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If you are thinking of seeking rectification of the intimation issued by Centralized Processing Center at Bangalore, then you must carefully review the Common Error Guide and the typical causes of error presented below in order to prepare an accurate rectification request and thereby ensure that you get a proper resolution from CPC in the form of an rectification order.

Please do not jump into conclusions or get misguided by others that there are mistakes in processing software; more likely than not the data in the e-return submitted by you was either incomplete or incorrect resulting in calculation different than what is expected by you.

For every variation between what you have computed as your tax liability and your refund and what was finally the outcome of processing at CPC there is a logical explanation and therefore, a possible resolution.

Sl Symptom and issue Probable reason and Resolution
1 Salary income shown at higher figure than entered In Salary Schedule higher figure is reported under Gross salary which should be excluding Exempt income (such as allowance which are exempt etc). Taxpayer may have mentioned allowance in Exempt Income and may have deducted the same to arrive at a lower net figure in the final calculation. However, the Exempt income is to be mentioned only for reporting purposes and should not be used in any calculation.
2 Loss under House Property due to Interest paid on loans is not allowed In the House property Schedule the Interest paid value is not entered. Instead only the loss figure is mentioned in the final total. The totals are re-calculated while processing the return from the basic values provided. If the break up values are not provided then the total will be calculated as zero.The other possibility is that even if the House Property Schedule was correctly filled, the taxpayer has not claimed the loss in Schedule CYLA. Therefore, even if loss is correctly shown in Sch HP, the adjustment of this loss is not automatic. It has to be entered in the first row against Salary Income as shown to indicate that this loss is adjusted against salary income.
3 Tax payment is not allowed BSR code, Challan number and date of deposit may have been incorrect since any mismatch may lead to rejection of tax payment. Date of deposit of challan cannot be beyond or after date of filing of return.Taxpayer should NOT report tax payments made by Deductors as given in Form 16 or Form 1 6A as their own payment under Schedule IT. This is meant ONLY to enter tax payments DIRECTLY made by taxpayer himself.
4 TDS credit is not allowed Taxpayer should ensure that the TAN number is valid and as per the Form 1 6A issued by Deductor.PAN number of Deductor should NOT be mentioned in place of TAN.In many cases Deductors may have given TDS certificate with certain TAN but submitted TDS return to Department under different TAN. This may happen where many group concerns operate in a flexible manner. This should be verified by cross-checking against the 26AS statement for the taxpayer which is available through NSDL or at the e-filing website. Any error by Deductor should be immediately pointed out and correction ensured
5 Chapter VI A deduction specially 80C deduction is not allowed While filling in Deductions in Chapter VI – A, taxpayer must ensure to fill up the breakup showing all individual Section-wise deductions such as 80 C etc, and then mention the Total Deduction claimed. At the time of processing, it is not clear under what section is the deduction claimed if details are not given. Since each deduction has different limits and eligibility, it is not possible to allow deduction only from the total.
6 Deduction under Chapter 80G or 80IA etc is not allowed. Details u/s 80G in Sch 80G (where the Schedule is available in the return- ITR 4, 5 and 6) along with correct totals may not have been entered, before claiming the total in Chapter VI-A. Similarly, other schedules such as 80IA/IB etc must also be filled in where relevant schedules are in the ITR , before claiming Deductions in Chapter VI-A. Mentioning only the final total values in Chapter VI A Schedule or the total Deduction is not sufficient.
7 Tax Rate applied by CPC is not as per rates for Female Taxpayers or Senior citizens or for firms or domestic company.MAT is applied Taxpayer may have entered Gender as Male or entered date of birth incorrectly. Alternatively, taxpayer may have entered these details correctly but the details are different in PAN database, in which case the data in PAN database has to be corrected by taxpayer by giving proof and details.For assessee filing return ITR 5, Status (such as Cooperative Society, Firm, etc) in the General Information Portion may not have been selected correctly. Incorrect status selection can lead to taxation at higher rate or disallowance on specific deductions like 80P, etc.For taxpayers filing ITR 6, the correct selection while opting for item under General Information relating to ‘If a Domestic Company’ must be made. Domestic companies MUST NOT select “N” here – which implies that taxpayer is stating that company is a Foreign Company. When ‘N’ is selected the tax rate applicable to Foreign Companies will be applied, leading to higher taxation.Schedule MAT MUST be filled by all taxpayers filing ITR 6 irrespective of whether the book profit calculations result in application of provisions of MAT. Taxpayer may not have calculated MAT.
8 Income from Business is not correctly computed

