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PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 25 (RE-98)/97-02


S.O. (E): In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), the Central Government hereby makes the under mentioned items freely importable into India with effect from 1.8.1998 if imported from SAARC countries namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka or Pakistan subject to the condition that the listed items/goods are in new/ prime condition and are of origin of the countries stated above in accordance with the Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of goods under the Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement) Rules 1995 published with the Notification No. 73/95 – Customs (N.T) dated 7th December, 1995 as amended , of Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Revenue), Government of India. Exim Codes referred hereunder pertains to the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 1997-2002.


020311 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses
020312 00 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in
020319 00 Other
020321 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses
020322 00 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in
020329 00 Other
020410 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled
020421 00 Caracasses and half-caracasses
020422 00 Other cuts with bone in
020423 00 Boneless
020430 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen
020441 00 Carcasses and half-carcasses
020442 00 Other cuts with bone in
020443 00 Boneless
020450 00 Meat of goats
020630 00 Of swine, fresh or chilled
020641 00 Livers
020649 00 Other
020680 01 Edible offal of sheep/goats, fresh/chilled
020690 01 Edible offal of sheep/goats, frozen
020711 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
020712 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
020713 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
020714 00 Cuts and offal, frozen
020724 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
020725 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
020726 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
020727 00 Cuts and offal, frozen
020732 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
020733 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
020734 00 Fatty livers, fresh or chilled
020735 00 Other, fresh or chilled
020736 00 Other, frozen
020810 00 Of rabbits or hares
021011 00 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in
021012 00 Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof
021019 00 Other
030211 00 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster)
030212 00 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawyscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)
030219 00 Other
030221 00 Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus ,Hippoglossus stenolepis)
030222 00 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
030223 00 Sole (Solea spp.)
030229 00 Other
030231 00 Albacore or longfinned tunas (thunnus alalunga)
030232 00 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares)
030233 00 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito
030239 00 Other
030240 00 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excluding livers and roes
030250 00 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus marcrocephalus), excluding livers and roes
030261 00 Sardines (sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus Sprattus)
030262 00 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
030263 00 Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
030264 00 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, scomber australasicus, scomber japonicus)
030265 00 Dogfish and other sharks
030266 00 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
030269 02 Dara excluding livers & roes fresh/chilled
030269 03 Pomfret excluding livers & roes fresh/chilled
030269 09 All other fish fresh or chilled excluding livers & roes
030270 00 Livers and roes
030310 00 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), excluding livers and roes
030321 00 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster)
030322 00 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)
030329 00 Other
030331 00 Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis)
030332 00 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
030333 00 Sole (Solea spp.)
030339 00 Other
030341 00 Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga)
030342 00 Yellowfin Tunas (Thunnus albacares)
030343 00 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito
030349 00 Other
030350 00 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea Pallasii), excluding livers and roes
030360 00 Cod (Gadus, morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excluding livers and roes
030371 00 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus)
030372 00 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
030373 00 Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
030374 00 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, scomber australasicus, scomber japonicus)
030375 00 Dogfish and other sharks
030376 00 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
030377 00 Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, dicentrarchus punctatus)
030378 00 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.)
030379 02 Dara frozen excluding livers & roes
030379 03 Ribbon fish frozen excluding livers & roes
030379 04 Seer frozen excluding livers & roes
030379 05 Pomfret, white/silver
030379 07 Pomfret, black
030379 08 Ghole
030379 11 Thread fin
030379 12 Croacker, grouper, hounder
030379 19 Other frozen fish
030380 00 Livers and roes
030410 00 Fresh or chilled
030420 01 Frozen hilsa fillet
030420 04 Frozen shark fillet
030420 05 Frozen seer fillet
030420 06 Tuna (skipjack, bigeye, etc)
030420 07 Cuttle fish
030420 09 Other frozen fish fillets n.e.s
030490 00 Other
030510 00 Flours, meals and pellets, of fish, fit for human consumption
030520 00 Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
030530 00 Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
030541 00 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo-salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)
030542 00 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii)
030549 00 Other
030561 00 Herrings (Clupea harengus, clupea pallasii)
030562 00 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)
030563 00 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.)
030569 01 Bombay duck, salted, not dried, not smoked
030569 02 Seer without head, salted, not dried, not smoked
030569 03 Sprats
030569 09 Others
040110 00 Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
040120 00 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
040130 00 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
040210 03 Milk food for babies
040210 09 Others
040221 00 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
040229 02 Whole milk
040229 03 Milk for babies
040229 09 Others (e.g., milk cream)
040291 00 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
040299 02 Whole milk
040299 03 Condensed milk
040299 09 Others
040310 00 Yogurt
040390 01 Butter milk
040390 09 Curdled milk & crem & kephir & other fermented or acidified milk or cream
040410 01 Whey, concentrated, evaporated and condensed (liquid/semi liquid)
040410 02 Whey, dry, blocks & powdered
040490 00 Other
040510 00 Butter
040520 00 Dairy spreads
040590 02 Melted butter (ghee)
040610 00 Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese and curd
040620 00 Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds
040630 00 Processed cheese, not grated or powdered (not containing animal rennet or animal fat).
040640 00 Blue-veined cheese
040690 00 Other cheese
040811 00 Dried
040819 00 Other
040891 00 Dried
040899 00 Other
040900 00 Natural honey
070200 00 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled
070310 02 Shallots fresh or chilled
070390 00 Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
070410 00 Cauliflowers and headed broccoli
070420 00 Brussels sprouts
070490 00 Other
070511 00 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce)
070519 00 Other
070521 00 Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var foliosum)
070529 00 Other
070610 00 Carrots and turnips
070690 01 Radishes fresh or chilled
070690 02 Salad beet root fresh or chilled
070690 03 Horse radish
070690 09 Other roots fresh or chilled
070700 00 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
070810 00 Peas (Pisum sativum)
070820 00 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
070890 00 Other leguminous vegetables
070910 00 Globe artichokes
070920 00 Asparagus
070930 00 Aubergines (egg-plants)
070940 00 Celery other than Celeriac
070951 00 Mushrooms
070952 00 Truffles
070960 01 Green chilly
070960 09 Others
070970 00 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach)
070990 01 Olives fresh, or chilled
070990 02 Plantain (curry banana), fresh or chilled
070990 03 Mixed vegetables
070990 05 Pumpkins
070990 09 Other vegetables fresh or chilled n.e.s.
071010 00 Potatoes
071021 00 Peas (Pisum sativum)
071022 00 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
071029 00 Other
071030 00 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach)
071040 00 Sweet corn
071080 01 Terragon
071080 09 Others
071090 00 Mixtures of vegetables
071220 00 Onions
071290 02 Dehydrated garlic powder
071290 03 Dehydrated garlic flakes
071290 04 Dried garlic
071290 06 Potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
071420 00 Sweet potatoes
071490 09 Other edible roots & tubers containing highstarch/inulin
080111 00 Desiccated
080119 01 Fresh
080119 02 Dried coconuts
080290 01 Betel nut, whole
080290 02 Betel nut, split ground
080290 03 Nuts, areca
080300 00 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried
080430 00 Pineapples
080440 00 Avocados
080450 01 Guavas, fresh or dried
080450 02 Mangoes, fresh
080450 03 Mangoes, sliced dried
080450 09 Others, fresh or dried
080510 00 Oranges
080520 00 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas) Clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
080530 00 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia)
080540 00 Grape fruit
080590 00 Other
080610 00 Fresh
080711 00 Watermelons
080719 00 Other
080720 00 Papaws (papayas)
080810 00 Apples
080820 00 Pears and quinces
080920 00 Cherries
080930 00 Peaches, including nectarines
080940 00 Plums and sloes
081010 00 Strawberries
081020 00 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries
081030 00 Black, white or red currants and gooseberries
081040 00 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium
081090 01 Pomegranates, fresh
081090 02 Tamarind, fresh
081090 03 Sapota (chico), fresh
081090 04 Sitafal
081090 05 Custard-apple(ata)
081090 06 Bore
081090 07 Lichi
081090 09 Others, fresh
081110 01 Strawberries whether or not cooked, frozen, not containing added sugar
081110 02 Strawberries whether or not cooked, frozen, containing added sugar
081120 01 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries,loganberries cooked/uncooked not containing added sugar
081120 02 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries cooked/uncooked containing added sugar
081190 01 Other fruits and nuts, uncooked/cooked not containing added sugar, frozen
081190 02 Other fruits and nuts whether or not cooked, frozen containing sugar
081210 00 Cherries
081220 00 Strawberries
081290 01 Mango slices in brine
081290 02 Mango pulp
081290 09 Other
081330 00 Apples
081340 01 Tamarind dried
081340 02 Singoda whole (water nut)
081340 09 Others (except dried citrus fruit), dried
081350 01 Mixtures of nuts
081350 02 Mixtures of dried fruit
090111 01 Coffee arabica plantation `A’
090111 02 Coffee arabica plantation `B’
090111 03 Coffee arabica plantation `C’
090111 09 Coffee arabica plantation other grade
090111 11 Coffee arabica cherry AB
090111 12 Coffee arabica cherry PB
090111 13 Coffee arabica cherry C
090111 14 Coffee arabica cherry B/B/B
090111 19 Coffee arabica cherry other grade
090111 21 Coffee rob parchment AB
090111 22 Coffee rob parchment PB
090111 23 Coffee rob parchment C
090111 29 Coffee rob parchment other grade
090111 31 Coffee rob cherry AB
090111 32 Coffee rob cherry PB
090111 33 Coffee rob cherry C
090111 34 Coffee rob cherry B/B/B
090111 35 Coffee rob cherry bulk
090111 39 Coffee rob cherry other grade
090112 00 Decaffeinated~Coffee, roasted:
090121 00.90 Other
090122 00.90 Other
090190 00 Other
090210 01 Tea green in packets not exceeding 25 grams
090210 02 Green tea in packets>>25 gm but <<=1 kg
090210 03 Green tea in packets>>1 kg but <<=3 kg
090220 01 Green tea in packets>>3kg but <<=20 kg
090220 02 Tea green in bulk
090220 03 Tea green (ball, brick, tablet etc)
090220 04 Tea green waste
090230 01 Black tea in packets not exceeding 25 gm
090230 02 Black tea in packet>>25 gm but<<=1 kg
090230 03 Black tea in packet>>1 kg but<<= 3 kg
090240 01 Tea black in packet>>3kg but<<= 20 kg
090240 02 Tea black, leaf in bulk
090240 03 Tea black, dust in bulk
090240 04 Tea bags
090240 05 Tea black (e.g ball, brick tablets etc)
090240 06 Tea black waste
090300 00 Mate
090411 01 Pepper long
090411 02 Light black pepper and pinheads
090411 04 Black pepper ungarbled
090411 05 Dehydrated green pepper
090411 06 Pepper pinheads
090411 07 Freeze dried green pepper
090411 08 Frozen pepper
090411 09 Other pepper (white)
090412 00 Crushed or ground
090420 01 Chilly
090420 02 Chilly powder
090420 03 Fruits of the genus capsicum
090420 04 Chilly seed
090420 09 Jamaica pepper (pimenta/ all spieces)
090500 02 Vanilla powder
090610 01 Cassia
090610 02 Cinnamon bark
090610 03 Cinnamon tree flowers
090620 00 Crushed or ground
090700 01 Cloves extracted
090700 02 Not extracted (other than)
090700 03 Cloves stems
090830 01 Cardamoms large (amomum)
090830 02 Cardamoms small alleppey green
090830 03 Cardamoms small coorg green
090830 04 Cardamons small bleached, half-bleached/bleachable
090830 06 Cardamom small (mixed)
090830 07 Cardamom powder
090920 02 Coriander powder
090950 02 Fennel powder
091010 02 Ginger unbleached
091010 03 Ginger bleached
091010 04 Ginger powder
091010 09 Other ginger including dried
091020 01 Saffron stigma
091020 02 Saffron stamen
091030 02 Powder
091030 03 Dry
091040 01 Tejpat (leaves of cassia lignea)
091040 02 Thymes
091040 09 Bay leaves
091050 00 Curry
091091 01 Curry powder
091091 02 Mixture of spices (e.g. Charmagaz)
091091 09 Other mixtures
091099 09 Other spices n.e.s
091099 11 Tejpat powder
091099 12 Cassia powder
091099 13 Cumin powder
091099 14 Celery powder
091099 15 Fenugreek powder
091099 16 Dill powder
091099 18 Mustard powder
091099 19 Spices powder, n.e.s
091099 21 Coriander powder
091099 22 Fennel powder
091099 31 Cardamom husk
091099 39 Spices husk/spent, n.e.s.
