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All about Form DIR-3 KYC

July 17, 2018 15699 Views 5 comments Print

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in order to update its registry is conducting KNOW YOUR CLIENT (KYC) of all the Directors of all Companies annually through a form viz. DIR-3 KYC. Accordingly, MCA has notified Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) fourth Amendment Rules, 2018 and a new rule 12A has been inserted to provide for […]

What do you if you received objection for your trademark

July 10, 2018 2043 Views 0 comment Print

In case the Registrar issues an examination report, the reply of the same has to be filed within one month from the date of receipt of the report. If the applicant fails to respond to the communication, the Registrar may treat the application as abandoned.

Initial steps for filing Trademark Application

July 10, 2018 5994 Views 0 comment Print

In a layman’s language, a trademark can be defined as a design, symbol, mark, word or phrase that marks the identity for a specific product, commodity, or a service. It basically grants the lawful owner, a right of a lifetime to use, modify, or take any advantage from the registered trademark. It becomes a mark […]

MSME Registration and its importance

July 9, 2018 7509 Views 0 comment Print

MSME Stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. In a developing country like India, MSME industries are the backbone of the economy. No matter whether the Company is in manufacturing or service sector, registrations under MSME can be obtained for both the sectors. However, MSME registration is not yet mandatory but there are a lot […]

Did You Receive Strike Off Notice For Your Company?

June 22, 2018 3306 Views 2 comments Print

ROC has power to strike off the Company in case he has reason to believe that the Company has not been carrying on any operation for a period of two years and the ROC forms such opinion in case the Company has not filed its financial statements and annual returns.

Process and Benefits of Dematerialisation of Shares

June 20, 2018 14469 Views 1 comment Print

Till now, Dematerialisation of Shares was a mandatory requirement for a listed entity to have its 100% promoter shareholding and 50% non promoter shareholding in demat form. But now, as a part of its drive to lift the corporate veil, target benami transactions and bring more transparency, the government plans to make it compulsory for […]

Importance and Procedure of Trademark Registration

June 20, 2018 1998 Views 0 comment Print

PROCEDURE FOR TRADEMARK REGISTRATION- 1. To start with, search on the trademark’s department website on http://www.ipindia.gov.in/ as to whether the Trademark you intend to register is already registered or not.

Procedure to convert partnership firm/LLP into Company

June 16, 2018 19053 Views 6 comments Print

Section 366 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with Part I Companies that includes conversion of any partnership firm (Firm), limited liability partnership (LLP), cooperative society, society or any other business entity formed under any law for the time being in force.

Did You Receive Notice to Strike Off Your LLP?

June 12, 2018 1860 Views 0 comment Print

Where the LLP has not carried on any business or operation for a period of two years, then the Registrar shall send a notice to LLP and all his partners of his intention of striking off the name of LLP and requesting them to send their representations within a period of one month.

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