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Introduction: The Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions, Government of India, has issued comprehensive guidelines for the Nationwide Digital Life Certificate (DLC) Campaign 2.0 scheduled to take place from November 1 to 30, 2023. This campaign aims to enhance the ease of living for Central Government pensioners by promoting the use of Face Authentication Technology and DLC modes.

Key Highlights:

1. Purpose of DLC: The submission of the Life Certificate is crucial for pensioners to ensure the continuity of their pensions. The DLC campaign ensures that pensioners can easily submit their life certificates.

2. Technological Advancements: The Department engaged with UIDAI & MeitY to develop Face-Authentication technology based on Aadhaar database, allowing pensioners to submit DLC from any Android smartphone. Other methods include the Jeevan Pramaan App, Video KYC, LC through India Post Payments Bank’s app, and doorstep services by Public Sector Banks.

3. Past Success and Future Goals: A previous campaign in 2022 resulted in around 35 lakh out of 69.8 lakh Central Government Pensioners using DLC. The Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 aims to engage 50 lakh pensioners across India, promoting the use of Face Authentication Technology and DLC modes.

4. Stakeholders and Responsibilities: The campaign involves collaboration with Pension Disbursing Banks, Pensioners’ Associations, Ministry of Defence, Postal & Railways, PIB & DD for media support, UIDAI & MeitY for technical support, and more. Each stakeholder has specific responsibilities.

5. Campaign Phases: The campaign consists of two phases: Pre-Campaign Preparation Phase (August 1 – August 30, 2023) and Campaign Period (November 1 – 30, 2023).

6. Role of Different Stakeholders: Various stakeholders, including the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Pension Disbursing Banks, Pensioners’ Welfare Associations, Ministry of Defence (SPARSH), UIDAI, Jeevan Pramaan Team (MeitY), and Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (PIB/DD/AIR), have defined roles to ensure the campaign’s success.

7. Media Plan: The campaign’s success relies on widespread awareness through print advertisements, SMS messages, PIB notes, tweets, DO coverage, social media posts, and short films. Various activities are planned to create a buzz and encourage pensioners’ participation.

8. Coordination Officers: Specific officers have been nominated for coordination at various levels, ensuring smooth execution of the campaign.

9. Guidelines and Support: Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and a User Manual for the DLC Portal have been appended to the memorandum, providing stakeholders with comprehensive guidelines and support.

Conclusion: The Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 2.0 highlight the Ministry’s efforts to make the process of submitting life certificates more convenient for Central Government pensioners. By leveraging technology and collaboration with various stakeholders, the campaign aims to achieve increased participation and a seamless experience for pensioners across India.

File No.1 (2)2023-P&PW(H)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department to Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd floor, Lok Nayak
Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi
August 9. 2023


Subject: Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign  2.0. November 1-30.2023

The undersigned is directed to say that submission of Life Certificate is an important activity to he carried out by pensioners every year in the month of November (with special provision for pensioners aged 80 years and above to submit their Life Certificates in the month of October) to ensure continuity of their pension.

2. To enhance ‘Ease of Living’ of Central Government pensioners, this Department engaged with UIDAI & MeitY to develop a Face-Authentication technology system based on UIDAI Aadhaar database whereby it is possible to submit Life Certificate from any Android basal smart phone. This is in addition to giving Life Certificate using a bio-metric device on the Jeevan Pramaan App. Video.KYC, LC through the Gramin Dak Sevaks by using the App of India Post Payments Bank and Door-step service by the consortium of Public Sector Banks.

3. With a view to spread awareness amongst all the Central Government pensioners as well as the Pension Disbursing Authorities for use of DLC through Face Authentication Technology, DoPPW launched a nation-wide campaign in 37 cities in collaboration with SRI, PNB, Pensioners’ Associations, UIDAI & MeitY in the month of November 2022. This campaign resulted into use of DLC by approx. 35 Lakh out of 69 8 Lakh Central Government Pensioners across India.

