Explore details of India’s 2019 corporate tax reforms, including reduced rates, MAT changes, and their impact. Learn about industry responses and ongoing evaluations
Ministry of Finance has released the provisional figures for Direct Tax collections up to January 10, 2024, showcasing a robust performance and surpassing 80% of the total Budget Estimates for Direct Taxes in the fiscal year 2023-24.
Petitioner challenged notice on grounds of violating principles of natural justice, citing vagueness and lack of specificity. Court, echoing its earlier decisions upheld the need for detailed and specific show-cause notices.
Madras High Court nullifies a GST Assessment Order on a deceased person in Rekha. S vs. Assistant Commissioner case. Uncover legal implications, court’s reasoning, and directives for legal heirs.
In Optum vs. State of Haryana case, Punjab and Haryana High Court ruled manual GST appeals valid and set aside dismissal orders. Learn legal implications and amendments under Rule 108 of HGST Rules.
Delhi HC held that a prolonged separation of 11 years, compounded by false allegations and complaints, amounts to mental cruelty.
Article, explore intricacies of MSME Data Bank in India, its components, significance, challenges, and its transformative impact on nation’s business landscape.
Calcutta High Court, highlighted importance of affording an opportunity of hearing as mandated by Section 75(4) of the WBGST/CGST Act. The court emphasized that the absence of compliance with this statutory mandate renders the order unsustainable.
Allahabad High Court’s ruling supported notion that absence of a specified date, time, or venue for personal hearing in notice renders order unsustainable.
Customs Authority ruled that the projectors under consideration, based on their functions and features, were principally meant for use with automatic data processing machines. The presence of additional features did not disqualify them from classification under sub-heading 8528 62 00, emphasizing the specific description provided by the heading.