Processing of applications received in response to Trade Notice No.06/2019-20 dated 16th April, 2019 for import of Peas and Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
TRADE NOTICE NO. 09/2019-2020
New Delhi, Dated the 7th May, 2019
1. RAs of DGFT
2. Customs Commissionerates
3. Members of Trade
4. Joint Secretary (Customs), CBEC, Department of Revenue
Subject: – Processing of applications received in response to Trade Notice No.06/2019-20 dated 16th April, 2019 for import of Peas and Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20.
DGFT vide Trade Notice No.06/2019-20 dated 16.04.2019 has laid down modalities for import of Peas (including Yellow peas, Green peas, Dun peas and Kaspa peas), Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) / Toor dal, Moong dal and Urad dal for the fiscal year 2019-20.
In response to the Trade Notice No.06/2019-20 dated 16.04.2019 more than 6000 applications have been received in the DGFT Hqrs. The process of scrutiny for these applications has been initiated and all applications shall be verified in accordance with the specifications laid down under Trade Notice No.06/2019-20 dated 16.04.2019.
After scrutiny of the applications, the matter shall be placed before the EFC which would allocate the quantity to each eligible applicant and decision taken by the EFC and shall be uploaded on the DGFT’s website by the 10th of June, 2019. The minutes of the meeting of the EFC shall be available on the weblink:
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(S.P. ROY)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Telefax: 011-23062240
Issued from F. No. M-5012/300/2002/PC-2(A)/Vol.V/P-198