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FAQs on New Training Structure as per Company  Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 to be effective from 03rd February, 2021

Part A- Implementation of New Training Structure and its applicability

Sl. No. Question Answer
1 When is the new Training structure under Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 coming into force The new training structure as per Regulation 46BA and 46BB under The Company  Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 is effective from 03rd February 2021.
2 What are the various kinds of training applicable under New Training structure The students  are required to complete the following   training
programme:a) Executive  Development Programme (EDP) for one
month duration after passing of Executive Programme examination;b) Practical training for twenty one  (21)  months after completion of  Executive Development Programme on whole  time basis  during normal working hours,-(i) in a company having a company secretary in whole time employment or any other company fulfilling  suchcriteria as may be determined by the Institute; or(ii) under a Company Secretary in whole-time practice fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; oriii. in any other  body corporate or institution or organisation or entity fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute;c) After passing the Professional Programme Examination, a Corporate  Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) for not less than thirty days but not exceeding sixty days as may be determined by the Institute.

Part B- Executive Development Programme (EDP)

Sl. No. Question Answer
3 What is the training duration of EDP under New Training structure as per Company Secretaries (Amendments) Regulations, 2020 The EDP is for a period of 30 days, out of which 15 days EDP needs to be completed   in   classroom    mode  in CCGRT/CoE/ROs/ Chapters (upto the level of Gold Chapter) and 15 days e-EDP through online mode at ICSI e-learning portal. The students can do both the classroom mode EDP as well as e-EDP simultaneously.
4 Can I undergo 15 days e-EDP along with 15 days classroom EDP Yes, students may undergo e-EDP along with classroom EDP as e-EDP is available through LMS. The students may register for e- EDP through the https://stimulate.icsi.edu and can access the program on ICSI e Learning Portal.
5 I have already undergone 15
days Academic programme as per earlier/modified training structure. Should I again undergo the 30 days EDP
The  students who  have  already completed their 15 days Academic Program  under  previous training structure or have been granted
exemption there form and switching over to new training structure are exempted  to undergo 15 days classroom EDP under new training structure. However, they are required to complete 15 days e-EDP program.
6 How do I claim the benefit of 15 days Classroom based EDP in lieu   of  15 days Academic Program under  modified training structure To   claim   the   benefit    of    15  days Academic Program, a student has to upload the 15 days Academic Program certificate   through   stimulate   portal
through the tab of short term training-upload the completion certificates.
7 How to register and undergo e- EDP The Institute has  launched    e-EDP through its e-learning platform which works on anytime, anywhere basis. The Instructions related to (e-learning) are available on the website of the Institute.
8 How much is the fees for e- EDP The fees for e-EDP is Rs. 2000/-

art C- Practical Training

Question Answer
9 What   is    the    duration    of Practical training under New Training   structure    as per Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 The   duration    of practical     training under New Training structure as per Company   Secretaries    (Amendment)
Regulations, 2020 is twenty one (21) months.
10 After 3rd February, 2021, can I immediately     start     my practical training under New Training   structure    as per Company Secretaries (Amendment)       Regulations, 2020 The students can start their practical training only after completing one month EDP.
11 How many leaves are allowed in 21 months training under New Training structure as per Company Secretaries (Amendment)       Regulations, 2020 As per the Guideline, a total number of 52 leaves are allowed in 21 months training under New Training structure.
12 Do the Students who are already undergoing training in accordance with the provisions of  the earlier/modified         training structure    are     required   to switchover to new training structure A student who is undergoing training in accordance with the provisions of the earlier/modified training structure may   continue   and    complete the training in accordance with the said structure, provided that such student at his discretion may switch over to the new training structure under the CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
13 I registered in CS Executive in 2014 but not yet started any training. Will the new training structure be applicable to me Student who irrespective of the date of his  registration to Executive Programme or Professional Programme,has   not commenced his/her training within the period as prescribed  in notification ICSI/Trg/2020 dated 03rd Aug, 2020 which was extended up to 02nd Feb 2021, shall compulsorily be switched over to New Training Structure under the CS (Amendment)  Regulations, 2020 w.e.f. 03rd Feb 2021.
14 I am a CS executive pass student, completed 06
months of my training out of 15 months training  and
On or after 3rd Feb 2021 you are
required to continue your balance
training under New Training structure
discontinued the same. Can I complete my balance training    of  9 months in previous structure or do I need to register under New Training structure as per Company Secretaries (Amendments) Regulations, 2020. But you have to complete one month EDP prior to starting the balance training.
15 If I  clear   my   Professional Programme examination in February,  2021,   can I be allowed to undergo the 12 months   training as per
modified training structure
No, you have to undergo 21 Months Practical training which is applicable from 3rd Feb, 2021
16 Which all entities are eligible to impart practical training under New Training structure as per Company Secretaries (Amendment)     Regulations,
Types of various entities eligible for imparting training is given at the link: https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmod



17 What is the     time    limit provided by the Institute for submitting  training    related documents      under  New Training   structure as    per Company Secretaries (Amendment)  Regulations, 2020 The    time    limit  for   submission    of training contract/appointment letter is 100 days of commencement/joining of their training.

