Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
(P.C-IV Division)
POLICY CIRCULAR NO. 47 (RE-99)/99-2000
Dated. 15.12.99
Subject: Export of meat product under DEPB scheme.
Attention is invited to Public Notice No. 10 (RE—98) dated 1st May 1998 under which the DEPB rate for frozen meat was notified. Certain doubts have been expressed regarding kinds of meat covered under Serial number 1 of fish and fish products as given in the then Appendix 28A. It is clarified that Serial number 1 of fish and fish product while referring to frozen meat covers frozen meat not only of fish but also other kinds of frozen meats like buffalo meat etc. as the corresponding norms only allowed packaging material and in the past value based Advance Licence were issued for buffalo meat under the same Standard Input Output Norms. Therefore the DEPB rate notified vide Public Notice No. 10 dated 1.5.98 shall cover all frozen meat whether fish meat, buffalo meat or chicken meat.
However, since the description under Serial number 1 of fish and fish product was amended to specifically include fish meat only under Public Notice No. 55(RE-99) dated 11.11.98, the same shall only cover fish meat w.e.f. 11.11.98 and therefore other variety of meat shall not be eligible for DEPB benefit between 11.11.98 to 7.5.99. From 8.5.99 meat products shall be eligible for DEPB rate under Serial number 15 of food product as given in Appendix 28A.
This issues with the approval of DGFT.
Dy.Director General of Foreign Trade
(F.No. 01/94/180/163/AM99/PC-IV)