Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Dated 4th May, 2020.
Trade Notice No. 08/2020-2021
1. Regional Authorities of DGFT
2. Customs Commissionerates
3. Members of Trade and Industry
4. Joint Secretary (Customs), CBIC
Subject: Clarification with regard to description of ‘Stock Lot’ used in the Notification No. 45/2015-2020 dated 31st January, 2020.
Vide Notification No. 45/2015-2020 dated 31st January 2020, import of Stock Lot under HSN Code 4810 of Chapter 48 of ITC (HS), Schedule – I (Import Policy) was ‘Prohibited’.
2. A number of representations were received seeking clarification with regard to description of ‘Stock Lot’ used in the said Notification. Accordingly, the matter has been examined in consultation with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and following clarification is issued with reference to Notification No.45/2015-2020 dated 31st January 2020:
a. Import of different kinds of paper description under all the 22 tariff lines covered under ITC (HS) 4810 is ‘Free’.
b.Importers should mention correct description of paper being imported at 8 digit under ITC (HS) They are expected to clearly specify quantities of paper under each 8 digit ITC (HS) Code separately.
c. If the whole imported paper consignment is without description for each category of paper it is a Stock lot.
d. The Customs would check before allowing consignment where the description of imported paper matches with any/some of the 8 digit entries under ITC (HS) 4810. The Customs would not allow consignment where paper of different description are intended tc4 be imported and are bundled together under ITC (HS) 4810 as a Stock
e. In case paper proposed to be imported is not covered in any of the existing 8 digit ITC (HS) codes under ITC(HS) 4810, Trade is advised to request Department of Revenue for the creation of a new tariff line with proper justification.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Gagandeep Singh)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
[Issued from F. No. M-5975/AM-04/PC-2[A]/e-5984]