INC-22A (Active Company Tagging Identities and verification) is notified by MCA vide notification dated 21stFebruary, 2019 (Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019)
Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification (ACTIVE) (1) Every Company Incorporated on or before 31st December 2017 shall file the particulars of the company and its registered office, in e-Form ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) on or before 25.04.2019.
Prior Conditions:
- Company has must filed Annual Filing Forms (AOC-4, AOC-4-XBRL, MGT-7) of the Financial year 2017-18
- DIR-3 KYC must be filed of all the directors of Company and no director is disqualified u/s 164(2) of Companies Act, 2013 (If Yes than first filled DIR-3 KYC or Resign that director from the company as the case may be)
i. E-mail ID of Company on which OTP will be send and after duly verified by OTP form will be filed
ii. Attachment (Phonograph of Registered Office showing external building and inside office also showing therein at least one director/KMP who has affixed DSC in form
iii. DSC of two directors (One should be KMP where applicable)
iv. Certified with DSC of any Professional
Information Pre-fill:
- Details of Directors of the Company
- SRN of AOC-4, AOC-4-XBRL, MGT-7 of the Financial year 2017-18
- Details of Statutory Auditor, Secretarial Auditor, KMP (Where Applicable)
If Company does not comply with the Provisions, Status of Company will be ACTIVE -non-compliant.
If Company Comply on or after 26.O4.2O19, status of Company will be ACTIVE Compliant.
Penalty for late filing will be start from 26.04.2019 will be Rs.10,000.
Effects of Non-Compliance:
- Company will not be able to file Form SH-7(Change in Authorised Capital), PAS-3(Allotment of Security), DIR-12(Changes in Particulars of Directors), INC-22(Changes in Registered Office) and INC-28(Amalgamation, De-Merger).
One can opine that If Company has not filed Annual Filing Forms for the year 2017-18, Form ADT-1 for the next Financial year or not filled forms relating to appointment of Company Secretary (Where Applicable) can not able to file the said form.
For filling form INC-22A above forms must be filled before INC-22A.