The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Statutory body under an Act of Parliament
(Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs)
July 14, 2021
Dear Professional Colleague,
Subject: Formation of Multidisciplinary Firms
Esteemed Members of the Institute are hereby informed that your Institute is in the process of working out the modalities and regulating guidelines for the formation of multidisciplinary firms by its Members with Members of other professional bodies at level playing field.
In view of the above, Members are hereby advised to enter into such partnership with the Members of the other professional bodies only after the appropriate guidelines for the formation of such Multidisciplinary firms are notified by your esteemed Institute.
This Advisory is in continuation to the earlier Advisory dated February 13, 2021.
With warm regards,
CS Asish Mohan
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Source- Unverified Social Media