There are many reasons for variation in Income From Business:While entering Totals (for ex Total Duties and Taxes etc), breakup is not given. Value entered in Sl no 42 (Depreciation) (where Books of Accounts are maintained) should match the value in Sch BP: Sl no 11 (Depreciation debited to P&L Account)Profit Before Tax (and not Profit After Tax) should be entered in item 1 of Sch BP.Depreciation allowable under IT Act u/s 32(1) (ii) must be as per Sch DEP. When Schedule Profit and Loss is filled with a claim for depreciation but depreciation amount is either not added back at item A1 1 in Schedule BP or details of depreciation in plant and machinery and other assets are not filled by the assessee in Schedule DPM, DOA and Schedule DEP, this may lead to disallowance of depreciation.

Schedule DPM, DOA and DEP should NOT be left blank if Depreciation is being claimed. Entering total value of Depreciation in Sl A12 in Schedule BP WITHOUT entering DPM, DOA, DEP will lead to disallowance of Depreciation.

Where block ceases to exist, enter correct value in Cap.Gains / Loss u/s 50. Under NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE should item 16 be filled. Negative value, if entered in Sl 16, implies that block ceased to exist and then no Depreciation will be allowed for that block.

Where P&L account is filled and includes Deemed income u/s 44AD, 44AE 44AF etc, ensure that relevant figures in A4 and A33 in Sch BP are correctly filled

Total of Deemed Income (IF NON ZERO) under Sections 44AD , 44AE, 44AF, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA, 44BBB, 44D, 44DA, Chapter XII-G and First Sch of IT Act as per Sl no 33 of Sch BP) should not be hence lower than Sl no 4 of Sch BP.

In case nature of business does not include Tea/Coffee/Rubber, the net profit or loss from business or profession after applying Rule 7A,7B, 7C in A37 should be entered as the same value as arrived in Sl no 36 of Sch BP.

Where Schedule OI is filled with details of disallowances or amounts which are to be added back to income due to the provisions like 36, 37, 40, 40A, 43B, assessee must fill in the details in Schedule BP in arriving at the income from Business and Profession. This is because at the time of processing these disallowances are taken from Schedule OI and applied to relevant items in Sch BP. This will result in increase of Income under Business due to these disallowances.

9 Losses brought forward from previous years has not been allowed Before claiming adjustments in Sch BFLA, ensure that Schedule CFL is not left empty. The correct breakup of the losses claimed for setoff must be filled in Sch CFL which alone will be considered for Schedule BFLA. Direct entries in Schedule BFLA without any entry in Schedule CFL will not be entertained, thus leading to demand due to disallowance of claim for adjustment of brought forward loss.Unabsorbed depreciation loss MUST be included in CFL against appropriate year or in case it relates to prior to AY 2002-03 period then it MUST be entered in the row relating to AY 2002-03. ONLY if the unabsorbed Depreciation is entered in CFL, then it will be allowed in Sch BFLA calculation.In Sch BFLA, enter all adjustments correctly. Do not leave blank as system will not allow adjustments of brought forward loss unless claimed in Sch BFLA.
10 Capital Gain is not correctly calculated

Start from full value of consideration in Capital Gain schedule. DO NOT ENTER ONLY FINAL VALUES. Enter the correct breakup to arrive at STCG and LTCG values. Do not leave blank any intermediate figures such as Full Value of Consideration etc.Ensure that the value entered in Sch CG under LTCG Proviso (option under proviso to S.112(1) is exercised) is also correctly entered in Sch SI under LTCG proviso (Section 22). All Capital gain tax calculations are as per special rates given in Schedule SI. In case this is not correctly entered then the calculation may differ. In most cases taxpayers have entered capital gains in CG schedule at 20% tax rate, but in Schedule SI entered in code corresponding to 10% rate by mistake. In such cases tax may be calculated at both these tax rates.Verify that correct quarterly breakups for LTCG and STCG are provided inSch CG and the total of the quarterly breakups match with the respective values in Sch SI (taxable Income after adjusting Min Chargeable to Tax) after set off of all losses.

