International Financial Services Centres Authority
Circular No. IFSCA/CMD-DMIIT/MDR/2022/01 Dated: December 14, 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Format of the Monthly Development Report (MDR) and the Monthly Activity Report (MAR) to be submitted by the Stock Exchanges in IFSC
1. The Stock Exchanges in IFSC have been submitting MDRs and MARs to IFSCA on a monthly basis.
2. Pursuant to discussions with the Stock Exchanges, with a view to ensure uniformity in the reporting of monthly developments and activities at the Stock Exchanges, the formats of the MDR and MAR have been revised and copies of the same are enclosed as Annexure A and Annexure B, respectively.
3. The Stock Exchanges are advised to submit the required information in the enclosed format within 10 days from the close of each month from the month of January 2023 onwards.
This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred by Section 12 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 to develop and regulate the financial products, financial services and financial institutions in the International Financial Services Centres.
Yours faithfully,
Praveen Kamat
Deputy General Manager
Division of Market Infrastructure Institutions and Technology
Capital Markets Department
Tel: +91-79-6180 9820