110100 00 Wheat or meslin flour
110210 00 Rye flour
110220 00 Maize (corn) flour
110230 00 Rice flour
110290 00 Other
110311 01 Groats including semolina
110311 02 Meal of wheat
110312 00 Of oats
110313 00 Of maize (corn)
110314 00 Of rice
110319 00 Of other cereals
110321 00 Of wheat
110329 00 Of other cereals
110411 00 Of barley
110412 00 Of oats
110419 00 Of other cereals
110421 00 Of barley
110422 00 Of oats
110423 00 Of maize (corn)
110429 00 Of other cereals
110430 00 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground
110510 00 Flour, meal and powder
110520 00 Flakes, granules and pellets
110610 00 Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No. 07.13
110620 00 Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading No. 07.14
110620 01 Flour & meal of sago
110620 02 Flour & meal of manioc (tapioca)
110620 09 Flour & meal of other roots & tubers
110630 01 Flour of mango
110630 02 Flour, meal and powder of Tamarind
110630 09 Flour, meal & powder of other fruits falling under the Chapter 8 n.e.s.
120810 00 Of soya beans
120890 00 Other
121190 18 Sandal wood chips and dust
121190 27 Sandal wood chips
121190 34 Basil, hyasop, rose mary sage, savory
121190 35 Canboge fruit rind
121190 36 Lovage
121190 37 Star anise
121190 38 Neem seed
121190 42 Neem leaves/powder
121190 43 Gymnema powder
121190 44 Garcenia
121190 49 Others
121230 09 Others excluding apricot kernels
121299 01 Kokam (cocum) flowers
121299 02 Mohua flowers
121299 03 Unroasted chicory roots
121299 09 Other vegetable products for human consumption, n.e.s
121300 00 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets
121410 00 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets
121490 00 Other
130190 32 Chilli oleoresins
130190 51 Cassia/cinnamon oleoresins
130190 52 Paprika oleoresin
130190 53 Garlic Oleoresins
130190 59 Other balsam and Oleoresins
130219 06 Extracts, Neem
140410 12 Henna leaves
140410 13 Henna powder
140420 00 Cotton linters
140490 01 Bidi wrapper leaves (tendu)
140490 02 Soap-nuts
140490 05 Betel leaves
140490 06 Soap nut powder
140490 07 Indian katha
151590 12 Cardamom oil
151590 15 Niger seed oil
151790 01 Sal fat (processed or refined)
151790 02 Peanut butter
160100 00 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; Food preparations based on these products
160210 00 Homogenised preparations
160220 00 Of liver of any animal
160231 00 Of turkeys
160232 00 Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
160239 00 Other
160241 00 Hams and cuts thereof
160242 00 Shoulders and cuts thereof
160249 00 Other, including mixtures
160290 00 Other, including preparations of blood of any animal
160300 01 Meat extracts & meat juices
160300 02 Fish extracts
160411 00 Salmon
160412 00 Herrings
160413 01 Sardines sardinella & brisling whole or in pieces but not minced prepared or preserved
160413 02 Sprats whole/pieces but not minced prepared or preserved
160414 01 Tunas whole or in pieces but not minced
160414 09 Skipjack & atlantic bonito whole/pieces, not minced
160415 00 Mackerel
160416 00 Anchovies
160419 00 Other
160420 00 Other prepared or preserved fish
160430 00 Caviar and caviar substitutes
160510 00 Crab
160520 00 Shrimps and prawns
160530 00 Lobster
160540 00 Other crustaceans
160590 01 Clams prepared or preserved
160590 09 Other molluscs prepared or preserved
170211 00.90 Other
170219 00.90 Other
170230 01 Glucose liquid
170230 03.90 Other
170240 01 Glucose liquid
170240 03.90 Other
170250 00.90 Other
170260 00.90 Other
170290 09.90 Other
170490 09 Others excluding sweetmeat
190110 01 Malted milk (including powder)
190110 09 Malt extract for infants, for retail sale
190120 00 Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers’ wares of heading No. 19.05
190190 02 Papad
190211 00 Containing eggs
190219 00 Other
190220 00 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared
190230 00 Other pasta
190240 00 Couscous
190300 00 Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms
190410 03 Bulgar wheat
190410 09 Others
190420 00 Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals
190490 00 Other
190530 02 Pastries & cakes
190540 00 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products
190590 00 Other
200110 00 Cucumbers and gherkins
200120 00 Onions
200190 01 Chilli pickles
200190 02 Green pickles
200190 03 Mango pickles
200190 04 Mango chutneys
200190 05 Tomato chutneys & paste
200190 06 Lemon chutneys
200190 07 Tamarind paste/ concentrate/puree
200190 09 Others
200310 00 Mushrooms
200410 01 Chips, fried
200410 09 Other preparations (excluding flakes & the like), frozen
200490 00 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables
200510 00 Homogenised vegetables
200520 00 Potatoes
200540 00 Peas (Pisum sativum)
200551 00 Beans shelled
200559 00 Other
200560 00 Asparagus
200570 00 Olives
200580 00 Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata)
200590 00 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables
200600 00 Vegetables, Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised)
200710 00 Homogenised preparations
200791 00 Citrus fruit
200799 01 Jams, jellies, marmalades etc. of mango
200799 02 Jams, jellies, marmalades etc. of guava
200799 03 Jams, jellies, marmalades etc. of pineapple
200799 04 Jams, jellies, marmalades etc. of apple
200799 09 Jams, jellies, marmalades etc of other fruits
200811 00 Ground-nuts
200819 01 Cashew nut, roasted and/or salted
200819 03 Roasted/fried foods of vegetable products, n.e.s. (dalmot)
200819 09 Other roasted nuts & seed n.e.s.
200830 01 Orange prepared or preserved
200891 00 Palm hearts
200892 00 Mixtures
200899 01 Mango squash
200899 02 Lemon squash
200899 03 Orange squash
200899 04 Pineapple squash
200899 09 Other fruit squash
200899 11 Fruits cocktail, prepared or preserved
200899 14 Guava, prepared or preserved
200980 09 Other fruit juices
200990 00 Mixtures of juices
210111 02.90 Other
210111 09.90 Other
210112 00.90 Other
210120 01 Instant tea
210120 02 Quick brewing black tea
210120 03 Tea aroma
210120 09 Other extracts, essences & concentrates of tea/mate
210130 01 Chicory roasted
210130 09 Other roasted coffee, substitutes, extracts essences & concentrates
210230 00 Prepared baking powders
210390 01 Curry paste
210390 02 Chilli sauce
210390 09 Other mixed condiments & mixed seasonings
210410 00 Soups and broths and preparations therefor
210420 00 Homogenised composite food preparations
210690 01 Soft drink concentrates
210690 02 Pan-masala including scented supari (betel spices prepared)
210690 03 Sugar-syrup containing flavouring/colouring material nes
210690 06 Churna for pan
210690 07 Custard powder
210690 09.90 Other
220110 00 Mineral waters and aerated waters
220300 00 Beer made from malt
220410 00 Sparkling wine
220421 01 Port & other still red wines
220421 02 Sherry & other steel white wines
220421 09 Other wine including grape must
220429 01 Port & other still red wines
220429 02 Sherry & other still white wines
220429 09 Other wine including grape must
220430 00 Other grape must
220510 00 In containers holding 21 or less
220590 00 Other
220600 00 Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry mead); mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified or included
220710 01.10 Concentrates of alcoholic beverages
220710 01.90 Other
220710 09 Others
220820 00 Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc
220830 00 Whiskies
220840 00 Rum and tafia
220850 00 Gin and Geneva
220860 00 Vodka
220870 00 Liqueurs and cordials
220890 00 Other
220900 01 Brewed vinegar
220900 02 Synthetic vinegar
230890 00 Other
230910 00 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale
230990 01 Compounded animal feed
230990 02 Concentrates for compound animal feed
230990 09 Others
240210 01 Bidis
240210 02 Cigars & cheroots
240210 09 Other cigarillos & cigarettes
240220 00 Cigarettes containing tobacco
240290 00 Other
240310 01 Hookah/gooduku tobacco
240310 09 Other smoking tobacco (excluding hookah tobacco)
240391 00 “Homogenised” or “reconstituted” tobacco
240399 01 Chewing tobacco
240399 02 Jarda scented tobacco
240399 03 Snuff
240399 04 Tobacco extracts and essence
240399 09 Tobacco manufactured, nes
250100 01 Common salt (including iodised salt)
271000 01.30 Naptha
271000 41.10 Lubricants in consumer packs upto 20 lts/20 kg
271000 41.20 Greases in consumer packs upto 20 lts/20 kg
282741 00.10 Copper oxychloride
291731 00 Dibutyl orthophthalates
291732 00 Dioctyl orthophthalates
291733 00 Dinoyl or didecyl orthophthalates
291734 00 Other esters of orthophthalic acid
291739 01 Dibutyl phthalate
291739 02 Dioctl phthalate
291739 04 Dimethyl phthalate
291739 09 Others esters of phthalic acid
292090 02 Dimethyl sulphate
310510 00 Goods of this Chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg
310520 00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK)
320810 01 Wire enamel (e.g. terephthalic polyester wire)
320890 01 Wire enamel
321000 01 Distempers
321000 03 Metallic powder/flakes prepared as paints
321000 09.90 Others
321290 02 Dyes in form/packing of a kind sold in retail
321310 00 Colours in sets
321390 00 Other
321490 09 Others
321590 01 Fountain pen ink
330113 00.10 Lemon grass oil in bulk form
330119 01 Citronella oil java type in bulk form
330124 01 Japanese mint oil (ex-mentha arvensis) in bulk form
330124 02 Peppermint oil (ex-mentha piperita) in bulk form
330124 03 Dementholised Japanese mint oil (ex mentha arvensis) in bulk form
330124 04 Mentha Arvensis in bulk form
330129 14 Eucalyptus oil in bulk form
330130 02 Flavouring essences – all types (including those for liquors)
330130 03 Other
330130 09.10 Flavouring essences – all types (including those for liquors)
330130 09.90 Other
330190 00.31 Fennugreek oleoresins
330190 00.32 Ginger oleoresins
330190 00.33 Pepper oleoresins
330190 00.34 Turmeric oleoresins
330190 00.35 Cardamom oleoresins
330190 00.36 Celery seed oleoresins
330190 00.37 Nut meg oleoresins
330190 00.38 Clove oleoresin
330190 00.39 Capsicum oleoresins
330190 00.40 Coriander oleoresin
330190 00.41 Cumin oleoresin
330190 00.42 Fennel oleoresin
330190 00.43 Oleoresins of spices n.e.s.
