F.No JDIT(S)-1V(1)/WS/2014-15/ Dated: 27th October, 2014
Sub:- New Website- Contents reg.
It is to bring it to your notice that the new Departmental website has been made operational with entirely a new frame and flavour added with new contents, information and number of new links. The website contains separate pages for Pr. CCIT (CCA) regions and Director Generals which contains content such as Directory of Officers, CPIO etc. While every care has been taken while uploading the contents and information, there may be some mistakes/omissions or some content may remain to be updated after information is received from the offices concerned/field formations. It is however, requested that all information on the website may be seen for any correction/omission/updation required, which may be brought to the notice of the undersigned. In this connection, the content of the sections like-Who We Are, About Us (For Directorate Generals only), Organization Chart, Directory of Officers, CPIO/Appellate Authority, Grievance Redressal Mechanism (For Field Officers Only), Income tax Office Locator, Exempt Institutions (u/s 10,11,12 &80G) may specifically be examined.
I am directed to further inform you that a system to regularly update the information at the website relating to all offices is to be put in place shortly, through training of Nodal Officers appointed at the level of Pr.CCsIT/DGsIT offices. This training of all the Nodal Officers is proposed to be imparted tentatively in November, 2014. However, till such time this training is imparted, the central webmaster team at Directorate of Systems shall do the needful.
It is therefore requested to go through all the contents on the website including those pertaining to your region/Directorate general in particular and point out the mistakes or omissions that may have occurred if any, also updation/ changes is required, the details of the same may be forwarded to the [email protected].
Your Faithfully,
Rajendra Singh, Joint Director of Income Tax (System)-IV(1), New Delhi
on 18th june 2013, a revised result of ITI DE- 2012 was declared vide F,No. DE/Validation of Keys/DIT/2012/1124 dt. 18/06/2013. But no order regarding this matter was uploaded on site.kindly upload the order mentioned.