Circular No. 866/4/2008-CX
F.No.354/122/2002-TRU (Pt-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of revenue
New Delhi, the 28th February, 2008
Subject: Corrigendum in respect of Circular no. 863/1/2008-CX dated 18th January, 2007 -regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to Circular no. 863/1/2008 dated 18th January, 2008 issued vide F. No.354/122/2002-TRU [Pt.I] and to state that Board has already assigned the said circular number to another Circular (vide F. No. 275/116/2007-CX8A on 2.1.2008) pertaining to filing of appeals in the Supreme Court.
2. Accordingly Circular no. 863/1/2008 dated 18th January, 2008 issued vide F. No.354/122/2002-TRU [Pt.I] may be read as “864/2/2008-CX”.
3. The field formations may be suitably informed
4. Receipt of this circular may please be acknowledged
5. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Limatula Yaden)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India