330190 01 Attars of all kinds in fixed oil base
330190 02 Mustard oil aroma/E. oil
330190 03 Essence of ambrettolide (ambrette seed oil essence)
330190 09.10 Flavouring essences – all types (including those for liquors)
330190 09.90 Other
330190 11.10 Flavouring essences – all types (including those for liquors)
330190 11.90 Other
330190 21.10 Flavouring essences – all types (including those for liquors)
330190 21.90 Other
330210 00.10 Synthetic flavouring essences
330210 00.20 Other
330290 01.10 Synthetic perfumery compounds
330290 01.20 Other
330290 02 Synthetic essential oils
330290 02.10 Synthetic perfumery compounds
330290 03 Aleuritic acid
330290 09.90 Other
330300 01 Eau-de-cologne
330300 02 Rose water
330300 03 Keora water
330300 04 Perfumes and perfumery compounds (excluding aqueous distillates) not for retail sale
330300 05 Perfumes containing spirit for retail sale
330300 09 Spirituous toilet preparations n e s
330410 00 Lip make-up preparations
330420 00 Eye make-up preparations
330430 00 Manicure or pedicure preparations
330491 00 Powders, whether or not compressed
330491 01 Powder, face
330491 02 Powder, talcum
330491 09 Powder, toilet n e s
330499 01 Creams, face
330499 02 Nail polish/lacquers
330499 03 Moisturising lotion
330499 09 Others
330510 01 Hair shampoos (spirituous)
330510 02 Hair shampoos (non-spirituous)
330530 00 Hair lacquers
330590 01 Hair oil
330590 02 Brilliantines (spirituous)
330590 03 Hair cream
330710 09 Other pre or after shave preparations
330720 00 Personal deodorants and antiperspirants
330730 00 Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations
330741 00 Agarbatti and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning
330749 01 Sets of articles used during religious rites (e.g. “Dasangam”, Bibhuti)
330749 09 Others
330790 09 Others
340111 02 Shaving soaps other than shaving cream
340119 01.90 Soap other than industrial soap
340119 02.90 Soap other than industrial soap
340119 03 Tablets and cakes
340119 03.90 Soap other than industrial soap
340119 09 Household & laundry soaps n e s (e.g.liquid)
340120 00.90 Soap other than industrial soap
340220 00.10 Washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents
340220 00.20 Cleaning or degreasing preparations, not having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents of a type classified as consumer goods
340220 00.90 Other
340290 02.10 Washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents
340290 02.20 Cleaning or degreasing preparations, not having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents of a kind classified as consumer goods
340290 03.10 Washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents
340290 03.20 Cleaning or degreasing preparations, not having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents of a kind classified as consumer goods
340290 09.10 Washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents
340290 09.20 Cleaning or degreasing preparations, not having a basis of soap or other organic surface-active agents of a kind classified as consumer goods
340319 01.10 In consumer packs
340399 01.10 In consumer packs
340399 09.10 In consumer packs
340490 01 Sealing wax (including bottle sealing wax) in sticks cakes or similar forms
340600 00 Candles, tapers and the like.
350520 00 Glues
350610 00 Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg
350691 00.10 Based on latex, PF, UF and PVA
350699 01 Synthetic glue with phenol urea/cresol (with formaldehyde) as the main component
350699 09.10 Based on starch gum, dextrine, latex, PF, UF and PVA
370239 00.20 Photographic films (black and white) of 120 size rolls
370242 00.10 Photographic films (black and white) in 620 size rolls
370243 00.10 Photographic films (black and white) in 620 size rolls
370244 00.10 Photographic films (black and white) in 620 size rolls
380820 09.10 Copper oxychloride
381220 00.10 Phthalate plasticisers
381400 09.10 Goods in this subheading of a kind classified as consumer goods
391721 01.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391721 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391722 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391723 01.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391723 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 01.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 02.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 04.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 06.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 07.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391729 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391731 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391732 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391733 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391739 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391740 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
391910 00.90 In consumer packs
391990 01.90 In consumer packs
391990 09.90 In consumer packs
392069 04 Sun/dust controlled polyester film
392210 00 Baths, shower-baths and wash-basins
392220 00 Lavatory seats and covers
392310 01 Plastic container for audio/video casette, casette tapes, floppy disc etc.
392310 02 Watchbox, jewellery box and similar container of plastics
392310 09.10 Plastic packing for accommodating connectors for various types
392310 09.90 Other
392321 00 Of polymers of ethylene
392329 00 Of other plastics
392330 00 Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles
392350 00.10 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures of a kind used in consumer goods
392350 00.90 Other
392390 00.10 Other plastic articles for conveyance and packing of goods of a kind classified as consumer goods
392410 00 Tableware and kitchenware
392490 01 Toilet articles
392490 09 Other articles (excludng toilet)
392610 09.10 Office supplies of a kind classified as stationery other than pins, clips and writing instruments
392610 09.90 Others
392620 01 Aprons
392620 09 Others
392640 01 Bangles
392640 02 Table and other household furniture of plastic for decoration
392640 03 Decorative sheets, plastic imitation jewellery, n.e.s.
392640 04 Plastic imitation jewellery nes
392640 09 Others
392690 02.10 Polypropylene articles of a kind classified as consumer goods
392690 09.10 Other plastic articles of a kind classified as consumer goods
392690 09.30 Hangers
392690 09.90 Other
400110 01 Natural rubber latex not prevulcanised
400110 02 Prevulcanised natural rubber latex
400121 00 Smoked sheets
400122 01 Oil extended natural rubber
400122 02 Chemically modified form of natural rubber including graft rubber
400122 09 Other technically specified natural rubber
400129 01 Hevea
400129 02 Crepe rubber from latex-pale latex crepe
400129 03 Estate brown crepe
400129 09 Other natural rubber non-latex
400130 00 Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums
400591 01 Hospital sheeting
400591 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
400910 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
400950 15.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
400950 19.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
401210 00.10 For buses, lorries and earth moving equipment including bigger size vehicles and light commercial vehicles
401210 00.20 For passenger automobile vehicles including two wheelers, three wheelers and personal type vehicles
401220 00.10 For buses, lorries and earth moving equipment including bigger size vehicles and light commercial vehicles
401220 00.20 For passenger automobile vehicles including two wheelers, three wheelers and personal type vehicles
401320 00 Of a kind used on bicyles
401590 01 Rubber apron
401590 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
401610 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
401699 06 Rubber cushion
420211 01 Travel goods (trunks etc) of leather
420211 02 Toilet cases of leather
420211 03 Satchels and brief cases of leather
420212 01 Toilet cases with outer surface of plastic or of textile materials
420212 04 Plastic moulded suitcases
420212 05 Plastic moulded brief-cases
420212 06 Satchels of textile materials
420212 09 Others
420219 01 Toilet cases with outer surface of other materials
420219 02 Travel goods with outer surface of other materials
420219 03 Satchels & brief cases with outer surface made of other materials
420221 01 Handbags of leather for ladies
420221 09 Other leather hand bags.
420222 01 Hand bags/shipping bags of artificial plastic material
420222 02 Hand bags/shopping bags of cotton
420222 04 Jute hand bags/shopping bags
420222 09 Others
420229 01 Handbags of other materials excluding wickerwork/basket work
420231 02 Wallets and purses of leather
420231 09 Others
420232 01 Jewellery box
420232 09 Others
420291 00 With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather
420292 00 With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials
420400 06 Gloves for use in industry
420500 01.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
420500 02 Semi-chrome grain garments
420500 03 Leather sofa cover
420500 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
420690 00.10 Of a kind classified consumer goods
430310 00.20 Of animals covered under CITES
430310 00.90 Other
430390 00.20 Of animals covered under CITES
430390 00.90 Other
430400 00.20 Other artificial fur
430400 00.90 Articles of artificial fur
441400 00 Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
442010 00 Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood
442090 01 Wood marquetry and inlaid wood
442090 09 Others
442190 11 Wood paving blocks
442190 13 Pencils slates
442190 19 All other articles of wood
450410 00 Blocks, plates, sheets and strip; Tiles of any shape; Solid cylinders, including discs
450490 00 Other
460120 01 Coir mats & matting bound in parallel stand
460120 02 Mats & matting n.e.s. (e.g. grass mats)
460120 09 Others
460191 00 Of vegetable materials
460199 00 Other
460210 01 Palm leaf basket etc.
