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F.No. ADG(TPS-1)/ASKs/Transaction Centre/2017- 18/147
Dated: 25.04.2017
Pr. DGIT (Systems). All Pr. CCsIT/Pr. CsIT. DIT (IPS-I ).
DIT (O&MS), All CIT(Admn. & TPS), All ITO(TPS)
Sub: – Making ASK as a “Transaction Centre” – regarding
Kindly refer to the above.
2. The income Tax Department is committed to promote voluntary compliance with Direct Tax Laws through quality Taxpayer Services and firm administration. The department endeavours to be transparent and fair in its process. It consistently strives for providing efficient services and assisting the taxpayers to discharge their tax obligation. It aspires for continual improvement in its services delivery mechanism by upgrading the infrastructure and skill sets of its employees for ensuring the desired level of taxpayer
3. In view of the above, it is felt by the Department that Aayakar Seva Kendras (ASK) be made as a Transaction Centre. Therefore, to discuss the various aspects for making ASK as a Transaction Centre, a meeting of the members of the committee was held on 22.03.2017 at 5th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001, The following members attended the meeting:-
1. Sh. Aditya Vikram, Pr.DGIT(AdinnleTPS), New Delhi.
2. S.K. Mishra. Pr,CIT-6, New Delhi.
3. Sh. Ajay Kumar Chauhan. Pr. C1T- 12, New Delhi.
4. Sh. Ashok Kumar. Pr.C1T-22, New Delhi.
5. Vipin Chandra. CIT (TDS), Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.
6. Meenakshi Singh, ADG (TP5)-1. CBDT, New Delhi.
7. Vikram Gaul, ADO (Systems)-4, CBDT, New Delhi.
8. Sh. Sunil Sharma, CIT (CPC- (DS),Vaishali, Ghaziabad (U.P.).
4. Various aspects were discussed in the meeting and minutes of meeting have been drawn and duly Minutes of meeting are enclosed herewith for necessary action at your end please.
5. Action taken reports may kindly be sent to this office at the earliest please.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Encl. – As above
Yours faithfully
(Meenakshi Singh)
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue,
5th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus,
New Delhi — 110001, Tel :- 23411131, Fax :-23411780
Sub. : Minutes of meeting on making ASKs a “Transaction Centre” held on 22-03-2017– reg.
The Income Tax Department is committed to promote voluntary compliance with Direct Tax Laws through quality Taxpayer Services and firm administration. The department endeavours to be transparent and fair in its process. It consistently strives for providing efficient services and assisting the taxpayers to discharge their tax obligation. It aspires for continual improvement in its services delivery mechanism by upgrading the infrastructure and skill sets of its employees for ensuring the desired level of taxpayer satisfaction.
In view of the above, it is felt by the Department that Aayakar Seva Kendras (ASK) be made as a Transaction Centre. Therefore, to discuss the various aspects for making ASK as a Transaction Centre. a meeting of the members of the committee was held on 22.03.2017 at 11:00 A.M. in the Conference Hall. 5th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001. The following members attended the meeting:-
9. Aditya Vikram, Pr.DGIT(Admn.&TPS), New Delhi.
10. S.K. Mishra, Pr.CIT-6, New Delhi.
11. Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Pr. CIT-12, New Delhi.
12. Ashok Kumar, Pr.CIT-22, New Delhi.
13. Vipin Chandra, CIT(TDS), Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.
14. Meenakshi Singh, ADG(TPS)-I, CBDT, New Delhi.
15. Vikram Gaur., ADG(Systems)-4,CBDT, New Delhi.
16. Sunil Sharma, CIT(CPC-TDS). Vaishali, Ghaziabad (U.P.).
(II). It was discussed in the meeting that presently the following key services within specified timelines are provided in Aayakar Seva Kendras
Sl. No. | Key Services | Timelines
(From the end of the month in which return/application received/ cause of action arises) |
1. | Issue of refund along with interest u/s 143(1) of the I.T. Act
(a) In case of electronically file returns |
6 months |
(b) other returns | 9 months | |
2. | Issue of refund including interest from proceedings other than section 143(1) of the LT. Act | 1 month |
3. | Decision on application for rectification | 2 months |
4. | Giving effect to appellate/revision order | 1 month |
5. | Acknowledgement of communications received through electronic media or by hand. |
Immediate |
6. | Decision on application seeking extension of time for tax payment or for grant of instalment. | 1 month |
7. | Issue of Tax Clearance Certificate u/s 230 of the I.T. Act | Within 3 working days from the date of receipt of application |
8. | Decision on application for recognition/approval to provident fund/superannuation fund/gratuity fund |
3 months |
9. | Decision on application for grant of exemption to institutions (University, School, Hospital etc.) under section 10(23C) of the I.T. Act | 12 months |
10. | Decision on application for approval to a fund under section 10(23AAA) of the I.T. Act | 3 months |
11. | Decision on application for registration of charitable or religious trust or institution | 4 months |
12. | Decision on application for approval of hospitals in respect of medical treatment of prescribed diseases. | 3 months |
13. | Decision on application for grant of approval to institution or fund under section 80G (5) (vi) of the I.T. Act. | 4 months |
14. | Decision on application for no deduction of tax or deduction of tax at lower rate | 1 month |
15. | Redressal of grievance | 2 months |
16. | Decision on application for transfer of case from one charge to another | 2 months |
(III). Steps which can be taken immediately to make ASK as a Transaction Centre.