4. DoPPW shall now be conducting a Nation-wide DLC Campaign 2.0 in 100 cities of India, where there is a significant presence of Central Government Pensioners, from I” to 30th November, 2023. The objective of this Campaign is to promote increased use of Face Authentication Technology and DLC modes with a target of 50 Lakh Central Government Pensioners across India. The SOP regarding the technique of issuing DI.0 through Face Authentication is attached for reference.

5. In order to conduct this Campaign, DoPPW shall obtain the support of the following stake-holders:

  • Pension Disbursing Banks
  • Pensioners’ Associations
  • Ministry of Defence, Postal & Railways (for their own pensioners)
  • PIB & DD (for media support)
  • UIDAI & MeitY (for technical support)

6. Nation – wide DLC campaign 2.0 Features:

  • There shall be a common All-India banner of the Nationwide DLC Campaign to be shared separately by DOPPW.
  • DoPPW shall nominate its Nodal officers for each State; these Nodal Officers shall tie up with the Campaign Nodal officers of the different stake-holders, as given above for the respective stakeholders.
  • The 100 cities have been identified and multiple locations within each city will be identified in consultation with the stakeholders.
  • Camps will be organized at the identified multiple locations in each city. shortlisted for the Campaign by the banks/establishments.
  • Each Bank shall nominate its nodal officers for each State/UT who shall coordinate with the Bank’s nodal officer for each city for the Campaign. DoPPW shall coordinate with the State Nodal Officers only.
  • Wo Defence. Railway. Pasts & Telecom shall appoint their own Nodal Officers.
  • UIDAI and MeitY shall also nominate Nodal officers for technical support for each State/UT.
  • PIB & DD shall nominate its Nodal officers for publicity in each State/UT.
  • From September, 2023. onwards wide publicity is to be carried out through social media, print media. banks and registered pensioners’ associations.
  • The Banks/Establishinents associating for the Campaign in a particular State shall hold camps on designated days of November. In addition camps will also be held on other days by all Bank branches for the Pensioners reaching Banks.
  • MeitY shall be roped in for utilizing its software to give real-time inputs on the progress of the Campaign.
  • A Social Media group of all the Nodal officers shall be created by DOPPW for real-time sharing of information during the Campaign.

7. A separate DLC portal with URL https:finsension.nic.inAlicportab has been created wherein details of Nodal Officers at State and City level shall be registered. All inputs related to the Campaign such as URIs of tweets and PIB notes, press releases are to be entered in this portal. The user manual for the DLC Portal is attached for reference.

8. Pre-Campaign Preparation Phase (August 1 – August 30, 2023)

  • Nomination of Nodal officers by DoPPW, all Banks. Defence (SPARSH). UIDAI, MeitY. PIB and DD.
  • State-wise meetings of all the stake-holders for the identified 100 cities with DoPPW officials.
  • Training of Nodal officers. Bankers & Training of trainers by DoPPW/ UIDAI/ MeitY on DLC through Face authentication and DLC Portal.

9. Campaign Period activities (1″ November – 30th November, 2023)

  • Launch of Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 on I” November, 2023 under the auspice of Hon’ble Dr. Jitendra Singh. MOS.
  • DLC camps in 100 cities as per schedule from Nov 1-10, 2023 when the maximum rush is expected; thereafter the Banks/Establishments shall keep the facility open.
  • Visit of DoPPW nominated officials to different locations to monitor & inspect the drive. Daily updation of data centrally by MeitY of the progress of the DLC Campaign in a pre­determined format to be intimated separately.
  • Release of P1B note and tweets for each location in every city by respective nodal officers. This shall be monitored by the DoPPW official in-charge of that particular State/UT.
  • Mid – Campaign Press conference by DOPPW on 15th November 2023.
  • Sharing of PIB notes. tweets links, DD coverage on Campaign by the Nodal officers on the portal/social media group.
  • End of Campaign Press conference by DOPPW on 30th November.
  • Release of Nation – Wide DLC campaign booklet by DOPPW.