460210 09 Others
460290 00 Other
480300 00 Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, surface – coloured, surface decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets.
480300 00.90 Others
480710 00 Paper and paperboard, laminated internally with bitumen, tar or asphalt
480790 01 Composite paper and paperboard
480790 09 Others
481140 02 Oiled paper (including oiled manifold/wrapping paper)
481190 08 Leather board and imitation leather board
481190 11 Matrix board
481190 19.90 Other
481310 00 In the form of booklets or tubes
481390 09 Others
481410 00 Ingrain paper
481420 00 Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, coloured, design-printed or otherwise decorated layer of plastics
481430 00 Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper covered, on the face side, with plaiting material, whether or not bound together in parallel strands or woven
481490 00 Other
481500 00 Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size
481690 01 Other copying or transfer papers (excluding printed transfer) cut to size whether or not put in boxes
481690 02 Blotting paper cut to size
481690 03 Calculating machine paper in rolls and strips not exceeding 15 cm in width
481690 04 Monotype & newstape paper in strips, width not exceeding 15 cm with perforated edges
481690 05 Note/letter/foolscape paper cut to size in separate sheets or not put in boxes
481690 06 Type writing paper cut to size
481690 09 Paper cut to size or shape n e s
481710 00 Envelopes
481720 00 Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards
481730 01 Writing blocks
481730 09 Other paper stationery for correspondece containing only an assortment of paper stationery
481810 00 Toilet paper
481820 00 Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels
481830 00 Tablecloths and serviettes
481840 00.90 Others
481890 09 Articles nes of paper pulp paper/paperboard and of cellulose wadding
482010 01 Registers account books
482010 02 Letter pads
482010 09 Others
482020 00 Exercise books
482030 00 Binders, folders and file covers
482040 00 Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets
482090 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
482090 00.90 Other
482190 00.90 Other
482311 00.90 In consumer packs
482319 00.90 In consumer packs
482340 00 Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recording apparatus
482360 00 Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or paperboard
482370 01 Wood pulp board
482370 09.10 Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp of a kind classified as consumer goods
482390 01 Packing and wrapping paper
482390 09.10 Other paper cut to size or shape or articles of paper of a kind classified as consumer goods
490900 01 Greetings cards
490900 09 Others
491110 03 Printed inlay cards etc.
491191 00.90 Others
491199 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
500100 00 Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling
500200 00 Raw silk (not thrown)
500400 00 Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale
500500 00 Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale
500600 00 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste put up for retail sale; silk worm gut
500710 00 Fabrics of noil silk
500720 00.90 Other
500790 00.90 Other
520811 00 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2
520812 00 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2
520813 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520819 00 Other fabrics
520821 00 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2
520822 00 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2
520823 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520829 00 Other fabrics bordered
520831 00 Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2
520832 00 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2
520833 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520839 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520839 00.90 As other fabric
520843 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520849 00.20 As upholstery fabric
520849 00.90 As other fabric
520911 00 Plain weave
520912 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520919 00 Other fabrics
520921 00 Plain weave
520922 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
520929 00 Other fabrics
520931 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520931 00.90 As other fabric
520932 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520932 00.90 As other fabric
520939 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520939 00.90 As other fabric
520941 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520941 00.90 As other fabric
520943 00.10 As upholstery fabric
520943 00.90 As other fabric
520949 00.20 As upholstery fabric
520949 00.90 As other fabric
521011 00 Plain weave
521012 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521019 00 Other fabrics
521021 00 Plain weave
521022 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521029 00 Other fabrics
521031 00 Plain weave
521032 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521039 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521039 00.90 As other fabric
521042 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521049 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521049 00.90 As other fabric:
521111 00 Plain weave
521112 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521119 00 Other fabrics
521121 00 Plain weave
521122 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill
521129 00 Other fabrics
521131 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521131 00.90 As other fabric
521132 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521132 00.90 As other fabric
521139 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521139 00.90 As other fabric:
521141 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521141 00.90 As other fabric
521143 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521143 00.90 As other fabric
521149 00.10 As upholstery fabric
521149 00.90 As other fabric
521211 00 Unbleached
521212 00 Bleached
521213 00 Dyed
521214 00 Of yarns of different colours
521215 00 Printed
521221 00 Unbleached
521222 00 Bleached
521223 00 Dyed
521225 00 Printed
530511 00 Raw
530519 00 Other
530810 00 Coir yarn
530911 00 Unbleached or bleached
530919 00 Other
530921 00 Unbleached or bleached
530929 00 Other
531010 00 Unbleached
531090 00 Other
531100 00 Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; Woven fabrics of paper yarn
540810 00 Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of viscose rayon
540821 00 Unbleached or bleached
551211 00 Unbleached or bleached
551221 00 Unbleached or bleached
551291 00 Unbleached or bleached
551311 00 Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave
551312 00 3-thread of 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
551313 00 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
551319 00 Other woven fabrics
551321 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551321 00.90 As other fabric
551322 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
551323 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551323 00.90 As other fabric
551329 00 Other woven fabrics
551332 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
551333 00 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
551339 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551339 00.90 As other fabric
551342 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
551343 00 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
551349 00 Other woven fabrics
551411 00 Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave
551412 00 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
551413 00 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
551419 00 Other woven fabrics
551421 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551421 00.90 As other fabric
551422 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551422 00.90 As other fabric
551423 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551423 00.90 As other fabric
551429 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551429 00.90 As other fabric
551431 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551431 00.90 As other fabric
551433 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551433 00.90 As other fabric
551442 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551442 00.90 As other fabric
551443 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551443 00.90 As other fabric
551449 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551449 00.90 As other fabric
551512 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551512 00.90 As other fabric
551513 00 Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair
551521 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551521 00.90 As other fabric
551522 00 Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair
551529 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551529 00.90 As other fabric
551591 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551591 00.90 As other fabric
551592 00 Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair
551611 00 Unbleached or belached
551612 00 Dyed
551613 00.10 As upholstery fabric
551613 00.90 As other fabric
551621 00 Unbleached or bleached
551622 00 Dyed
551623 00 Of yarns of different colours
551631 00 Unbleached or bleached
551632 00 Dyed
551633 00 Of yarns of different colours
551634 00 Printed
551641 00 Unbleached or bleached
551642 00 Dyed
551691 00 Unbleached or bleached
551692 00 Dyed
551694 00 Printed
560110 00.90 Others
560811 00 Made up fishing nets
560819 00 Other
560890 00 Other
560900 00 Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading No. 54.04, or 54.05, twine, cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or included
570110 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570190 00 Of other textile materials
570210 00 “Kelem”, “Schumacks”, “Karamaine” and similar hand-woven rugs
570220 00 Floor coverings of cocount fibres (coir)
570231 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570232 00 Of man-made textile materials
570239 00 Of other textile materails
570241 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570242 00 Of man-made textile materials
570249 00 Of other textile materials
570251 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570252 00 Of man-made textile materials
570259 00 Of other textile materails
570291 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570292 00 Of man-made textile materials
570299 00 Of other textile materials
570310 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
570390 00 Of other textile materails
570500 00 Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up
580110 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580110 00.90 As other fabric
580121 00 Uncut weft pile fabrics
580122 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580122 00.90 As other fabric
580123 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580123 00.90 As other fabric
580124 00 Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut)
580125 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580125 00.90 As other fabric
580126 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580126 00.90 As other fabric
580131 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580131 00.90 As other fabric
580132 00 Cut corduroy
580133 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580133 00.90 As other fabric
580134 00 Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut)
580136 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580136 00.90 As other fabric
580190 00.10 As upholstery fabric
580190 00.90 As other fabric
580211 00 Unbleached
580219 00 Other
580220 00 Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of other textile materials
580230 00 Tufted textile fabrics
580310 00 Of cotton
580390 00 Of other textile materials
580500 00 Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made up
581100 00.90 Others
590410 00 Linoleum
590491 00 With a base consisting of needleloom felt or nonwovens
590492 00 With other textile base
590500 00 Textile wall coverings
590610 00 Adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm
590691 00 Knitted or crocheted
590699 00.10 As upholstery fabric
590699 00.90 As other fabric
590700 00.10 As upholstery fabric
590700 00.90 As other fabric
590800 00 Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; Incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated
590900 00 Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials
591140 00 Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like, including that of human hair
600110 00 “Long pile” fabrics
600121 00 Of cotton
600122 00 Of man-made fibres
600129 00 Of other textile materials
600191 00 Of cotton
600199 00 Of other textile materials
600210 00 Of a width not exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread
600220 00 Other, of a width not exceeding 30 cm
600230 00 Of a width exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread
600241 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
600249 00 Other:
600291 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
600292 00 Of cotton
600293 00 Of man-made fibres
600299 00 Other
610110 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610120 00 Of cotton
610130 00 Of man-made fibres
610190 00 Of other textile materials
610210 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610220 00 Of cotton
610230 00 Of man-made fibres
610290 00 Of other textile materials
610311 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610312 00 Of synthetic fibres
610319 00 Of other textile materials
610321 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610322 00 Of cotton
610323 00 Of synthetic fibres
610329 00 Of other textile materials
610331 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610332 00 Of cotton
610333 00 Of synthetic fibres
610339 00 Of other textile materials
610341 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610342 00 Of cotton
610343 00 Of synthetic fibres