Ensure that the value entered in Sch CG under STCG 111A is also correctly entered in Sch SI under STCG 111A (Section 1A) Enter correct breakup of STCG 111A and other than 111A in Sch CG.

How to submit an Online Rectification request

Steps Particulars
Step 1 Logon to ‘e-Filing’ Portal www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in
Step 2 Go to the ‘e-File’ menu located at upper-left side of the page ⇒ Click ‘Rectification’
Step 3 Choose the options of ‘Order/Intimation to be rectified’ and ‘Assessment Year’ from the drop down list. Click ‘Continue’
Step 4 Select any one of the following options of ‘Request Type’ from drop down list.

  • Tax credit mismatch correction only – On selecting this option, following check boxes will be displayed.

o   TDS on Salary Details

o   TDS on Other than Salary Details

o   TDS on transfer of Immovable property/Rent

o   TCS Details

o   IT Details

You may select the check box for which data needs to be corrected.
You can add a maximum of 10 entries for each of the selections. No upload of an Income Tax Return is required.

Note: This option is available only for ITR 1 for AY 2019-20. For remaining ITRs for AY 2019-20 this option is not available, so the assesse should use Return Data Correction (XML) option for rectifying tax credit mismatch.

  • Return data Correction (XML) – Select the following

o   Reason for Rectification by clicking the button made available. (maximum of 4 reasons)

o   Schedules being changed

o   Donation and Capital gain details (if applicable)

o   Upload XML, and

o   Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) (if available and applicable)


o   When the user is uploading XML, the Gross Total Income and Deductions amount should be the same as in the processed return.

o   For AY 2018-19 the assesse should select ‘Filing Type’ as ‘Rectification’ in the ITR utility and upload the XML

  • Only reprocess the return – On selecting this option, user needs to just submit the rectification request.
    Note: User can verify the Form 26AS details under My Account ⇒ View Form 26AS and Tax Credit Mismatch under My Account ⇒ Tax Credit Mismatch
  • Correcting Status (Only for ITR-5 & 7) (Till AY 2018-19) – On selecting this option, the user should select the status applicable from the displayed drop down, answer the additional questions asked and upload the necessary attachments to submit the request.
  • Correcting Exemption Section Details (only for ITR-7) (Till AY 2018-19) – On Selecting this option, the user must fill in all the applicable fields and upload the necessary attachments to submit the request.
  • Additional information for 234C – On Selecting this option, the user must fill in all the applicable fields to submit the request.
Step 5 Click Submit to complete the rectification request. A Success message will be displayed and a mail confirming the submission of rectification request will be sent to the user’s registered mail id.
  • Taxpayer can withdraw rectification within end of the day of request, To withdraw rectification request, Click hyperlink ‘Click here to withdraw’
  • Submission of Rectification allowed for both paper filed and e-Filed Returns and for rectification rights transferred to AO.

Republished with Amendments


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  1. Ujain says:

    I have received intimation u/s 143.
    Reason for notice is that changed company from A to B in same assessment year and A company didn’t provided any HRA deductions.So, at the time of filling itr I mentioned HRA for those months iwhich I spend in A company under section 80GG.
    Please provide me solutions .what needs to be done from side?

  2. venkat says:

    143(1) received. found mistake of TAN in TDS schedule. corrected online in the portal. but forgot to note the acknowledgement number. can I get it now

  3. S.L. GULATI says:

    Is it possible to resolve 143a notice via physical speed post letters to AO and CPC only
    as below with all enclosure ——
    Deputy Commissioner of Income tax,CPC
    Centralized processing center
    Post Bag No 1,Electronic City Post Office
    Bangalore -560500

    Sir prior to Ay 2016-2-17,I have filled all ITR in Physical manual forms and repeatedly requested you all that neither I had email connection till 2016 nor received any information via any other source like SMS phone etc except above letter with 3 years demand raised dated on 28.03.2011 for 2009 of Rs 390/ and on 21.03.2012 for 2010 of Rs2490/and on 03.02.2014 for 2012 of Rs 25450/.Total Rs 28330/ in one above letter Vide your only one letter CPC/1617/G8/1620978330 dated 02.09.2016 under 245 u/s1431a.
    I do not agree with your wrongly outstanding demand raised ,because I paid all demands as raised by yourself in my original ITR Forms all 3 years stated . Kindly recheck verify and rectify for 3 years as stated in your letter and write off as being shown yet in records. Two times all documents are enclosed to yourself and separately to Assessing officer civic centre delhi ward 64(2).

