Principal Special Judge for CBI cases, Chennai, today convicted accused G.Selvakumar, former Income Tax Officer, Chennai and M.Vincent Xavier, a private person and sentenced them to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for five years with a fine of Rs. 26,30,000/- and Rs.17,40,000/ – respectively, for committing forgery, fraud issue of false and forged Income Tax Refund Order in the name of false and fictitious person.The CBI investigation revealed that the accused G. Selvakumar while working as Income Tax Officer, Salary Ward II(8), Chennai during 1996 to 1998 had entered into a criminal conspiracy with M. Vicent Xavier, a businessman and resident of Trichy. In pursuance of the criminal conspiracy, accused G. Selvakumar, by abusing his official position as Public Servant, dishonestly and fraudulently issued 110 Income Tax Refund orders in the name of false and fictitious persons and without receipt of Income Tax Returns to the tune of Rs.94,80,852/ – based on forged `Form 16′, Return form and other supporting documents such as donation receipts, exemption claims in the names of the person for whom he was not authorised to process the return.
Accused Vincent Xavier opened bank accounts at various banks at Chennai, Trichy, Kodaikanal and Paramakkudy in the names of 12 fictitious persons impersonating himself as the assassees, forged signature in the valuable documents and used them as genuine and withdrew the proceedings to the tune of Rs.91,59,659/ – causing wrongful loss to the Income Tax Department with corresponding wrongful gain to themselves.
Hyderabad Bureau adds: CBI has filed a chargesheet today against the then Chief Manager, Bank of India, Secunderabad; a Joint Director, Treasuries & Accounts Office, Andhra Pradesh Finance Secretariat, and five private persons in the Court of Special Judge for CBI Cases, Hyderabad, for the offences of criminal breach of trust, forgery for the purpose of cheating, using the forged documents as genuine and criminal misconduct. CBI took up this case on the complaint of Bank of India, Hyderabad. CBI investigation revealed that the accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy to cheat the Bank of India, Secunderabad Branch. They defrauded the public funds of Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Mitigation Society (APSDMS) & Andhra Pradesh Vulnerability Reduction Fund Trust (APVRFT) to the tune of Rs.10.13 crores by submitting fake instructions, opening of Current account in the name of Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Tirupati and, thereafter, siphoning of the funds pertaining to ANGRAU. Further, on the fake instructions, they also diverted the public funds of APSDMS and APVRFT to ANGRAU, M/s. Ashoka Builders, Vijayawada and Ayyapp Swamy Deep Marine Systems Society.