Punjab & Haryana High Court held in CIT(A) Vs M/s Rashtriya Vikas party that for passing any order reasons for conclusions should be given accompanying that order then only that order would be considered as complete order.
Judgment in case of Amrit Banaspati Company Ltd.- The Hon’ble High Court upheld the Constitutional Validity of the amended Section 29(4) in entirety and dismissed the writ petitions. The basic grievances of the petitioners were that the Amendment of Section 29(4) was prospective and not retrospective.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of Principal CIT vs. M/s Mobisoft Tele Solutions Pvt. Ltd. that Tarun Mohan had obtained the copyright in respect of the artistic work comprised in the name phoneytunes.com. Registration of the copyright is, however, not compulsory.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of The CIT Vs Bharat Bhushan held that no addition is sustainable where the purchases had been accounted for in the regular books of accounts maintained, duly audited and there is nothing to show that the quantity had been purchased and sold outside the books.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of The CIT vs. M/s H. M. Steels Ltd that on an analysis of section 80IC, it must be held that any industrial undertaking or enterprise would be entitled to deduction under sub-section (1) only to the extent of profits derived from such an industrial undertaking and not on account of any rebate or incentive made available to it by the Government.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of Subhash Chander vs. CIT that it is open for the AO to complete assessment either u/s 144 or u/s 143(3), in case compliance of notice has not been done by the assessee.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of Bikramjit Singh Gill vs. CIT that no possession had been given by the transferor to the transferee of the entire land in part performance of Joint development Agreement (JDA) dated 25.2.2007.
In case of CIT vs. M/s Kudu Industries, P&H High Court held that In the absence of anything to indicate that the interest free advance was made only from a particular corresponding advance received by the assessee, the advance made by the assessee would obviously be from the common pool of money.
Punjab & Haryana High Court held in CIT Vs M/s Sunder Forging that to claim the deduction u/s 80IB for consecutive 10 years all the relevant conditions should be required to be fulfilled only in the initial assessment year
Punjab & Haryana High Court held in Alexandera School Vs CIT, Amritsar that if an educational institute had been run by a particular section of community then registration u/s 12AA could not be denied provided it was running to benefit all sections of society.