610349 00 Of other textile materials
610411 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610412 00 Of cotton
610413 00 Of synthetic fibres
610419 00 Of other textile materials
610421 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610422 00 Of cotton
610423 00 Of synthetic fibres
610429 00 Of other textile materials
610431 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610432 00 Of cotton
610433 00 Of synthetic fibres
610439 00 Of other textile materials
610441 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610442 00 Of cotton
610443 00 Of synthetic fibres
610444 00 Of artifical fibres
610449 00 Of other textile materials
610451 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610452 00 Of cotton
610453 00 Of synthetic fibres
610459 00 Of other textile materials
610461 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
610462 00 Of cotton
610463 00 Of synthetic fibres
610469 00 Of other textile materials
610510 00 Of cotton
610520 00 Of man-made fibres
610590 00 Of other textile materials
610610 00 Of cotton
610620 00 Of man-made fibres
610690 00 Of other textile materials
610711 00 Of cotton
610712 00 Of man-made fibres
610719 00 Of other textile materials
610721 00 Of cotton
610722 00 Of man-made fibres
610729 00 Of other textile materials
610791 00 Of cotton
610792 00 Of man-made fibres
610799 00 Of other textile materials
610811 00 Of man-made fibres
610819 00 Of other textile materials
610821 00 Of cotton
610822 00 Of man-made fibres
610829 00 Of other textile materials
610831 00 Of cotton
610832 00 Of man-made fibres
610839 00 Of other textile materials
610891 00 Of cotton
610892 00 Of man-made fibres
610899 00 Of other textile materials
610910 00 Of cotton
610990 00 Of other textile materials
611010 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
611020 00 Of cotton
611030 00 Of man-made fibres
611090 00 Of other textile materials
611110 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
611120 00 Of cotton
611130 00 Of synthetic fibres
611190 00 Of other textile materials
611211 00 Of cotton
611212 00 Of synthetic fibres
611219 00 Of other textile materials
611220 00 Ski suits
611231 00 Of synthetic fibres
611239 00 Of other textile materials
611241 00 Of synthetic fibres
611249 00 Of other textile materials
611300 00 Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading No. 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07
611410 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
611420 00 Of cotton
611430 00 Of man-made fibres
611490 00 Of other textile materials
611511 00 Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex
611512 00 Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more
611519 00 Of other textile materials
611520 00 Women’s full-length or knee-length hosiery, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex
611591 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
611592 00 Of cotton
611593 00 Of synthetic fibres
611599 00 Of other textile materials
611610 00 impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber
611691 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
611692 00 Of cotton
611693 00 Of synthetic fibres
611699 00 Of other textile materials
611710 00 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like
611720 00 Ties, bow ties and cravats
611780 00.90 Other
611790 00 Parts
620111 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620112 00 Of cotton
620113 00 Of manmade fibres
620119 00 Of other textile materials
620191 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620192 00 Of cotton
620193 00 Of man-made fibres
620199 00 Of other textile materials
620211 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620212 00 Of cotton
620213 00 Of man-made fibres
620219 00 Of other textile materials
620291 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620292 00 Of cotton
620293 00 Of man-made fibres
620299 00 Of other textile materials
620311 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620312 00 Of synthetic fibres

620319 00 Of other textile materials
620321 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620322 00 Of cotton
620323 00 Of synthetic fibres
620329 00 Of other textile materials
620331 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620332 00 Of cotton
620333 00 Of synthetic fibres
620339 00 Of other textile materials
620341 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620342 00 Of cotton
620343 00 Of synthetic fibres
620349 00 Of other textile materials
620411 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620412 00 Of cotton
620413 00 Of synthetic fibres
620419 00 Of other textile materials
620421 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620422 00 Of cotton
620423 00 Of synthetic fibres
620429 00 Of other textile materials
620431 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620432 00 Of cotton
620433 00 Of synthetic fibres
620439 00 Of other textile materials
620441 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620442 00 Of cotton
620443 00 Of synthetic fibres
620444 00 Of artificial fibres
620449 00 Of other textile materials
620451 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620452 00 Of cotton
620453 00 Of synthetic fibres
620459 00 Of other textile materials
620461 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620462 00 Of cotton
620463 00 Of synthetic fibres
620469 00 Of other textile materials
620510 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620520 00 Of cotton
620530 00 Of man-made fibres
620590 00 Of other textile materials
620610 00 Of silk or silk waste
620620 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620630 00 Of cotton
620640 00 Of man-made fibres
620690 00 Of other textile materials
620711 00 Of cotton
620719 00 Of other textile materials
620721 00 Of cotton
620722 00 Of man-made fibres
620729 00 Of other textile materials
620791 00 Of cotton
620792 00 Of man-made fibres
620799 00 Of other textile materials
620811 00 Of man-made fibres
620819 00 Of other textile materials
620821 00 Of cotton
620822 00 Of man-made fibres
620829 00 Of other textile materials
620891 00 Of cotton
620892 00 Of man-made fibres
620899 00 Of other textile materials
620910 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
620920 00 Of cotton
620930 00 Of synthetic fibres
620990 00 Of other textile materials
621010 00 Of fabrics of heading No. 56.02 or 56.03
621020 00 Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 6201.11 to 6201.19
621030 00 Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 6202.11 to 6202.19
621040 00 Other men’s or boys garments
621050 00 Other women’s or girls’ garments
621111 00 Men’s or boys’
621112 00 Women’s or girls’
621120 00 Ski suits
621131 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
621132 00 Of cotton
621133 00 Of man-made fibres
621139 00 Of other textile materials
621141 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
621142 00 Of cotton
621143 00 Of man-made fibres
621149 00 Of other textile materials
621210 00 Brassieres
621220 00 Girdles and panty-girdles
621230 00 Corselettes
621290 00 Other
621310 00 Of silk or silk waste
621320 00 Of cotton
621390 00 Of other textile materials
621410 00 Of silk or silk waste
621420 00 Of wool or fine animal hair
621430 00 Of synthetic fibres
621440 00 Of artificial fibres
621490 00 Of other textile materials
621510 00 Of silk or silk waste
621520 00 Of man-made fibres
621590 00 Of other textile materials
621600 00 Gloves, mittens and mitts
621710 00.90 Accessories other than trimmings and embellishments for garments
621790 00.90 Other
630110 00 Electric blankets
630120 00 Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of wool or fine animal hair
630130 00 Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of cotton
630140 00 Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres
630190 00 Other blankets and travelling rugs
630210 00 Bed linen, knitted or crocheted
630229 00 Of other textile materials
630239 00 Of other textile materials
630240 00 Table linen, knitted or crocheted
630251 00 Of cotton
630252 00 Of flax
630253 00 Of man-made fibres
630259 00 Of other textile materials
630292 00 Of flax
630293 00 Of man-made fibres
630299 00 Of other textile materials
630311 00 Of cotton
630312 00 Of synthetic fibres
630319 00 Of other textile materials
630391 00 Of cotton
630392 00 Of synthetic fibres
630399 00 Of other textile materials
630411 00 Knitted or crocheted
630419 00 Other
630491 00 Knitted or crocheted
630492 00 Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton
630493 00 Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres
630499 00 Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials
630510 00 Of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No. 5303
630520 00 Of cotton
630532 00 Flexible intermediate bulk containers
630533 00 Other, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like
630539 00 Other
630590 00 Of other textile materials
630611 00 Of cotton
630612 00 Of synthetic fibres
630619 00 Of other textile materials
630621 00 Of cotton
630622 00 Of synthetic fibres
630629 00 Of other textile materials
630631 00 Of synthetic fibres
630639 00 Of other textile materials
630641 00 Of cotton
630649 00 Of other textile materials
630691 00 Of cotton
630699 00 Of other textile materials
630710 00 Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths
630790 00.90 Other made up articles
630800 00 Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale.
640110 01 All rubber footwear with toe-cap
640110 09 Other footwear with toe-cap Other footwearss
640191 01 All rubber footwear covering knee
640192 01 All rubber footwear covering ankle
640199 01 Other all rubber waterproof footwears
640219 01 All rubber sports footwear
640220 01 All rubber footwear with upper straps or thongs assembled to sole by means of plugs
640220 09 Other footwear with upper straps or thongs assembled to sole by means of plugs
640230 01 All rubber footwear with metal toe-cap
640230 09 Other
640291 01 All rubber footwear covering the ankle
640291 09 Others footwear covering the ankle
640299 01 All rubber footwear
640299 09 Others
640319 01 Other sports footwear with outer soles of leather
640319 02 Other sport footwear with outer soles of rubber
640319 09 Others
640320 01 All leather closed toe footwear
640320 02 All leather open toe footwear
640320 03 Leather soles with embroidered uppers
640320 09 Others
640330 00 Footwear made on a base or platform of wood, not having an inner sole or a protective metal toe-cap
640340 00 Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap
640351 01 All leather shoes
640351 09 Others
640359 00 Other
640391 01 Leather boots & other footwear with rubber sole
640391 02 Leather footwear of plastic & synthetic sole
640399 01 Leather sandals with rubber sole
640399 02 Leather sandals with plastic/synthetic sole
640411 01 Rubber sole with canvas upper
640411 02 Rubber sole with leather cloth uppers
640411 09 Others
640419 01 Rubber sole with canvas upper
640419 02 Rubber sole with leather cloth uppers
640419 09 Others
640420 00 Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather
640510 00 With uppers of leather or composition leather
640520 00 With uppers of textile materials
640590 00 Other
640699 02 Gaiters, leggings, cricket pads etc
650300 00 Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading No.65.01, whether or not lined or trimmed
650400 00 Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed
650590 00 Other
650610 00.10 Safety head gear
650691 00 Of rubber or of plastics
650699 00 Of other materials
660110 00 Garden or similar umbrellas
660191 00 Having a telescopic shaft
660199 00 Other
660200 00 Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like
670100 01 Feather dusters
670210 01 Decorative plants
670210 09 Others
670290 01 Jute decorative plants
670290 09 Others, of all materials
670419 01 Hair nets
670419 09 Others
670420 01 Wigs
670420 02 Hair nets
680210 00 Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular (including square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm; Artificially coloured granules, chipping
680221 01 Marble blocks/ slab/ tiles,polished
680221 09 Others
680222 00 Other calcareous stone
680223 01 Granite blocks/slabs/tiles, polished
680291 00 Marble, travertine and alabaster
680292 00 Other calcareous stone
680293 00 Granite
680299 00 Other stone
680300 00.10 Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate of a kind classified as consumer goods
680300 00.90 Other
680710 01 Tarfelt roofing in rolls
680710 02 Articles of asphalt/of similar materials in rolls
680790 01 Tarfelt roofing in other form
681011 09 Other
681019 01 Cement tiles for mosaic
681019 09 Others
681099 01 Concrete boulders
681099 09 Others
681110 00 Corrugated sheets
681120 01 Asbestos cement sheets (other than corrugated sheets)
681120 02 Asbestos cement tiles
681120 09 Others (panel etc)
681130 01 Asbestos cement pipes
681130 09 Others(tubes tube fitting etc)
681190 00.90 Others
681599 02.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
681599 03.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
681599 09.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
690100 01 Bricks
690100 03 Tiles
690490 00 Other
690510 00 Roofing tiles
690600 00 Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings
690790 00 Other
690810 01 Ceramic mosaic cubes
690810 02 Ceramic mosaic tiles
690810 09 Others
690890 01 Ceramic mosaic cubes
690890 02 Ceramic mosaic tiles
690890 09 Others
690911 00 Of porcelain or china
690919 01 Ceramic filter candle
690919 09 Others
690990 00.10 Of a kind used in agriculture
690990 00.20 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
690990 00.90 Other
691010 00 Of porcelian or china
691090 00 Other
691110 01 Tableware/kitchenware of bone china & soft porcelain
691110 09 Tablewear & kitchenware of other porcelain & china
691190 00 Other
691200 01 Ceramic tableware (e.g. of imitation porcelain/or semi-porcelain)
691200 02 Toilet articles other than porcelain/china
691200 03 Clay articles as tableware, kitchenware etc.
