A notice was given on the website, which is not sufficient, and a personal notice has to be given before cancellation of the GST registration. Therefore, the Court can invoke its jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution.
Delay in Filing of Appeal beyond period of 1 month condoned as Cancellation of Registration would affect the livelihood and violate Article 21 of Constitution
Jabir Hasan Vs Assistant Commissioner of State Tax GST (Uttarakhand High Court) It is not disputed that Rule 68 of Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 provides for notice to the non filers of returns – a notice in form GSTR – 3A shall be issued electronically to a registered person who fails to […]
Swetabh Suman Vs Central Bureau of Investigation (Uttarakhand High Court) The conviction of the appellant Swetabh Suman for the offence punishable under Section 13(2) read with Section 13(1)(e) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 is upheld and confirmed. The sentence imposed on the appellant Swetabh Suman under Section 13(2) read with Section 13(1)(e) of […]
U P Telelinks Limited Vs State of Uttarakhand (Uttarakhand High Court) Shri Akash Deep Singh, learned counsel for the petitioner. Shri Pradeep Joshi, learned Standing Counsel for the State of Uttarakhand / respondent no. 1 and 2. Shri V.K. Kaparwan, learned Standing Counsel for the Union of India / respondent no. 3. There is no […]
In re Mallcom India Limited (Uttarakhand High Court) Hon’ble Uttarakhand High Court issues notice to the GST Department coercive recovery regarding demand of ITC due to misclassification of goods by the supplier Mallcom India Limited has filed a writ petition vide WPMS No. 1206 of 2021 before the Hon’ble Uttarakhand High Court seeking refund of […]
Eficaz Project Limited Liability Partnership Vs Commissioner, Uttarakhand GST Commissionerate (Uttarakhand High Court) The second limb of argument of the learned counsel for the petitioner is that, even if at all a decision was required to be taken on an application submitted by the petitioner on 30th May, 2020, requesting for the cancellation of the […]
Court ordered the release of Vehicle, mango kernel oil, mahua oil, rice bran oil confiscated under section 130 of CGST Act, 2017 as mere suspicion was not sufficient to invoke the provision of the confiscation.
The claim of the petitioners with regard to the ‘flow measuring devices’ not being installed by the Commission under Section 14.1 of the Act falls in the third alternative of adopting an indirect method for assessment of water drawn by the user.
Narula Menthol Vs UOI & Ors. (Uttarakhand High Court) 1. Hon’ble Uttarakhand High Court has quashed the demand intimation letters issued by the GST Dept. which directed the Petitioner to reverse the ITC amounting to Rs. 1.75 Cr on the basis that the supplier from whom the goods were purchased, has failed to deposit the […]