    But due to your notice fear and my ill health, I paid total amount of Rs 28330/ via challan vide SBI cheque no 884764 dated 07.111.2016 under head no 400 PAN No AAEPG1567A9 as stated (Copy enclosed) and informed on 12.11.2016 speed post. But shocked that still out standing demand exist on my records.
    TOTAL RS 28330/ only in one letter under 245 u/s1431a accordingly I filled up one challan form showing 3 years statement. Alike yourself SBI bank neither denied nor raised any objection but written only 2009-2010 on it’s copy while I have written 3 years.
    There is no fault of mine but being harassed since more than year.

    (ii) I do not agree with your wrongly outstanding demand as stated above with practical genuine cause of delay and my harassment- “Demonetisation w.e.f 8.11.2016 and transfer /reshuffling of bank staff at large etc.”
    Ultimately after great effort requests to bank staff succeeded to get only a copy of 23.04.2012 with fees where it is well evident that my previous ITR statement was correct of AY 2012-13.Where SBI branch(06813) deducted Rs 5490 from my pension income and as usual while separately I paid Rs 9785/ (9500+285) on 23.04 2012 via Challan S.N.00003/ under minor head 300 for AY 2012-2013 for Account code 21 (copy enclosed). Similiar is in the case of 2009 and 2010 as I paid all money via challan through SBI cheques NO 257863 of Rs 2760 /dated11.06.2010 and cheque no 257875of Rs 2350 dated 16.06.2011 under minor head 300 respectively ,but unable to get second copy from bank. As they say it is duty of income tax staff and I am exhausted completely.

    (iii)Sir prior to Ay 2016-2-17,I have filled all ITR in Physical manual forms . Moreover ,as told by many Income tax officers and C.A’s etc as per rule that if no intimation is being sent to me in stipulated period, then ITR-V considered as final as per your rules as happened in my case.Accordingly being 75 years old, hardly I have any previous record& shocked to receive your above notice .
    But i am happy to note that my previous record of 2009 2010 and 2012 tally/match with youself, but there is difficulty in tracing my separate challan as for example- I paid Rs 9785/ (9500+285) on 23.04 2012 via Challan S.N.00003/ under minor head 300 for AY 2012-2013 etc
    Sir it is requested again and again to refund RS 8340 of 2016 and Rs 27640 of 2017 along with additional payment of RS 28330/ as requested above.

    May I know “what else could be done and” whom to beg beg again and again at this age of 76 year’s age for justice”
    Kindly recheck records rectify and refund amount and oblige me with justice.

    Your’s sincerely

    ( Samar Lal Gulati)
    Mob 9868623373
    PAN No AAEPG1567A
    B-3/17c D.D.A.Flats ,
    Keshav puram Lawrence Road
    Email slgulati17@ gmail .com for your convenience

  4. Manoj says:

    Hi Team,

    Hope you all are doing well.

    I have received a Challan from Income Tax Department due to wrong AY Year. Below are the email details which I received.


    Please find attached the Income tax Intimation U/S 143(1) for PAN AYMxxxxx3F with respect to the return of income filed by you for the Assessment Year 2015-16.

  5. Suresh says:

    Dear sir ,
    My Tax liability Rs 95261, tax credit as per 26as Rs 95282. But I got 143(1) for tax demand for Rs 2830.

    I replied in pending actions , the same as above.

    But I didn’t get a reply.

    What should I do.

    Pleaee advise.



  6. Gaurav Goyal says:

    I dont know why all you CA’s and Advocates not giving a simple but mandatory information to file the rectification request. Why are you not telling everyone that if someone gets demand notice u’s 143(1) then while creating xml file in step 4, in which section should the return be filed! Isn;t that the basic necessary requirement of this blog. why are you guys skipping this piece of information? Are you too not sure like we common people?

