Whether assessing Officer has jurisdiction to rectify the original assessment u/s 154 of the Act, as it was change of opinion and the review of order passed by his predecessor was not permissible under law. Held – That assessing officer has a power to rectify the assessment by invoking the provisions of Section 154 of the Act. The rate of depreciation claimed by the assessee on trucks at 40% was wrongly allowed as the assessee was not plying trucks owned by it on hire but was utilizing the trucks for its own purposes and hence rate of depreciation applicable was 25%.
‘Whether the revival scheme submitted by the petitioner under sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 and accepted by Court amounts to compounding with the principal debtor leading to the discharge of the surety within the meaning of sections 134 and 135 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872?
Champion Photostat Industrial Corporation Vs UOI (P&H High Court) – Section 46 of the Act deals with the submission of Bill of Entry by an importer. There is no condition in the said Section, which prohibits the submission of Bill of Entry by an importer himself or that the importer has to have some educational qualification. It is only Section 146 of the Act, which deals with the clearing with the intervention of the Customs House Agents. Since such agents have to act for others, certain qualifications have been fixed in the regulations framed to regulate their working and also by Public Notice.
CIT v. M/s State Urban Development Society (P&H High Court ) – It has been held that reflection in the profit and loss account towards the income is not determinative. The entries in the books of account do not decide the nature of receipts. Since, the grants have been received by the assessee for disbursement and keeping in view the fact that the same cannot be utilized for any other purpose such as distribution for the poverty in furtherance to the object of the Schemes, it cannot be treated as income of the assessee.
CIT Versus Baba Deep Singh Educational Society (P & H High Court)- Jurisdiction of the Commissioner at the stage of processing application under Section 12AA of the Act is limited regarding whether the activities are genuine and in consonance with the objects of the trust or institution and where education is being imparted as per the rules and the factum of the establishment and running of schools is not disputed the same was a genuine activity and the enquiry regarding genuineness of the activities cannot be stretched beyond this.
Sood Bhandari & Co. Vs. CBDT (P & H HC)- Section 40(b)(ii ) contemplates the authorization of remuneration or interest. The authorization does not mean an agreement to pay, but to quantify the amount of salary or the rate of interest payable to the partners. If the said aspects are not determined prior to the financial year, the same are capable of adjustment at the end of the financial year keeping in view the profits earned with a view to increase expenditure and reduce income.
Read the Punjab and Haryana High Court’s decision in CIT vs. Ms. Jagriti Aggarwal on Section 54 claim under the Income Tax Act. Legal insights provided.
V.R.A. Cotton Mills (P) Ltd. Vs. UOI (P & H HC)- The date of receipt of notice by the addressee is not relevant to determine, as to whether the notice has been issued within the prescribed period of limitation. The expression serve means the date of issue of notice. The date of receipt of notice cannot be left to be undetermined dependent upon the will of the addressee. Therefore, to bring certainly and to avoid attempts of the addressee to evade the process of receipt of notice, the purpose of the statute will be better served, if the date of issue of notice is considered as compliance of the requirement of proviso to Section 143(2) of the Act. In fact that is the only conclusion that can be arrived at to the expression ‘serve’ appearing in Section 143(2) of the Act.
ITA No.174 of 2011 has been preferred by the assessee under section 260A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 against the order of ITAT Delhi “C” Bench in ITA No. 2656/Delhi/2008 dated 10.7.2009 for the assessment year 2002-03 raising following substantial questions of law
Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) Vs M/s H.M.T. Ltd. (Punjab & Haryana High Court)- There is no specific provision prescribing any limitation for passing the order under Sections 201(1) and 201(1A) of the Act.