Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Public Notice No. 27/(2015-2020)-DGFT
New Delhi: Dated 26th October, 2020
Subject: Extension of time period for import of tur during the fiscal year 2020-21.
F. No. M-5012/300/2002/PC-2[A]/Part-IV)/E-6708.-In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015 — 2020 read with Paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015 — 2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade, consequent to Notification S.O. 1225 (E) dated 28.03.2020 issued by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, laid down the modalities, vide Trade Notice No.05/2020-21 dated 21.04.2020 read with Trade Notice No.06/2020-21 dated 21.04.2020, for import of quota, inter — alia, of 4 lakh MT of Pigeon Peas under HS Code 0713 60 00 of Chapter 7 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule — I (Import Policy), for the fiscal year 2020-21.
2. The quota of 4 lakh MT of Tur was allocated equally, or for the quantity applied, whichever is lower, only amongst the eligible and verified applicants and validity of the license issued for import of tur was uptill 15.11.2020.
3. It has now been decided to extend the validity of license for import of tur from 15.11.2020 till 31.12.2020 and the cut—off date for ICLC for import of tur shall accordingly be 31.12.2020.
4. Eligible and verified applicants who have been issued licenses will have to ensure that their import consignments of tur reach the Indian ports on or before 31.12.2020. Any request for extension of time will not be entertained.
(Amit Yadav)
Director General of Foreign Trade &
Ex — Officio Addl. Secretary to the Government of India
(Issued from F.No. M-5012/300/2002/PC-2[A]/Part-IV)/E-6708)