ITAT Jaipur held that capital gain not computable in respect of sale deed executed in favour of daughter-in law as it is only a gift to close relative and not a sale.
ITAT Pune held that onus of proving the genuineness of transaction of receipt of donation not discharged. Accordingly, held that all cash donation transactions are sham, a make believe story, a device adopted created to sleeve undisclosed income through anonymous donations.
Bombay High Court held that as per clause (xiii) of section 144B(1), reply can be filed by the assessee on the date and time as specified or within the extended time. Accordingly, shutting down the window before completion of extended time limit is unjustified. Hence, assessment order liable to be quashed.
In present facts of the case, the ITAT observed that Guess work or estimation or extrapolation of income is not permissible unless there are strong evidences to suggest otherwise. The additions are to be based solely on tangible material and not on the basis of estimations or extrapolation theory
CESTAT Chandigarh held that know-how is not an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) within the meaning of service tax law and consequently its transfer is not liable to service tax.
CESTAT Delhi held that the Ranger (non-electric) Vehicles deserve to be classified under CTH 8704 and Ranger (electric) and Brutus Vehicles deserve to be classified under CTH 8709.
ITAT Chennai held that there is no obligation to deduct tax at source u/s 195 of the Income Tax Act as payment made to sister concern in USA is purely reimbursement of expense and does not involve any element of income.
Learn about the taxation of virtual digital assets (VDAs) and the set-off of losses on the sale of one VDA against the profit on the sale of another VDA. Explore the provisions under section 115BBH, the confusion surrounding set-off rules, and the implications for Bitcoin transactions. Gain insights into the classification of VDAs, the treatment of NFTs, and key considerations for taxation.
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Learn about the process of filing applications by financial creditors under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Understand the provisions, timelines, and requirements for initiating Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) as a financial creditor.