  7. Sainath says:

    I have filed a return last year. In which I was suppose to enter 2 TAN numbers, but, I had entered only 1 TAN number. I have received a rectification notification from CPC. But, I didn’t check the mail for long time so it as expired and Rectification rights has been transferred to AST. I have met an tax officer, he/she said that to raise a 143 request. I have raised it. meanwhile, they told to contact my AO. I met him and explained the scenario. he told to write a letter with required docs and submit. I did it. So now, I have received the 143 rectification mail. when I’m trying to rectify it online. It is showing that rectification rights moved to AST. So should I wait till that Officer resolves my issue or is any other way.

    Thank you.

  8. ANIL JAGDALE says:

    What is reason for charging interest u/s 234B and 234C when the income is declared u/s 44AF when provision of advance tax are not applicable u/s 44AD(4)? –

  9. Ummar Muhammad says:

    I got the intimation u/s 143(1) because the TDS amount which I claimed in ITR & my deductor has deducted has not been credited to the Central Government account. I filed the ITR based on the TAN and the salary statement.
    In short my deductor deducted but not payed to Government account and I claimed.
    What should I do?

  10. Raj Nigam says:

    I received a notIce u/s 143(1),TDS is mismatching, but it is shown in 26AS and no mismatch comments in NSDL I am a sr citizen. Pls guide me

  11. Bajaj says:

    Company e-files Form VI for Assessment Year 2012-13. Intimation u/s 143(1) not allows Depreciation as per I Tax Act hence a demand has been raised. Rectification was done and CPC Banglore says SORRY.

    Now how to rectify it so that Demand of Tax gets squared up on allowing Depreciation as per Income Tax Act.

  12. Vinita naidu says:

    True.. I have a mismatch for both AY 2009-10 & AY 2010-11. CPC has considered wrong gender and calcualted the tax.. have been sending me reminders u/s 143(1). when i filed for retification on gender mismatch they simply rejected it. when called CPC cuostomer carem they ask to call E filing Customer care service. 180042500025.. this number is out of order. ITR customer case has nerver ending waiting. they ask to wait for 3-4 mins and keeps the call on hold for 10-20 mins.. really pethetic services by CPC and Income tax department.

  13. Dhanesh N Manik says:

    In my 2012-13 ITR4 return, I had claimed Rs. 83141/= earned as book royalty exemption under Section 80QQB and I had also saved under cpf, life insurance premium and had claimed Rs. 100000 under section 80C. Therefore, the total deductions under Chapter VI A should be Rs 183141/=, which was calculated by the spreadsheet given by them. However, they have given exemption only for Rs.100000/= I had filed a rectification request and mentioned tax/credit mismatch. But this was rejected. Can I once again file a rectification request with an appropriate heading? Please let me know this heading. Thanks.

  14. afjal says:

    Recived Intimation U/s 143(1) demand of tax for AY 2010-2011 Date of order 11/02/2011
    I come to know that i have claimed depreciation twice i wan to file rectification statement can i fill..?
    Is there any specific time limit for rectification statement filling..?

  15. Raj K says:

    CPC has goofed up millions of returns in AY 2009-10. A huge number of demands are wrong. In many cases, they have just added short term capital and long term capital gain(exempt) to come up with tax demands. Inspite of their mistake, they continously ask taxpayers to rectify and many times just reject on flimsy ground. CPC has been a complete disaster for common tax payers who disclose long term capital gains. The management running CPC should be behind bars for this gross lack of efficiency.

  16. AMIT JAIN says:

    i have filled the return for the a.year 2012-13 in which i have Deposit rs. 1000 self assessement tax after claim a 80-C deduction RS. 23598 under chapter VI-A BUT AS COMPUTED U/S 143(1) deduction only rs. 2848 allowed AND DEMAND raised. kindly guide me which option i opt to rectify the intimation.
    my mail id is amit20jain@yahoo.com

  17. ASHOKI DOSHI says:

    I have filed online request for Rectification of intimation U/s 143(1) for A.Y. 2011-12 today . There was tax payment not matched as per CPC order ( TDS CREDIT MISMATCHED ). At the time of submission of Online Rectification Request there was two option – one is no further data correction required and process the return and other is correction in data required .I have selected no further data correction required and option as tax credit mismatched and i have submitted the Rectification request .At the time of Submission of request they not asked for XML File . Whether I have selected right option or not ?