691200 09 Others
691310 00 Of porcelain or china
691390 00 Other
691410 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
700910 00.10 Prismatic rear view mirror for vehicles
700910 00.90 Others
700991 00 Unframed
700992 00 Framed
701020 00 Stoppers, lids and other closures
701200 00 10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
701310 00 Of glass-ceramics
701321 00 Of lead crystal
701329 00 Other
701332 00 Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 power -6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 degree Centigrade to 300 degree centigrade
701339 00 Other
701399 00.10 Glass statues
701810 01 Bangles
701810 02 Beads imitation pearls, imitation precious & semi precious stones
701810 09 Others
701820 00.10 Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm of a kind classified as consumer goods
702000 00.10 Other articles of glass of a kind classified as consumer goods
710110 01 Natural (real) pearls unworked
710110 02 Natural (real) pearls worked
710121 00 Unworked
710122 00 Worked
710210 00 Unsorted
710221 01 Sorted industrial diamonds
710221 02 Unsorted industrial diamonds
710229 01 Crushed industrial diamonds
710229 09 Others
710231 00 Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted
710239 01 Diamond (other than industrial diamond) cut or otherwise worked but not mounted or set
710239 09 Others
710310 01 Emerals, uncut
710310 02 Ruby and sapphire, uncut
710310 09 Other precious stone (e.g. aquamarine chrisobaryle-topaz etc) uncut
710310 11 Felspar (moon stone) uncut
710310 12 Garnet uncut
710310 13 Agate uncut
710310 14 Green aventurine, uncut
710310 19 Other semi precious stone uncut
710391 01 Emerals, cut
710391 02 Ruby and sapphires cut
710399 01 Felspar (moon stone) cut
710399 02 Garnet cut
710399 03 Agate cut
710399 04 Chaloidony cut
710399 09 Other stone cut (topaz aquamarine etc)
710420 00.90 Synthetic or reworked precious or semi precious stones other than synthetic ruby, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped
710490 00 Other
710700 00 Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-manufactured
711319 05 Jewellery of platinum group metals unset
711320 01 Rolled gold jewellery set or unset
711320 02 Parts (unfinished or incomplete articles)
711419 02 Manufactures of platinum group metals
711420 01 Manufactures of rolled golds
711420 02 Parts
711590 02 Other articles of precious metal/rolled gold
711610 00.90 Others
711620 00 Of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed)
711719 01 Bangles
711719 09 Other
711790 01 Jewellery set with imitation pearls or imitation or synthetic stones
711790 02 German silver jewellery
711790 09 Other imitation jewellery for personal adornment (other than artware)
730830 00 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors
730900 01 G.I. tanks
730900 02 G.I. barrels & drums
731010 01 Tin plate containers
731010 02 Trunks & suitcases
731010 09 Others
731021 01 Tin plate containers
731021 09 Others
731029 01 Tin plate containers
731029 02 Trunks & suitcases
731029 09 Others
731100 01 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder
731300 01 Barbed iron or steel wire
731414 01 Wire gauze, (wire cloth, wire mesh) of stainless steel
731414 09 Other woven cloth of stainless steel
731419 01 Wire gauze (wire cloth, wire mesh)
731420 00 Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 3 mm or more and having a mesh size of 100 cm2 or more
731431 00 Plated or coated with zinc
731439 00 Other
731441 00 Plated or coated with zinc
731450 00 Expanded metal
731589 01 Key chain
731700 29.10 Office Stationery excluding pins
731920 00 Safety pins
731930 01 Hair pins
731930 09.10 Other pins of a kind classified as consumer goods
732111 01 Cookers & kitchen stoves
732111 09 Other stoves
732111 19 Other cooking apparatus of iron or steel
732112 01 Cookers & kitchen stoves
732112 09 Other stoves
732112 19 Other cooking apparatus of iron or steel
732113 01 Cookers & kitchen stoves
732113 09 Other stoves
732113 19 Other cooking apparatus of iron or steel:
732181 00 For gas fuel or both gas and other fuels
732182 00 For liquid fuel
732183 01 Clay, tandoor (oven with iron or steel body and earthen grates)
732183 09 Others
732211 00 Of cast iron
732219 00 Other
732290 01 Air heaters & air distributors
732310 00.10 Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like
732391 01 Cast iron pans, not enamelled
732391 09 Other utensils of cast iron, not enamelled
732392 00 Of cast iron, enamelled
732393 00 Of stainless steel
732394 02 Galvanised iron bucket
732394 09 Utensils of iron or steel, n.e.s.
732399 01 Parts of articles used for domestic purposes of iron or steel
732399 09 Other utensils of galvanised iron
732410 00 Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel
732421 00 Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled
732429 00 Other
732490 00 Other, including parts
732510 00.10 Other cast articles of non-malleable cast iron of a kind classified as consumer goods
732599 09.10 Other cast articles of a kind classified as consumer goods
732619 00.10 Other forged or stamped articles of iron or steel of a kind classified as consumer goods
732620 00.10 Other articles of iron or steel wire of a kind classified as consumer goods
732690 12.10 Other articles of iron or steel of a kind classified as consumer goods
732690 14.10 Manufactures of stainless steel of a kind classified as consumer goods
732690 15.10 Finished and semi- finished steel forgings of a kind classified as consumer goods
732690 16.10 Articles of clad metals steel of a kind classified as consumer goods
732690 19.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
741819 01 EPNS ware
741819 02 Brass utensils
741819 03 Copper utensils
741819 09 Utensils of other copper alloys
741819 11 Parts
741820 01 Sanitary ware
741999 02.10 Articles of copper alloys electroplated with nickel silver of a kind classified as consumer goods
741999 03.10 Articles of brass of a kind classified as consumer goods
741999 04.10 Copper worked articles of a kind classified as consumer goods
741999 09.10 Other articles of copper of a kind classified as consumer goods
750810 00.10 Other articles of nickel of a kind classified as consumer goods
750890 09.10 Other articles of nickel of a kind classified as consumer goods
761100 00.90 Other
761290 00.10 Aluminium beverage cans ( in two pieces with easy open lid, flap typeopening etc.)
761290 00.90 Other
761300 01 LPG cylinders
761511 00 Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like
761519 02 Pressure cookers of aluminium alloys
761519 04 Non-stick utensils
761519 09 Other table kitchenware
761519 11 Parts of articles for domestic purposes of aluminium; Utensils of aluminium n.e.s.
761520 01 Sanitary ware for aluminium & aluminium alloys
780500 01.10 Goods in this subheading of a kind classified as consumer goods
780500 02.10 Goods in this subheading of a kind classified as consumer goods
780600 01 Sanitary fixtures
780600 09.10 Other articles of lead of a kind classified as consumer goods
790700 01 Sanitary fixures
790700 09.10 Other articles zinc of a kind classified as consumer goods
820110 00 Spades and shovels
820120 00 Forks
820130 00 Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes
820140 00 Axes, bill hooks and similiar hewing tools
820150 00 One-handed secateurs (including poultry shears)
820160 00 Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears
820190 00 Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry
820210 01 Metal working hand saws
820210 09 Other hand saws
820291 01 Hack saw blades, machine operated
820291 02 Hack saw blades, hand operated
820320 00 Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools
820330 00 Metal cutting shears and similar tools
820411 01 Hand-operated spanners, non adjustable
820411 02 Hand-operated wrenchs (exclduding tap wrenchs), non-adjustable
820412 01 Hand-operated spanners-adjustable
820412 02 Hand-operated wrenchs (excluding tape wrenchs), adjustable
820520 00 Hammers and sledge hammers
820530 01 Wood working handtools
820530 09 Others
820540 00 Screwdrivers:
820551 00.90 Other
820559 01 Grease guns (exclduding compressed air type)
820590 01 Garage tools in sets
820590 09 Sets of handtools n.e.s.
820600 00 Tools of two or more of the headings Nos. 82.02 to 82.05, put up in sets for retail sale
820790 01 Metal working handtools
820790 02 Wood working handtools
820830 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer goods
820890 01 Knives & cutting blades for paper cutting machines
821110 00 Sets of assorted articles
821191 00 Tables knives having fixed blades
821192 00.10 Other knives having fixed blades of a kind classified as consumer goods
821193 01 Pocket knives
821193 09.10 Other knives having other than fixed blades of a kind classified as consumer goods
821410 00.10 Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners
821420 00.90 Other
821490 09 Others
821510 00 Sets of assorted articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal
821520 00 Other sets of assorted articles
821591 00 Plated with precious metal
821599 00 Other
830110 00 Padlocks
830140 00.90 Other
830230 01 Curve drive stakes
830230 09 Others
830242 00 Other, suitable for furniture
830249 00 Other
830250 00 Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures
830400 00 Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper tray, paper rests, pen tray, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture of heading No.94.03
830590 00.10 Pins and clips of base metals
830590 00.90 Other
830610 01 Non-electric bells,gongs etc of base metal
830621 01 Statuettes (excluding works of art) plated with precious metal
830621 02 Trophies plated with precious metal
830621 09 Other ornament plated with precios metal
830629 01 Other statuettes (excluding works of art)
830629 02 Other trophies
830629 09 Others
830630 00 Photograph, Picture or similar frames; mirrors
830890 02.90 Other
830890 09.30 Hangers
830890 09.90 Other
830910 00 Crown corks
831000 01 Enamel iron signboard
831000 09 Other symbols of base metal
841320 00.10 Of a kind classified as consumer durables
841382 00.10 Liquid elevators of a kind classified as consumer durables
841451 01 Table fans
841451 02 Ceiling fans
841451 03 Pedestal fans
841451 09 Others
841459 01 Air circulator
841459 02 Blowers, portable
841460 00.10 Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm of a kind classified as consumer durable
841490 03.10 Regulators
841510 00.10 Airconditioning units for buses
841510 00.20 Split air conditioners – 2 tonnes and above
841510 00.90 Other
841520 00 Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles
841581 00 Incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle
841582 00 Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit
841583 00 Not incorporating a refrigerating unit
841810 00.10 Commercial type
841810 00.90 Other
841821 00.10 Of capacity above 300 l
841821 00.90 Other
841822 00.10 Of capacity above 300 l
841822 00.20 Absorption refrigeration system of capacity less than 60 litres with or without compressors
841822 00.90 Other
841829 00.10 Of capacity above 300 l
841829 00.90 Other
841830 01 Freezers, electrical commercial type
841830 02 Freezers, other than electrical commercial type
841840 01 Freezers, electrical
841840 02 Freezers, other than electrical commercial type
841850 00 Refrigerating or freezing display counters, cabinets, show-cases and the like
841869 02 Water cooler
841869 03 Vending Machine
841869 09 Others
841891 00 Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment
841981 00.10 Industrial kitchen machines
841981 00.90 Other
841989 19.90 Other
842121 02 Household type filters
842139 09.30 Toilet deodourisers
842211 00 Of the household type
842219 00.10 Commercial dishwashers
842219 00.90 Other
842310 00 Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; Household scales
842381 01 Beam scale
842381 09 Others
842382 01 Beam scale
842382 09 Others
842389 01 Beam scale
842389 09 Others
842390 01 Weighing machine weights of all kinds
842410 00 Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged
842699 09 Others
843312 00 Other powered mowers for parks or sports grounds powered with 3 HP or more
843351 00 Combine harvester-threshers
844010 00.10 Wire stitching machines, single headed
844110 00.10 Paper cutting machines, excluding machines with devices such as automatic programme cutting or three knife trimmers
844230 01 Brass rules
844360 09.10 Mounting tables
844360 09.20 Lead and rule cutters
844711 01 Hand-knitting machines for wool
844712 01 Hand knitting machines for wool
844712 19 Knitting machines, n.e.s.
