Brainstorming is a creative group problem-solving technique and a great way to gather ideas that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group. This Technique is sparingly used in almost all Projects.
Reverse Brainstorming, on the other hand, flips traditional brainstorming techniques upside down, allowing you to approach complex problems from a different perspective. Instead of trying to solving a problem, Reverse Brainstorming generates ideas to make the problem worse. Then, you reverse those ideas to discover new ideas for solving your original problem.
Ordinary brainstorming asks participants generate Ideas to solve problems. Reverse brainstorming asks participants to come up with great ways to cause a problem or Create Obstacles to the Objective. It Start with the problem and ask “how could we cause this?” Once you’ve got a list of great ways to aggravate problem, you’re ready to start solving them.
Regular brainstorming will often take you in many different directions at the same time, which often leads to wasted time as it is easy to drift away from the original problem. Reverse Brainstorming, however begins by clearly defining the problem and writing it down on a sheet of paper. The ‘reverse’ aspect comes from the next step which is to phrase the problem or issue the opposite way around, that is reverse the problem to focus on the opposite of what you want to do. This Triggers Negative Comments to Find Positive Solutions.
Reverse Brain Storming – Process:
Following Steps are Involved in this Process
> State the Problem
> Reverse the Problem
> Generate Ideas on the Reverse Problem
> Reverse the Ideas
> Evaluate the Ideas & Find Solution
Example of How to Reverse the Problem :
For Example the Problem Statement (Objective) is “How to Increase Sale”, in the Reverse Brain Storming it is “How to Decrease Sales”
Some more Examples are :
Once you stated Reverse Statement, then brainstorm the reversed problem in order to come up with as many ideas as possible, even though they will have the an entirely detrimental effect on the original problem. After you have a list of ideas on Reverse Brain Storming, you then reverse those as well and apply them to the original problem.
Reverse the Ideas:
Next Step is to Reverse these Ideas and Apply them to the Original Problem. Once you’ve Collected all those great ideas for Reverse Problem Statement, work with your team to reverse each of the Ideas to find Solutions for Original Problem. Some Examples are Exhibited here:
Once you’ve done your bad ideas back into good ones, you can now analyse them to determine which are the best. With your team, go through each idea and prioritize them in whatever way you see fit.
Reverse Brainstorming is a Powerful Technique to spur Creativity and Think Differently. It is a great way to tap into Negative Feelings & Comments, Hostility, Frustration, and Anger, Deficiencies & Defaults as a tool for Positive Problem Solving. The opposite of the answers you found during your Reverse Brainstorming session is likely to be something that can be seen as a Creative Solution to your original problem. By deliberating on Reverse Problem around, you can see the issue from a New Perspective – then, when you return to the actual issue, practical solutions may be clear. It can also be a good way see a process, product, or service from a new and different point of view.
When you find that you are stuck on an issue that is particularly Tricky, Complex and Difficult to find Solutions through traditional methods, try putting this Reverse Brainstorming into action to see what it reveals. It can become a process of discovery, as participants begin to raise Issues and Problems that may have been invisible to management but are major roadblocks for Achieving Organizational Goals. Reverse Brainstorming is the best tool available that can turn a Negative Gripe Session into a Positive Brainstorming Session.
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