10. Role of different stake-holders w.r.t. the Nationwide DLC 100 City Campaign:

Role of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

  • issue letters to all stake-holders containing details of the campaign.
  • Nomination of Nodal Officers for each State/UT.
  • Co-ordination meetings with all stake-holders in different States/UTs including with the Registered Pensioners’ Associations.
  • Creation & monitoring of the Nationwide DI.0 Campaign 2.0 Portal for upload of details of Nodal Officers.
  • Creation of a social media group comprising all the nodal officers for posting of pictures of different site locations and number of tweets.
  • Provide a MIS format to MeitY for real-time updates with regard to the Campaign.
  • Training of different stake-holders along with MeitY & UIDA1 officials in Face Authentication and DLC methods.
  • Conduct an awareness drive at the appropriate time through newspapers, television. FM radio, Social media, SMS messages. Short films regarding the DLC campaign.

Role of Pension Disbursing Banks

  • A nodal officer, not below the rank of Chief General Manager/General Manager, to be nominated for the Nation-wide DIE Campaign.
  • Siam, UT wise sub-nodal officers, not below the rank of AGM, to be nominated for each State/ UT where bank has been identified as lead bank.
  • Shortlist multiple branches in the concerned cities for holding the Campaign.
  • Conduct an awareness drive of the Nationwide DLC Campaign using a uniform common Banner at their locations and publicize the event through social media, SMS to Pensioners and other means such as posters at Digihuts, ATMs and prominent branches.
  • Dedicated staff at all branches (even though not pan of DLC campaign selected cities/locations) should be equipped with an Android phone to use this technology when pensioners visit the branch for submission of DLC certificate.
  • Printout of successful submission of DLC screcnshot may be provided to pensioners.
  • Effort may be made to encourage pensioners to download Face authentication apps in their mobile so that they learn technology themselves.
  • Coordinate with the designated DoPPW, UIDAI, MeitY. Pill & DD Officials for the event as well as the registered Pensioners’ Associations in their jurisdiction.
  • Conduct a daily exercise to ensure that all DLCs submitted have been processed and confirmation SMS sent to the Pensioner.
  • Inspect their software prior to the campaign for auto-consumption of the DLC reaching their servers through VIDAL
  • Inspect their software for enabling LC through Video KYC method.
  • Women and sick Pensioners should be given highest priority.
  • Prepare an exception check-list of the Pensioners in the select cities who have not given LC by November 15,2023 and send reminder SMS.
  • Prepare for providing doorstep LC facility to those Pensioners who are unable to visit centers clue to age/infirmity.
  • No pensioner wanting to give a physical LC should be turned back.
  • Instructions to be given to their International Banking Divisions to give a similar treatment to Pensioners settled abroad and visiting their centers for giving LC.
  • PIB note, Tweets and media coverage should be given to each event and  DOPPW twitter handle to be        tagged. Short videos of 30 seconds may be taken of pensioners above age of 90 years generating their DLC.
  • Prepare a media plan of the Campaign and send pictures to DoPPW on the mail II) donow-dietrtgov.in

 Role of Pensioners’ Welfare Associations

  • PWAs to nominate officials to make home/hospital visits for Pensioners who arc unable to move to Campaign locations
  • Conduct a rigorous awareness drive of the Campaign among all their members as well as apprise their RWAs (Resident Welfare Associations) regarding the Campaign and the Face Authentication methodology for giving LC.
  • Coordinate with the local Bank/Defence (SPARSHY)PIB officials for conducting a seamless DLC Nationwide campaign.
  • Report to the concerned DoPPW official of the State about any local issues being faced by the Pensioners in giving I.C.
  • Prepare a media plan of the Campaign and send pictures to DoPPW on the mail ID doppw-dlc@gov.in

Role of Ministry of Defence (SPARSH) 

