ITAT Mumbai) – Where the AO had accepted in the past that the warehousing charges received by the assessee was business income, he was not justified in reopening the assessment to assess the charges as property income in the absense of any change in the facts and circumstances.
The Supreme Court has disapproved of the view of the Guwahati High Court and upheld the opinion of the Calcutta High Court on the question of applicability of Section 80HHC deduction under the Income Tax Act for companies which do both agriculture and trade.The tax authorities had appealed to the Supreme Court against the high court judgments in a large batch of companies engaged in growing, manufacturing and exporting tea.
The income tax department has won its appeals against tea exporting companies when the Supreme Court resolved the prevailing conflict of views among the High Courts on the question as to at what stage Section 80HHC, deduction in income tax, should be allowed i.e. before the 60 : 40 apportionment under the 1962 IT Rule 8(1) or from 40 per cent profits on sales taxable as business income.
TAXING rent from house property has always been a taxing issue for the Income Tax Department. In the latest case the Revenue wanted to tax notional interest income on refundable interest-free deposit made by the tenant with the landlord u/s 28(iv) but the High Court has dismissed the same as the relevant Section 23(1)(a) does not contemplate taxing such income. The HC also observed that in a taxing statute it would be unsafe for the Court to go beyond the letter of the law and try to read into the provision more than what is already provided for.
THE assessee company was incorporated with the main object of acquiring a holding of equity and preference shares of companies engaged in the business of cement, ready mix and aggregate and to provide financial management. It was the first return of the assessee company. The Assessing Officer noted that the total capital was at Rs.209.33 crores which was raised during this year, out of which a sum of Rs.207.78 crores was invested in the shares of Lafarge India Ltd. The assessee company also earned interest on fixed deposits of Rs.2,28,000/ – against which, it had claimed administrative and other expenses to the tune of Rs.2,69,85,000/ -.
The Madras High Court clarifies that P&L accounts and balance sheets are not considered books of account under the Income Tax Act, impacting tax compliance.
A. P. (DIR Series)CIRCULAR NO03/RBI under Section 195 of the Income Tax Act read with Rule 29B of the IT Rules, any person responsible for making payment to a non-resident or to a foreign company, any interest or any other sum chargeable under the IT Act, shall at the time of payment or credit of the amount deduct Income Tax thereon at the rate in force. Section 195 of the IT Act is not limited to interest income and it takes into account business income also. Further, points 7 and 8 of the Chartered Accountant’s certificate deals with remittances for supply of articles or things (plant, machinery, equipment, etc.) or computer software and business income, respectively.