Welcome to Charity Organisation website. Now we will understand the procedure for online submission of Trust’s Accounts.
Types of Trust’s Accounts.
There are 2 types of Trusts.
1. Trusts whose annual income is above Rs.5000/-
2. Trusts whose annual income is below Rs.5000/-
Above Rs. 5000
Now we will understand the procedure for online submission of Trust’s Accounts whose annual income is Above Rs. 5000/-
Directions for online submission of trust accounts
1. Before starting for online submission of trust accounts, keep the necessary documents with you and scan and save them on desktop. For list of documents click preliminary procedure.
2. Those documents shall be 150 DPI in size and in black and white.
3. Size of each scanned document shall not be more than 1 MB.
Firstly, move on to the charity organisation website
After clicking on “SUBMIT YOUR TRUST ACCOUNTS”, this window will get opened.
Select the District of the Public Trusts Registration Office where your Trust is registered.
Type your Trust’s Registration Number or Name and click on “SEARCH”. If your Trust’s information is already on the website, then it’s name will appear in the following list.