  • A Nodal officer may be nominated. not below the rank of Dir/DS/Dy. CGDA  for coordination at  central         level. Sub-Nodal officers to be nominated for each state/ UT/Command not below the rank of Dy.CDA, where the camp is being held for SPARSH pensioners and details of the nodal officers to be uploaded on the portal.
  • Wide publicity should be given to this campaign by spreading awareness through banners, social media, SMS and Sainik Welfare Boards.
  • A dedicated person should be equipped with an Android phone for issue of Digital Life Certificate of the pensioners visiting the camp.
  • Additional facilities like free medical checkup (tests more relevant to senior citizens), Aadhaar Updation, engagement with NGOs working with senior citizens can also be arranged. if desired, by the Ministry.
  • Conduct a proper awareness drive regarding the different methods available to Defence Pensioners or submitting LC.
  • Uniform Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 Banner to be displayed at all locations for publicity.
  • Gear up SPARSH centers for the Campaign and enable Face Authentication technology for DLC in SPARSH.
  • Advise Zila Sainik Welfare Boards to conduct the Campaign in their area of operation in the select cities.
  • Advise their registered Pensioners’ Associations to help Defence Pensioners to give DLC.
  • Organize home visits for those Defence Pensioners who are unable to visit the centers.
  • Position grievance officers in all the centers and also provide a helpline for the Defence Pensioners who face issues in giving LCs.
  • Review the DLC position on November 10, 2023 and send reminder SMS to those Defence Pensioners who have not yet given LCs.
  • Prepare a media plan of the Campaign and send pictures to DoPPW on the mail ID d1c6deov.in
  • Short videos of 30 seconds may be taken of pensioners above age of 90 years submitting DI.C.

Role of UIDAI 

  • A Nodal officer may be nominated for month long campaign.
  • Nominate Nodal officers State-wise who shall be providing technical support in the select cities and centres on phone and physically where ever possible.
  • Set-up helplines for giving technical support wherever issues are faced in DLC.
  • Ensure a robust software for seamless conduct of the Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0
  • Arrange Aadhaar updation Camps at the Campaign Centres wherever possible to additionally help Pensioners in updating their Aadhaar details.
  • Coordinate with the DoPPW officials in charge of the Campaign in the region.

Role of Jeevan Pramaan Team. MEitY 

  • Nominate a team centrally for coordinating with DoPPW Officials for proving necessary MIS (to be intimated separately) of the progress of the Nationwide DI.0 Campaign 2.0
  • Nominate nodal officers for providing technical support on phone in case of any technical glitches faced on the Jeevan Pramaan App.
  • Ensure a robust working ‘Levan Pramaan App during the Campaign period devoid of any bugs.
  • Coordinate with the DoPPW officials in charge of the Campaign in the region.

Role of MoI&B /PIB/DD/AIR

  • Nominate Nodal ()Moors not below the rank of Dir/DS to coordinate with the concerned DoPPW official.
  • Conduct local awareness publicity through media both prior. during and after the event.
  • Conduct a Mid-Campaign media conference.
  • Nominate a nodal officer each for PIE & DD.
  • Deploy resource person for translating SOP  & awareness campaign material for DLC through Face authentication in 22 scheduled languages.
  • Deploy DD teams at campaign sites for detailed  coverage.
  • Creation of short films on Nation – Wide Campaign.
  • Organize 02 Panel discussions at DO & AIR.

11. Media Plan

  • All awareness material on DLC / Face authentication will be available on the DOPPW’ portal. Nodal officers can use that material for widespread awareness.
  • DoPPW will release 2 print advertisements covering whole country for awareness about DLC/ Face authentication giving details of National campaign on IS September and 1511‘ October, 2023.
  • DoPPW shall send SMS to the Central Government Civil Pensioners whose mobile numbers are available in DoPPW database in the month of October & November. 2023.
  • P18 notes/ tweets will be issued for each campaign site at multiple locations in 100 cities.
  • Banks will conduct an awareness Campaign in the select city in local languages in local newspapers in advance so that pensioners participate in these camps.
  • DO coverage of each camp-site in all 100 cities.
  • September 2023 onwards, twitter series will be launched covering DLC/Face authentication SOP, info graphics, short videos, success stories of DLC campaign 2022 for widespread awareness about DLC.
  • Panel discussion by DD to be chaired by Secretary (P&PW1.
  • Release of DLC campaign booklet at the end of campaign.
  • Mid – Campaign Press conference on 15th November, 23.
  • End of Campaign Press conference on 30th November, 23.