844720 01.10 Flat knitting machines of the domestic type
845011 00.10 Of capacity above 5 kg
845011 00.90 Other
845012 00 Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier
845019 00 Other
845210 01.90 Other
845210 02.90 Other
845240 01 Furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines
846911 00 Word-processing machines
846920 01.90 Other
846920 09 Other
847010 00 Electronic calculators capable of operation without an external source of electric power and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions (including electronic diaries other than those covered under Exim Code No. 84.71)
847021 00 Incorporating a printing device
847029 00 Other
847030 01 Electrically operated calculating machines
847040 01 Electrically operated accounting machines
847050 01 Electrically operated cash registers
847090 01 Postage-franking, ticket-issuing & similar machines-electrically operated
847110 00.10 Electronic diaries
847130 01.10 Computer systems, including personal computers, below cif value of Rs 1.50 lakhs
847141 01.10 Computer systems, including personal computers, below cif value of Rs 1.50 lakhs
847149 00.10 Computer systems, including personal computers, below cif value of Rs 1.50 lakhs
847150 00.10 Computer systems, including personal computers, below cif value of Rs 1.50 lakhs
847160 19.10 Keyboard of cif value below Rs 7,500 per piece
847160 19.20 Monitor of cif value below Rs 7,500 per piece
847180 00.10 Computer systems, including personal computers, below cif value of Rs 1.50 lakhs
847330 09.10 Reconditioned components of computers
847989 19.80 Of a kind classified as consumer durable
850410 00.10 of conventional type
850410 00.90 Other~Liquid dielectric transformers:
850440 01 Electric inverters
850610 00 Manganese dioxide
850630 00 Mercuric oxide
850640 00 Silver oxide
850650 00 Lithium
850660 00 Air-zinc
850680 09 Others
850710 00 Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines
850880 09.10 Other tools of a kind classified as consumer goods
850910 00 Vacuum cleaners
850920 00 Floor polishers
850940 01 Electric coffee mills & food grinders
850940 09.10 Electronic food processors
850940 09.90 Other
850980 00.10 Electronic food processors
850980 00.90 Other
851010 00 Shavers
851020 00 Hair clippers
851030 00 Hair-removing appliances
851310 01.10 Flash lights of a kind classified as consumer goods
851310 01.90 Other
851310 03 Portable magneto lamps
851310 04.10 Lamps of a kind classified as consumer goods
851310 04.90 Other
851310 05 Torches
851610 00.10 Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters of a kind classified as consumer durable
851621 00.10 Storage heating radiators of a kind classified as consumer durables
851629 00.10 Electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatusother than storage heating radiators of a kind classified as consumer durables
851631 00 Hair dryers
851632 00 Other hair-dressing apparatus
851633 00 Hand-drying apparatus
851640 00 Electric smoothing irons
851650 00 Microwave ovens
851660 00 Other ovens; Cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters
851671 00 Coffee or tea makers
851672 00 Toasters
851679 01 Electro thermic fluid heater
851679 02 Electrical/electronic devices for repelling insects (e.g. mosquitoes etc)
851679 09 Others
851711 01 Push button type
851711 02 Rotary dial type
851711 03 Cordless telephones
851711 09.90 Other
851719 00.90 Other:
851730 00.10 EPABX
851730 00.20 EPAX
851730 00.30 Key Telephone system
851730 00.40 Intercom/KTS
851730 00.90 Other
851750 03.10 Modems below 9600 bauds per second
851750 09.20 Subscriber end equipment
851750 09.90 Others
851780 00.20 Attachments for Telephones
851780 00.30 Subscriber end equipment
851780 00.90 Other
851790 00.10 Populated, loaded or stuffed PCBs
851821 00 Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures
851822 00 Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure
851840 00 Audio-frequency electric amplifiers
851850 00 Electric sound amplifier sets
851910 00 Coin-or disc-operated record-players
851921 00 Without loudspeaker
851929 00 Other
851931 00 With automatic record changing mechanism
851939 00 Other
851940 00 Transcribing machines
851992 00 Pocket-size cassette-type
851993 00 Other, cassette-type
851999 01 Tape recorder (other than cassette type)
851999 02 Gramophone (not operating on electricity)
851999 03 CD (Audio Compact Disc Player)
851999 09.10 CD Player (Audio/Video) and compact disc changer including mini disc player/ laser disc player
851999 09.90 Others
852010 00 Dictating machines not capable of operating without an external source of power
852020 00 Telephone answering machines
852032 00.20 Complete high end audio systems (with or without radio) of value exceeding US $ 500 (CIF) per set
852032 00.40 Digital audio type magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus
852032 00.90 Other
852033 00.20 Complete high end audio systems (with or without radio) of value exceeding US $ 500 (CIF) per set
852033 00.90 Other
852039 01.90 Other
852039 02 C.D (Audio Recorder) incorporating sound
852039 09.10 CD Player (Audio/Video) and compact disc changer including mini disc player/ laser disc player
852039 09.90 Other
852090 01 Gramophone (not operative on electricity)
852090 02 C.D. (Audio recorder), reproducing apparatus other type
852090 03 Musical system
852090 09 Others
852110 01.90 Other
852110 02.90 Other
852110 09.90 Other
852190 00.90 Other
852320 03 Unrecorded compact disc (Audio)
852390 03.30 8mm video tapes/cassettes in finished form (Blank)
852390 03.90 Other
852390 09 Others
852432 00 For reproducing sound only
852712 00 Pocket-size radio cassette- players
852713 00 Other apparatus combined with sound recording or reprodcing apparatus
852719 00 Other
852721 00 Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus
852729 00 Other
852731 00 Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus
852732 00 Not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock
852739 00 Other
852790 01 Radio communication receivers
852790 02 Two-in-one (radio cum cassette player)
852790 03 Cassette-players
852790 09 Others
852812 00.10 Colour TV sets – size 29″ and above
852812 00.20 LCD TV size below 10″
852812 00.30 Colour Television – less than 14″
852812 00.90 Other
852813 00.10 LCD TV size below 10″
852813 00.90 Other
852821 00 Colour
852822 00 Black and white or other monochrome
852830 00.10 Projection TVs
852830 00.20 Video/data/graphic projectors or projection systems – all types, including LCD panels
852830 00.90 Other
853110 00.10 Burglar alarm
853110 00.20 Fire alarm
853110 00.90 Other
853120 00 Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED)
853180 00 Other apparatus
853400 00.20 Populated, loaded or stuffed printed circuit boards except electronic circuit boards (ECBs) used in quartz analogue watches
853540 02.10 Voltage regulators and stabilisers (other than domestic type)
853540 02.90 Other (domestic type)
853610 01 Switch fuse units of switch rating upto 15 amps, rewireable
853610 02 Switch fuse units of switch rating above 15 amps high rupturing capacity/rewireable
853610 03 Rewireable fuses
853610 04 High rupturing capacity fuses
853610 05 Fuses gear
853610 06 Electronic fuses
853610 09 Others
853620 01 Air circuit breakers
853620 02 Moulded case circuit breakers
853620 03 Miniature circuit breakers
853620 04 Earth leak circuit breakers
853620 09 Others
853630 01 Control & switch gear
853630 09.10 Voltage regulators and stabilisers (other than domestic type)
853630 09.20 Voltage regulators and stabilisers (domestic type)
853630 09.90 Others
853641 00 For a voltage not exceeding 60 V
853649 00 Other
853650 01 Other switches of plastics
853650 09 Other switches of other materials
853661 01 Lamp holders of plastics
853661 09 Lamp holders of other materials
853669 01 Plugs & sockets of plastics
853669 09 Plugs & sockets of other materials
853690 01 Motor starters for AC motors running at constant speed including reversing starters at 660 volts or below
853690 02 Motor control gear & motor starters for DC motors either running at constant speed or speed control for a voltage not exceeding 1000 v
853690 03 Surge suppressors
853690 04 Junction boxes
853690 09 Others
853910 00 Sealed beam lamp units
853921 00 Tungsten halogen
853921 00.10 Miniature halogen lamps with fittings
853921 00.90 Other
853922 00 Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage exceeding 100 V
853929 01 Bulb, for torches
853929 02 Miniature bulbs
853929 09 Others
853932 00 Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide lamps
853939 01 Mercury vapour lamps
853939 09.10 High and low sodium discharge lamps
853939 09.20 Metal halide gas discharge lamps
853939 09.90 Other
853941 00 Arc-lamps
853990 02 Parts of Arc lamps
854011 00.10 Cathode ray tubes of 20″ and 21″ size colour TV picture tubes, sub-assembly thereof and assembly containing colour TV picture tubes except 21″ Flat and Full Square (F&FST) Colour TV picture tubes and sub-assembly thereof
854091 00.10 Colour glass parts (panel and funnel) for manufacture of colour picture tubes of types 20″ and 21″ 1R
854419 02 Plastic insulated wire
870110 00 Pedestrian controlled tractors
870120 00 Road tractors for semi-trailers
870130 01 Garden tractors
870130 02 Track-type tractors
870130 09 Others
870190 00 Other
870210 00.10 Integrated monocoque buses
870210 00.20 Airconditioned luxury coaches
870210 00.90 Others
870290 00.10 Integrated monocoque buses
870290 00.20 Airconditioned luxury coaches
870290 00.30 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870290 00.90 Others
870310 00.10 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870310 00.90 Others
870321 01 Motor car, new, assembled
870321 02 Jeep & land rover type vehicles, assembled
870321 03 Second hand/used motor cars (including jeep & land rover), assembled
870321 04 Complete units not assembled
870321 05 Specialised transport vehicles (e.g. ambulances, prison vans, hearses)