  18. Govind says:

    Received intimitation from IT dept under 143(1). There is not provision in website of incometax dept to file rectification for AY 2012-13.

    When it will be activated ??

  19. PRAKASH KOCHAR says:

    A return for lady was submitted putting PAN of her husband. resulted in demand as the higher limit was not allowed.
    Whether mistake of wrong pan can be rectified. Intimation was received in the name of male assessee but income and return was actually for lady. Due to oversight mistake in putting PAN occoured, though the name on return was put of a lady.


    PLEASE PROVIDE following format CPC Comm. Ref. No.
    Please provide proper resolution how to write cpc no

    CPC Reference No :


    I want to file ITR by e-filling of assesment year 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 both year due to some error filling last time .Is that possible by e-filling. I tried online e-filling but i am not able to fill .There is a place need to fill CPC no for assesment year 2011-2012 but i am not able to find out . Pl help me to short out this issue asap.

  22. N C Gupta says:

    I have just filed my e-return for a.y. 2012-13 but later realised that I forgot to write figures of exempted income( dividends and long term equity capital gains) in EI schedule. What should I do. Please advise.
    N C Gupta

  23. Goutam Biswas says:

    At the time of e-return submitting for AY 2012-13 , I have forgotton to show a donation amount of Rs. 5000/- under 80G. How can I correct ?

  24. V.B.LAKSHMI says:

    Dear sir i quoted TAN of deductor wrong and after receiving the refund amount i received an intimation u/s 143(1) and i filed rectification request bye corrections in earlier return and uploaded and recieved the acknoledgement but i forgot to upload the revised return and my rectification request got rejected.

    Now what is the remedy available.

    Now i uploaded the revised return making correction in TAN of deductor.

    Can i now again put a rectification request.

    kindly suggest me.

  25. Sanjoy says:

    For AY2009-10 I have received an Intimation Notice U/S 143(1) stating that there is an additional tax liability on my part. However, on reading the details, I have discovered that the IT/CPC has not considered the LTA deductions as well as the Chapter 80C deductions. How do I proceed ? I have been using e-filing for years al-together and there has been no issues so far. How come just for one year, the CPC missed out giving those deductions.

    E-filing Ack #: 74917830230709, Date: 23-07-2009; AY: 2009-10. The CPC Communication reference # CPC/0910/I2/1001846979 (or CPC/0910/2/1001846979), dated 07-07-2010.


    In Assessment Year 2010-2011 we have wrongly filled up  ITR-5 return form with T.C.S.  column instead of T.D.S. column and C.P.C. Assessed my return with T.C.S. now I want to rectify my T.D.S. amount from T.C.S. amount what is the procedure for rectification against C.P.C. Assessment order u/s 143(1) for the Assessment Year 2010-2011 Reference no. CPC/1011/15/1010201465 , PAN – AAOFA1637R , E-Filling Acknowledgement  no. 1652154220300910,  Date of E-Filling 30/09/2010, CPC order Date – 17/03/2011

  27. Ajay Kumar Khaitan says:

    In my ITR-2 for A.Y. 2010-11 I forget to fill TDS shedule, Intimation received U/S 143(1) from CPC, what should I do now to claim my TDS refund.

  28. N.K.PUROHIT says:

    What is reason for charging interest u/s 234B and 234C when the income is declared u/s 44AF when provision of advance tax are not applicable u/s 44AD(4)?

  29. CA Ashok Aggarwal says:

    In my two cases CPC failed to rectify intimation for correcting advance payment of taxes amounting more than Rs. 50,000 while Form 26AS gives credit for such advance taxes.

  30. Naveen says:

    When i filed by return TAN of my employer was wrong. Basis the same, CPC issued the demand. I had filed the rectification request in the month of July 2011. However, till date the same is not processed by the CPC. The assessment year is suppose to end on 31/03/12. So Should i revise the return with correct TAN so that i can get the TDS credit.. Pl suggest

  31. CA Kedar Gokhale says:

    Very correct. We have a habit of quickly passing on the bucks to the Departmental software. I have noticed that mismatches arise only when some short cuts are applied in last hour rush for filing of ITR. If ITR filled carefully understanding the logic behind each schedule and Annexure, linking of allowances, disallowances from schedules and annexures to computation of income then no mismatch occures.

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