Conditions to file Revised VAT Returns for the periods up to April 2011 relaxed in Maharashtra
Dealers in Maharashtra can upload revised sales tax /Vat returns for the periods up to April 2011 for clearing defects in the returns filed by you or for clearing your pending issues under the local Sales Tax laws.
Department has given Above information on its website http://mahavat.gov.in . Official Notification in this regard not yet been released by the Department.
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Condition for filling only one revised return u/s 20(4)a/b/c was made effective from 01/05/11. However the dealers who have filed revised return prior to 01/05/11 were also not able to file revise return again. So there was an error on departments behalf. Now thankfully they have realised it and corrected the same. So no notification/ circular is required for this.
CA Deepak Agrawal