Supreme Court held that exemption from excise duty given to intravenous fluids is available to products manufactured for treatment of veterinary disease if products falls under the category of intravenous fluids.
CESTAT Delhi held that goods imported are snow goggles and not sunglasses. Accordingly, the goods i.e. snow goggles are classifiable under residual CTH 90049090 as others and cannot fall under CTH 90041000 as sun glasses.
Allahabad High Court held that delay of three days in depositing the arrears of tax under Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020 due to unforeseen and extraneous circumstances that were beyond the control of the petitioner is condonable.
CESTAT Ahmedabad held that despite of various opportunities as department failed to furnish basic documents like SCN and RUDs including relevant correspondence, the value declared by the imports/ respondents is upheld.
Supreme Court held that while setting aside the order of Settlement Commission, High Court could have remanded the matter to the Settlement Commission for re-consideration and re-determination of undisclosed income. It is unjust to set aside the order of Settlement Commission without re-determination of undisclosed income.
CESTAT Chennai held that SEZ unit/ developer is eligible to claim exemption from services tax even if the services are consumed outside the SEZ so long as the services are being used for authorized operations.
ITAT Mumbai held that the assessee not entitled to deduction u/s 48(i) of the Act for repayment of the mortgage debt which was incurred subsequent to the acquisition of the property and not for the purpose of acquisition.
ITAT Mumbai held that AO is bound to dispose of the objections filed by the assessee against reopening and give at least four weeks time, from the date of rejection of objection, to assessee to seek any legal remedy. In absence of the same, reopening of assessment is not legally sustainable.
CESTAT Delhi held that appellant was buying and selling space on its own account and was not acting on behalf of the shipping lines. Hence, the same is not covered under the definition of Business Auxiliary Service (BAS).
CESTAT Ahmedabad held that welding material used for repairs and maintenance of the plants is eligible for cenvat credit. Further, Railway line material used to move inputs/ raw material and manufactured goods within the factory premises is directly connected to the manufacture of final product and therefore, the credit cannot be denied on these items.