1. ITO (IPS) should be given viewing facility of status of all DAKs of all A.Os received at ASK so as to enable the officer to inform the taxpayers about the status of their application, if required. This will also help the ITO (TPS) to get the DAKs including grievances resolved and assist in better monitoring of the disposal of pending grievances with AOs. The viewing facility for ITO (TPS) ought not to he limited only to DAK, but extended to the status of a particular action within ITBA/ TRACES or any other module. It would imply that ITO (TPS) should be given a unique role where he could see the status of progress at any stage within any module, but not able to make any changes/ editing. Further, he should get the rights to print any orders, notices or communication that is available (having being generated by jurisdictional officers) within a module so that he could give it to the applicant.
(Action: Systems Directorate)
2. ITS Vertical be uploaded and the entire TPS vertical should have viewing facility of DAKS including grievances so that taxpayers can be informed about the status of the grievances.
[Action: DIT (TPS-I)]
3. Two professionals of specialized services manning each of ASKs possibly through a centralized tendering be hired and may be named as -ASK Sahayak”. The ASK Sahayak will assist the ITO TPS in monitoring and overseeing the work dealt with by Aayakar Seva Kendra and also in monitoring the grievances. The ASK Sahayak will assist the taxpayer in technical assistance at ASK, if required. Technical assistance to be made available to all the taxpayers who are visiting the ASK may be like suggesting 1TR forms required keeping view the nature and sources of income etc. and supply them with the information or assistance in finding right forms and any order or communication that is issued to them by the Department (e.g. Rectification, Assessment or Intimation order, notices or acknowledgements). To provide satisfactory services at the ASK Centres, it would be desirable to have such personnel deployed after hiring their services that have expertise to deal with public and excel in handling complaints. Services of expert service providers may be hired for this
[Action: DIT (TPS-I)]
4. All Aayakar Seva Kendras (ASK) be upgraded to e-Nivaran module by 30thJune, 2017. This will help in better supervision of all DAKs including Grievances. ASK Centres may have to be given a special role within e- Nivaran module for this purpose. In this way, ASK Centres may be able to input a grievance on behalf of the assessee directly and will be registered as one.
(Action: All CCsIT/ Systems Directorate)
5. Sevottam Module be discontinued from 30th June. 2017 and the ASK be upgraded to e-Nivaran module. DAK should not be received on Sevottam Module where e-Nivaran module is in working.
(Action: All CCsIT/ Pr.CsIT)
6. It was pointed out by the members of the committee that whenever any grievance is received it is shown pending with A.O. and also with Range Head and Pr.CIT thereby showing overall Grievances in exaggerated numbers. After detail discussion it has been decided to recommend that only those grievances which are not resolved by the A.O. within the timelines as prescribed in the Citizen Charters be escalated to the Range Head and Pr. CITs.
(Action: Systems Directorate)
7. Transfer policy with regard to transfer and posting of ITOs be amended and ITO (TPS) be posted for a normal tenure of one year and on good performance be given choice posting. This will depend on getting disposed off all DAKs including grievances within the timelines as prescribed in the Citizen Charters.
(Action: All Pr.CCsIT/Admn.)
8. A counter at all ASK be provided to facilitate the taxpayers for assistance by the people of NSDL/UTIIL/Aadhar Centres for allotment of PAN and TAN. These partners/service providers (with the exception of UIDAI) are under a contract with the Department. Therefore, the respective Directorates will have to modify their terms of engagement to provide for this kind of ready assistance at the ASK Centres to taxpayers.
[Action: DIT (O&MS)/Pr.CsIT]
9. It has been decided by the committee that to help the taxpayers a “May I Help You” counter be made at all ASKs manned by an experience staff under the supervision of ITO (TPS). And preferably, these counters be manned by professionals hired as suggested at point number 3.
[Action: DIT (O&MS)/Pr.CsIT]
10. It has been decided that list of TRPs in the City/District/Area with complete address and contact Number be displayed in ASKs to facilitate the taxpayers to take the services of TRPs, if required.
[Action: Pr. CsIT/ITO(TPS)]
11. It was brought to the notice of the committee that some ASKs are facing problem related to installation of Nodes, Speed of the Internet. Bandwidth. It has been decided that for better Taxpayer services CIT(CO.) he requested to provide two nodes at all ASKs and Directorate of Systems be requested to take all measures regarding the speed of Internet/ Bandwidth issues.
[Action: Systems Directorate & CIT (CO)]
12. Em panelled TRPs to he deployed by the vendor agency at ASKs to assist tax payers in filing return of income and rendering technical assistance, if required.
[Action: TRP Vender Agency)
13. As and when any grievance or DAK is disposed off by the AO, a automatic disposal message to be sent to the taxpayer. If such a taxpayer whose grievance has been disposed off visits an ASK Centre, the Centre should be able to print and provide a copy of such message to the visiting taxpayer or a representative.
[Action: Systems Directorate]
14. Budget for running of ASK Centres may be allocated separately by Pr.CCIT to the Nodal Pr.CIT of the ASK Centre for smooth running of the Centre.
(Action: All Pr.CCsIT/Pr.CsIT)
(IV). Road Map for 2017- 18
1. It is planned that Bank KIOSKs for payment of taxes are installed in all ASKs.
2. Digital TRPs through the Scheme `Kar Mitra’ in every District to assist the taxpayers in filing return, as proposed in a separate file.
3. Message is sent to the taxpayer as and when his application is disposed off by the A.O.
4. The Department is resolute in complying with the requirements of IS 15700: 2005 and continually improving the effectiveness of the Service Quality Management System. At present 80 ASKs are BIS certified and 25 ASKs are under process of certification. It is planned that all existing ASK which are approximate 297 to be got certified by BIS to ensure quality services to the taxpayers.
5. Hiring of expert services for deploying a professional at each of the ASK Centres, who will speak with and handle the visiting taxpayers.