Any Delay in training registration with the Institute, which is more than 100 days will be considered as Dummy Training   and     Training     of     such
candidates will not be considered by the Institute.

18 What is  the   minimum amount of stipend payable to the students during training period under New Training structure as per       Company Secretaries         (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 Monthly Stipend to be paid is given herein:

If undergoing training under PCS – Minimum amount of Rs 3000/- per month

If undergoing training at Company      /other entities- Minimum amount of Rs 4000/-per month

However, the stipend has to be paid through Cheques or On-line Transfers only.



What are the working hours while undergoing practical
training under New Training structure as per Company Secretaries  (Amendment) Regulations, 2020
The candidates undergoing Practical training shall be required to work during normal hours which shall not be less than 8 hours a day for 5 days or 40 hours in a week for a total period of practical training.
20 How    many    transfers are allowed during the period of 21 months  long   term practical training under New Training   structure as per Company  Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 Maximum 02 (two) transfers shall be permitted during the entire duration of training under New Training structure as per Company  Secretaries
(Amendment) Regulations, 2020
21 What is the eligibility for a CS in practice/ company to engage trainees (a)  The trainers – Corporates / Practising Company Secretary will be enrolled on the basis of eligibility criteria i.e. adequate infrastructure, clientele, work profile, turn-over,     etc.,  to ensure    the   quality of  the
trainers.(b)  A company having a company secretary in   whole  time employment and minimum
paid up capital of Rs 50 Lakhs or any other company having a paid     up      capital of   in accordance with the provision made   in    Rule  8    (A)   and
amendments made by the MCA from time to time.(c)  A Company Secretary  in whole time practice having at least one year of experience as member in employment or practice and having adequate infrastructure.(d)  LLP,  General LLP, CS Non
Attestation LLP having not less than half of its partners are members of ICSI and having net worth/capital
contribution/turnover of not less than Rs 50 lakhs(e)  any other body corporate or institution or organization or entities fulfilling the criteria as may be determined by the Council;
22 What is the procedure of taking Transfer from       One trainer  to another trainer A student has to give a notice of minimum 45 working days to his trainer in writing by giving the reason for the same. Resignation letter must be handed over personally against proper acknowledgement receipt. It can also be sent by speed post / Registered post.
23 When to submit the project report A candidate will prepare a Project Report on the basis of his practical training under the guidance of his/her trainer and submit the Report to the Institute in stimulate portal. However, The trainees will be required to submit the    project report at the time of Corporate   Leadership    Development
Programme (CLDP). The project Report shall be assessed by a panel of experts at the time of CLDP. The assessment shall be made through a five point grading system.
24 What   is    the    process of submitting quarterly report The trainer through the Online Mode shall submit quarterly report to the Institute regarding the progress of the Trainee. The trainer has to submit the quarterly report within 30 days of ending of each quarter. However, the trainee will pursue the matter with the trainer to get it completed in time.

Part D- Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP)

Question Answer
25 What  is    CLDP    and     its eligibility to register CLDP is Corporate Leadership Development Programme.

All students after passing Professional Program          and completing their Practical training and one month EDP or exempted there from are required to undergo and    complete 30 to 60   days
Corporate Leadership Development Program (CLDP) as may be decided by the Institute before applying for ACS membership.

26 What is the procedure of qualifying the viva voce The Project Report/ Research Report shall be prepared by the candidate under   the   guidance of   his/her
trainer and there shall be a viva voce on that project report during the CLDP by the experts.The Project report and viva-voce shall be graded as following :-A+ : Outstanding
A : Very Good
B+ : GoodB: SatisfactoryC:  Needs Improvement & Re-submission

Part E- Exemption from Practical Training

Question Answer
27 When do I apply for training Exemption Student after passing CS Professional Examination can apply for exemption from 21 month + 1 month EDP training under new guideline for claiming exemption as per the Company Secretaries
(Amendments) Regulation, 2020 from 03rd Feb, 2021 through online portal https://stimulate.icsi.edu.
28 I am under old /modified training structure need to apply exemption from training after 2nd Feb, 2021, which
guideline will be applicable to me
You can apply for exemption from 21 month + 1 month EDP training under new guideline for claiming exemption as per the Company Secretaries
(Amendments) Regulation, 2020 from 3rd Feb, 2021 through online portal https://stimulate.icsi.edu.
29 I have already applied for exemption and partial exemption has been granted to me. How to apply for exemption from partial training. Is it coming under the Company Secretaries (Amendments) Regulation, 2020 You can apply for partial exemption as per old regulation through stimulate portal. There is no fee for balance training exemption.


I have already applied for exemption by paying Rs.10,000/- (Ten Thousand) online, the application is
showing status as pending/ call for. Do I need to apply again
No, all applications showing status as pending / call for will be considered as per old regulation and guideline.