870322 01 Motor car, new, assembled
870322 02 Jeep & land rover type vehicles, assembled
870322 03 Second hand or used motor cars (including jeep and land rover), assembled
870322 04 Complete units not assembled
870322 05 Specialised transport vehicles (e.g. ambulances, prison vans, hearses)
870323 01 Motor car, new, assembled
870323 02 Jeep & land rover type vehicles, assembled
870323 03 Second hand or used motor cars including jeep & land rover, assembled
870323 04 Complete units not assembled
870323 05 Specialised transport vehicles (e.g. ambulances, prison vans, hearses)
870324 01 Racing cars
870324 09 Others
870331 01 Motor cars, new, assembled
870331 02 Jeep & land rover type vehicles, assembled
870331 03 Second hand or used motor cars (including jeep and land rover), assembled
870331 04 Complete units not assembled
870331 05 Specialised transport vehicles (e.g. ambulances, prison vans and hearses)
870332 01 Motor cars, new, assembled
870332 02 Jeep & land rover type vehicles, assembled
870332 03 Second hand or used motor cars (including jeep & land rover), assembled
870332 04 Complete units not assembled
870332 05 Specialised transport vehicles, ambulances, hearses etc
870333 01 Motor car, new, assembled
870333 02 Jeep & rover type vehicles, assembled
870333 03 Second hand/used motor cars, jeep etc. assembled
870333 04 Complete units not assembled
870333 05 Specialised transport vehicels (ambulances, hearses etc)
870390 00.10 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870390 00.90 Other
870410 00 Dumpers designed for off-highway use
870421 00.90 Others
870422 01.90 Others
870422 02.90 Others
870422 03 Lorries & trucks, complete unit, not assembled
870423 01.90 Others
870423 02.90 Others
870423 03 Lorries & trucks, complete units, not assembled
870431 00.90 Others
870432 01.90 Others
870432 02.90 Others
870432 03 Lorries & trucks, complete units, not assembled
870490 01.20 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870490 01.90 Others
870490 02.20 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870490 02.90 Others
870490 03 Lorries & trucks, complete units, not assembled
870600 01 Chassis with engines mounted for passenger motor car
870600 02 Chassis for tractors classified within heading 87.01
870600 09 Other chassis of heading 8702 to 8705
870710 01 Initial equipment
870710 02 Replacement parts
870790 01 Initial equipment
870790 02 Replacement parts
870911 00 Electrical
870919 00.10 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
870919 00.90 Other
871110 01 Moped(auto cycles)
871110 02 Motorised cycles
871120 01 Autorickshaw
871120 02 Scooters
871120 03 Motor-cycles
871120 04 Moped(auto-cycles)
871130 01 Autorickshaw
871130 02 Scooters
871130 03 Motor-cycles
871140 01 Autorickshaws
871140 02 Motor cycles
871150 01 Autorickshaws
871150 09 Others
871190 09.10 Battery or electrically operated vehicles
871190 09.90 Others
871200 01 Bicycles
871200 09 Others(cycles,rickshaws, delivery cyles, cycles,tricycles,toy bicycles,etc)
871500 01 Baby & invalid carriages
890110 02 Launches
890110 03 Boats
890110 04 Barges
890200 01 Trawlers & other fishing vessels
890200 02 Others
890310 00.90 Other
890391 00.90 Other
890392 00.90 Other
890399 01.90 Other
890399 09.90 Other
890400 00 Tugs and pusher craft
890600 02 Life boats
890710 00 Inflatable rafts
890790 00 Other
900319 00 Of other materials
900410 00 Sunglasses
900490 09 Others
900510 00 Binoculars
900661 00 Discharge lamp (“electronic”) flashlight apparatus
900662 00 Flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like
900669 00 Other
900990 00.10 Reconditioned components of photocopiers
901530 00.10 All types of dumpy levels/engineer’s levels/builders levels (not automatic) and quick set levels with or without horizontal circles
901780 01 Measuring rods and tapes
902300 00.20 Goods in heading 90.23 of a kind classified as consumer goods
902610 09.10 Domestic water meters
910111 00 With mechanical display only
910112 00 With opto-electronic display only
910119 00 Other
910121 00 With automatic winding
910129 00 Other
910191 01 Pocket watches
910191 09 Other watches
910199 01 Pocket watches
910199 09 Other watches
910211 00 With mechanical display only
910212 00 With opto-electronic display only
910219 00 Other
910221 00 With automatic winding
910229 00 Other
910291 01 Pocket watches
910291 09 Other watches
910299 01 Pocket watches
910299 09 Other watches
910310 00 Electrically operated
910390 00 Other
910511 00 Electrically operated
910519 00 Other
910521 00 Electrically operated
910529 00 Other
910591 00 Electrically operated
910599 01 Time pieces
910599 09 Others
910700 Time switches with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor
910911 00 Of alarm clocks
910919 00 Other
911180 00.10 Watch cases above CIF Rs 60 (CIF)
911180 00.90 Other
911210 00 Cases of metal
911280 00 Other cases
911310 00 Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
911320 00.90 Others
911390 00.90 Others
911430 01.10 Watch dials above Rs. 20 (CIF)
911430 01.90 Others
911430 02 Dials for clocks
911490 00.10 Integrated watch cases and straps above Rs. 2,000 (CIF) per unit
911490 00.90 Other
940130 00 Swivel seats with variable height adjustment
940140 00 Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into beds
940150 00 Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials
940161 00 Upholstered
940169 00 Other:
940171 00 Upholstered
940179 00 Other
940180 00 Other seats
940310 01 Steel furniture
940310 09 Others
940320 01 Steel furniture
940320 09 Others
940380 01 Furniture of wickerwork/bamboo
940380 09 Others
940490 01 Quilts
940490 09 Others
940510 01 Hanging lamps complete fittings
940510 02 Wall lamps
940520 01 Table lamps, complete fittings
940520 09 Others
940530 00 Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees
940540 00 Other electric lamps and lighting fittings
940550 01 Hurricane lanterns
940550 03 Oil pressure lamps
940550 09 Other oil lamps, metal
940560 01 Glass lamps
940560 02 Globes, chimneys for lamps & lanterns
940560 09 Other illuminated glass ware
940599 01 P.V.C. conduit pipes
940600 01.90 Other
940600 09.90 Others
950291 00.90 Accessories
950320 00.10 Electronic games/toys
950320 00.90 Others
950341 00 Stuffed
950349 01 Toys of wood
950349 02 Toys of metal
950349 03 Other toys (excluding 950310-950341) of plastic
950349 09 Others
950350 01 Toy musical instruments and apparatus
950370 00 Other toys, put up in sets or outfits
950380 01 Other toys and models, incorporating a motor
950390 02 Toy gun
950390 03 Others
950410 00.10 Electronic games/toys
950410 00.90 Others
950430 09.10 Coin operated game machine for amusement activity (not containing system of disbursal of coins/currency notes to the winner or any other reward to the winner)
950430 09.90 Others
950699 09.90 Others
950800 00.90 Other
960200 01 Worked vegetable carving material & articles thereof
960200 02 Moulded/carved articles of wax, stearin, natural gums & resins & other moulded/carved articles
960200 03 Gelatin capsules, empty
960310 00 Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vegetable materials bound together, without handles
960321 00 Tooth brushes
960329 00 Other
960330 00.90 Artists’ brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for the application of cosmetics
960340 00.10 Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of subheading No.9603.30);
960500 00 Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning
960810 00 Ball point pens
960820 00 Felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers
960831 00 Indian ink drawing pens
960831 02 Stylograph pens
960831 09 Others
960839 00.10 High value writing instruments including fountain pens and ball point pens (US $ 100 per unit c.i.f. and above)
960839 00.90 Other
960839 01 Fountain pen
960839 09 Others
960840 00 Propelling or sliding pencils
960850 00 Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing subheadings
960891 09.10 Pen nib
961000 00 Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces, whether or not framed.
961210 01 Computers printer ribbon
961210 02 Ribbon for type writers & similar machines
961210 03 Ribbon for electronic typewriter
961210 09 Others
961380 09 Others
961420 00 Pipes and pipe bowls
961490 01 Huble & buble of base metal
961490 02 Hookah of coconut shell
961490 09 Others
961511 00 Of hard rubber or plastics
961519 00 Other
961590 00 Other
980400 00 All dutiable articles, intended for personal use, imported by post or air, and exempted from any prohibition in respect of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 but excluding articles falling under heading No. 98.03
991400 00.90 Others
999110 01 Namdas
999110 02 Carpets, rugs, tapestries, etc
999120 01 Shawls of silk
999120 02 Scarves & similar articles of silk
999120 11 Shawls of wool
999120 12 Scarves & similar articles of wool
999130 00 Stone work (alabaster, marble, etc) as artware
999140 01 Wood work of rose wood (including carving)
999140 02 Wood work of sandal wood (including carving)
999140 03 Wood work of sheesham wood (including carving)
999140 04 Wood work of walnut wood (including carving)
999140 05 Lacquered wooden ware
999140 06 Inlaid with ivory, metal, etc.
999140 09 Others
999150 01 Zari goods, imitation
999150 02 Zari goods, real
999190 01 Artware of copper, brass, bronze & similar alloys
999190 02 Bidriware
999190 03 Artware of aluminium
999190 04 Carving sets as artware (other than precious)
999190 11 Doll and toys, as artware
999190 12 Embroidery, as artware
999190 13 Ivory manufactures, as artware
999190 14 Leather goods, as artware
999190 15 Papier mache articles, as artware
999190 16 Pottery artware
999190 17 Nirmal ware
999190 18 Hornware as artware
999190 21 Wall hangings/wall plaques of jute
999190 22 Other decorative articles of jute
999190 29 Other, as artware

2. This issues in Public interest.





( Issued from file No. IPC/ 4/5(556)/97-02 )


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