F.No. System/ITBA/Instruction/Administrative/178/2016-17/
Dated: 24.10.2016
All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income-tax/ CCsIT (By Name)
All Principal Commissioner of Income-tax/CsIT/CsIT(CO) (By Name)
Subject: Launch of Income Tax Business Application (ITBA) – Administrative Functions Module Phase-3 (Registration of Valuers) – Reg.
Income Tax Business Application Functions Module -Registration of Valuers – Reg.
This is in reference to the subject mentioned above. The functionality for Registration of Valuers is available in Administrative Functions module of ITBA w.e.f. 10.10.2016.
2. The Administrative functions module of the ITBA can be accessed by entering the following URL in the browser: https://itba.incometax.gov.in
The path for Administrative Functions module is: ITBA Portal -*Login Modules -3 Administrative Functions
3. Following functionalities shall be available through ITBA – Administrative Functions Module, Phase-3:
A. Valuer Approval: The application for the Valuer Approval will be initiated through control register. On successful initiation, Pendency will be created in the worklist of user initiating the workflow.. Consequently, user will have following functionalities to process an application:
i. Digitisation of application: User will be able to enter the details of application for further processing.
ii. Verification of application: Under verification, the user will be able to determine whether the application is properly filled and meets the prescribed eligibility norms for approval.
ITBA-Administrative Functions Instruction No.3
iii. Generation of deficiency letter: If the application is found to be deficient on verification, then user will be able to generate a deficiency letter.
iv. Generation of hearing notice and recording hearing details : In case prior to disposal of application, the user wants to offer an opportunity to the applicant for seeking clarification/ additional details then facility to generate hearing notice and record hearing details is available.
v. Generation of approval/rejection letter: Finally the User can generate and issue letter of approval/ rejection to the applicant.
The PrCCsIT/CCsIT, Headquarter of PrCCsIT/CCsIT and Staff of Headquarter will have access to the above mentioned functionality. Work can be both delegated and submitted online. However the privilege to accord approval/rejection is with the PrCCsIT/CCsIT only.
B. Dashboard: The dashboard for Administrative Functions Module is accessible through Administrative Functions Home Page. Facility to view the count of cases under various stages of processing will be available to the User..
The path for the same is Administrative Functions Home Page Dashboards
4. A functionality to capture existing approved cases for various Processes Types, viz. Hospital approval; Income Tax Practitioner; Registered Valuer, Recognised Provident Fund, Approved Superannuation Fund and Gratuity Fund shall also be made available shortly. Users are expected to use this functionality to enter all the approved cases as on date, in the module for record and for future use.
Steps to record the details of Approved cases are as follows:
i. Click Menu > Data entry of existing Approved Cases.
ii. Select Process Type.
iii. Select the Status as Approved.
iv. Enter the PAN and tab out.
v. Enter the Registration No. / Approval No. and Approval Date (Period of Approval for Approval of Hospital).
vi. Enter the Name of the Fund (in case of Gratuity, Superannuation and Provident Fund).
vii. To add Attachments, if any, click Add Attachments.
viii. Click on submit.
ix. The Approved cases will be visible in Control Register under Menu.
5. Functionality for Hospital approval U/sec 17 of the IT Act and registration as Income Tax Practitioner are already available to the Users as part of Phase -1 w.e.f. 22/08/2016 and Users are expected to use the same for processing applications for Hospital approval and Registration as ITP. In this regard, ITBA-Administrative Functions Instruction No.-1, issued vide No. System/ITBA/Instruction/ Administrative /178/2016-17/8690-8777 dated 22.08.2016 may be referred. Similarly, functionality for Recognizing/Approving Provident Funds and Superannuation & Gratuity Funds respectively has also been made available to Users through ITBA-Administrative Functions Instruction No.-2, issued vide F.No./ITBA/ Instruction/Administrative/178/2016-17/8690-8777 dated 14/10/2016. All applications for such approvals/registrations should henceforth be processed using the Administrative Function module only.
6. Relevant users will need their individual name based department email IDs and RSA The username and passwords will be communicated on their respective email ID. The log in to the system will be through the username and password (sent on individual email ID) along with the RSA token over the Taxnet nodes. Users are advised to contact their respective RCC Admin for name based department email ID.
7. Users on Windows XP system are advised to download the Chrome (version 43) or Firefox (version 36) browser (if unavailable) from ITBA Portal -4 Download PreRequisities to access the new ITBA application.
8. Training material including user manual, help content and frequently asked questions (FAQs) are available on the Administrative Functions Module Home Page and on ITBA Portal —> Online Training on ITBA. Users can refer to these online resources in case of any problem. Users can access the Online training functionality to access the following User Manual, Step by Step, Frequently Asked Questions, and a Power Point Presentation to understand how to use the Administration Function module for processing requests for valuer approval by the PCCIT/CCIT. A screen shot displaying the Online Training resource is made available on the following page
9. Users are advised to contact helpdesk in case of any issues in respect of the ITBA.
A. URL of helpdesk – http://itbahelpdesk.incometax.net
B. Help desk number – 0120-2772828 – 42
C. Email ID – helpdesk messaging@incometax.gov.in
D. Help desk Timings – 30 A.M. – 7.30 P.M. (Monday to Friday)
Yours faithful
(Ramesh Krishnamurti)
Addl.DG(S)-3, CBDT, New Delhi