31 If my exemption application has been rejected under previous training structure,
can I re-apply for exemption under previous training
No, You can apply for exemption as per the Company Secretaries (Amendments) Regulation, 2020 from 3rd Feb, 2021 through online portal https://stimulate.icsi.edu.


32 What all new eligibility criteria
for claiming exemption from
training under New Guideline
Please chec the guideline for eligibility criteria and document requirement for claiming exemption from training available in our website https://www.icsi.edu/student/traini ng/exemption-under-new-regulation-2020/
33 What documents are required to be submitted at the time of applying for exemption under new guideline 1. Apply through stimulate
https://stimulate.icsi.edu2. Fees of Rs.20,000/- online
payment through stimulate3. For detail of document andeligibility criteria for claiming
exemption, please refer the new guidelines at https://www.icsi.edu/student/t raining/exemption-under-new-regulation-2020/
34 What should be the format and maximum size for uploading the document in stimulate portal Document should be submitted online through https://stimulate.icsi.edu
and it should be uploaded duly self-attested in PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG format, Maximum size of the document can be 3.5 MB).


Is there any format for experience certificate


Please refer the guideline available on the website under Practical Training Exemption -detail of document and eligibility criteria for claiming
exemption,https://www.icsi.edu/student/traini ng/exemption-under-new-regulation-2020/
36 What is the Fee for the exemption application and its applicability? The fee is refundable or not Rs 20,000/- fee is applicable under new training structure. (80% of fees will be refunded, if student is not found eligible for exemption from training) fees is not applicable if applied for exemption from 15 days specialized training or incase already been
granted exemption from more than 12 month of training and applying for exemption from balance training.


What all documents are required to be submitted along with the application of exemption under new
For detail please check the guideline as different documents are required as per the eligibility criteria. In general the following documents are required

a. Fee Rs. 20,000/- towards
application fees

b. Experience certificate having designation duration of service, pay scale, detail of work profile to assess the experience. The experience
certificate should be signed by either the HR head or by the Authorized signatory of the company/firm as the case may be. The name and designation of the Authorized signatory need to be mentioned in the experience certificate.

c. Copy of Annual report of the organization for any two financial year between the service period served in the organization or Audited Balance sheet of the organization for any two financial year between the service period served in the organization or Balance sheet of the organization for any two financial year of the service period served in the organization downloaded from MCA site duly certified by the ROC.

38 Is there any exemption from long term training on the basis of three years of CA Articleship No
39 Is there any exemption from long term training on the basis of work experience in CA Firm or Law Firm No
40 Is there any exemption from MSOP/ CLDP No, MSOP or CLDP is a mandatory training. There is no exemption from the same.
42 How do we get the status of the application of exemption You can check the status on the student stimulate portal under
exemption grid.
43 How do we get the letter for exemption After Approval, the exemption letter will be generated from stimulate
portal. The candidate can download it from the portal.


Is there any exemption available from one month
EDP separately under new training structure
The exemption is available from 21 month training and 1 month EDP.

There is no separate exemption
available for 1 month EDP. Further the student who have already completed 15 days Academic
Programme can refer the circular number TRG-07/2020 on the website

through the link



45 Is it important to upload the whole annual report No, you can submit audited first page of balance sheet containing the detail about Paid up capital & Reserve.
46 How can I do CLDP if I get exempted from training under the Company Secretaries (Amendments) Regulation,
The CLDP will be conducted as per the guideline of the Institute.
47 I have claimed exemption under New Regulation, 2020. Can I do e- MSOP in place of CLDP No, you need to do CLDP only as per the new Training structure.

PART – F Exemption under Old Training Structure

Sl. No. Question Answer
48 Is fee applicable if applying for 15 days specialized ROC training For exemption from 15 days ROC training, no fees is applicable.
49 Is there any  exemption available from 15 days specialized training Yes, under old training structure CS professional    passed candidate, having    completed 15 months
training and having relevant work experience in the relevant area can apply for exemption from 15 days training in optional area through stimulate portal.
51 Do we need to apply for exemption from 15   days specialized training
separately if already applied for exemption from long term training under old regulation?
No, it is not required. It can be considered     under     the same application for Long term training exemption under old regulation.
52 I have already been Granted exemption  before 3rd Feb, 2020, Do I need to do CLDP or MSOP/e-MSOP You can do MSOP/e-MSOP.
53 I have already applied        for exemption and        partial exemption has been granted to me. How to apply for exemption  from partial
training. Is it coming under the Company  Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020
You can apply for partial exemption as per    old    regulation    through
stimulate portal. There is no fee for balance training exemption.



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One Comment

  1. Ayushi says:

    I have completed 11months training under old structure i.e 24months however now I have taken transfer so can I now switch to new training structure i.e under 21 months for Balance training of 10 months, will my tenure get counted if I switch to new structure?? Please guide

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