12. For overall coordination, following DoPPW officers have been nominated:

SI no Name Role Contact details Email ID
I Ruchir Mittel, Director Campaign 011-23350012. 9754473876 mchirmittal.cgda&ic.in
2 Ashok K Singh, US Min/Dept Coordination 011-23310108, 8447326646 ashok.ks72 (ggov.in
3 Rajesh Kumar. US Media coordinator 011-246411631. 9540623057 rajcsh.kr73@nicin
4 RamanntKaur. Consultant Bank coordinator 011-24644631. 9643318767 ramanjit.kaur.61@govcontractorin

13. The above comprehensive guidelines for Nation – Wide Digital Life Certificate 2.0 for month of November arc being issued to ensure saturation of use of DLC by Central Government Pensioners across India. All Stakeholders arc requested to adhere to roles assigned, as above.

This issues with the approval of Secretary (Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare).



2. User Manual for DLC Portal

Ruchir Mittal
Director. DoPPW
Tel.: 23350012
Email: ruchinnittal.cgda@nic.in

1. Secretary, All Min/Depts

2. All CMDs of Pension Disbursing Banks

3. Chairman, Railway Board

4. Secretary, Meity

5. Secretary Dept. of Posts

6. Secretary, Dept. of Telecommunication



9. Chairman IPPB

Government Of India

One of the best practices in digital innovation launched by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.

DOPPW in collaboration with UIDAI & MIETY has launched Face Authentication technology for submission of Digital Life Certificate for enhancing “Ease of Living” of 70 lakhs Central Govt. Pensioners’.

DLC through Face Authentication Technology is based on Aadhaar using Android based smartphone.

Government Of India
Process of submitting Life Certificate through


In this step, the pensioner/family pensioner needs to go to the Google Play Store and search for “Aadhaar Face RD (Early Access) Application” by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) with Version 0.7.39.


After successfully installing the Aadhaar Face RD App on the device, it will appear in the Settings under App Manager or App Info. This application is used for the background process of the Jeevan Pramaan Application, so it is mandatory to install it.


Once the Aadhaar Face RD App is installed on your smartphone/Android device, the pensioner/family pensioner need to download another application called “Jeevan Pramman” from the Google play store with Version 3.6.3.

step 4

step 5

step 6

step 7


1. The operator authentication is a one time process.

2. Pensioner can also be the Operator.

3. After operator authentication, a screen will open for pensioner authentication.

4. One operator can generate multiples DLCs of


After successfully completing the face scan, the pensioner/family pensioner will be taken to the “Pensioner Authentication” screen. They or any family member will need to fill in the correct information as per the records. After filling in all the necessary details, they should click on the submit button, and it will generate the “DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE.”

the pramman ID and PPO no

DLC campaign


Page #

  1. How to Access……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
  2. How to Login………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
  3. Intimation of Camp Details…………………………………………………………………………….  7
  4. Updation/Editing of Existing Camp Details……………………………………………………… 12

How to Access “DLC Campaign Portal”

URL: – https://ipension.nic.in/dlcportal/

DLC campaign portal

login in DLC Compaign Portal

Steps to Login

  • Enter your registered mobile number or email-id.
  • Click on ‘Get OTP’ button to get the OTP on your registered mobile number or email-id.
  • Enter the OTP which you have got on your registered mobile number or email-id.
  • Enter the Security Code/Captcha.
  • Click on ‘Continue’ button.

DLC Camp Details

login in DLC Compaign Portal imges 1

login in DLC Compaign Portal images 2

DLC Camp Details images 1

DLC Camp Details images 2

Updation Editing of Existing DLC Camp


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