Intent to reduce tax liability need to be established before invoking explanation 3 to section 43(1)
Case Law Details
Case Name : M/s. Continental Device India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi)
Related Assessment Year : 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2009-10
Courts :
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Brief of the Case
ITAT Delhi held In the case of M/s. Continental Device India Ltd. vs. ACIT that Explanation 3 to section 43(1) is not an absolute rule. The Assessing Officer is empowered to substitute the value. However, such a valuation cannot be substituted where there is no intent to reduce the tax liability. In the instant case, as stated above, the assets as held by M/s. Deltron Ltd. and transferred to the appellant as part of transfer of electronic business on going concern basis cannot b
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