It has been brought to notice that cases of such antecedent verification arc lacing unreasonable delays at certain field formations. In order to ensure that this task is completed in a time hound manner. it has been decided to amend the aforesaid Circular 26/2016-Customs by inserting the following sentence at the end of Para 4.1
F. No. 483/01/2020-LC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs Room No. 227 A. North Block, New Delhi *** Circular No. 04/2023-Customs Dated 21st February, 2023 To. All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs (Prey.) All Principal […]
Minimum Import Price (MIP) on Cashew kernel (broken / whole) will not be applicable for imports by 100% Export Oriented Units (EOUs) and units in the SEZs subject to the condition that the imported Cashew Kernels are not sold into Domestic Tariff Area (DTA).
CBDT amends Rule 16CC Form of report of audit prescribed under tenth proviso to section 10(23C), Rule 17B Audit report in the case of charitable or religious trusts, etc. and ‘FORM No. 10B – Audit report under clause (b) of the tenth proviso to clause (23C) of section 10 and sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of […]
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Circular no: PFRDA 2023/08/SUP-CRA 04 Dated: 21st Feb 2023 To All stakeholders under NPS Subject: NPS/APY Functionalities released by CRAs during Quarter III (FY 2022-23) The Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) appointed by PFRDA develop system level functionalities as per the evolving needs of NPS/APY stakeholders. 2. CRAs have […]
Gujarat High Court held that looking at the kind of quantum of gold smuggled in India, it is impossible to accept that petitioner has no financial capacity. Accordingly, pre-deposit mandatory under section 129E of the Customs Act for further proceedings.
Delhi High Court held that as per regulation 17(1) of Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations 2018, notice for revocation of license to the customs broker is to be issued within a period of 90 days from the receipt of offence report. Order unsustainable as notice issued beyond the period of 90 days,
Learn more about the regulatory requirement for obtaining license in India for tobacco production. Clear requirements and license criteria from The Cigarettes And Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition Of Advertisement And Regulation Of Trade And Commerce, Production, Supply And Distribution) Act, 2003, FSSAI, & CBN.
Understand Statutory Compliance and all its associated rules with Minimum Wages Act/Payment of Wages Act/Equal Remuneration Act.
मेरे अनेक वरिष्ठ मित्र भौतिक शेयरों को लेकर काफी परेशान हैं हालाँकि सेबी ने निवेशकों के हितार्थ नियमों में कुछ संशोधन किये हैं लेकिन अभी भी जो अतिआवश्यक संशोधन चाहिये उसी पर समस्या को बताते हुये निदान हेतु कुछ सुझाव सुझा रहा हूँ । उन सभी वरिष्ठ मित्रों का यह मानना है कि मोदीजी हिन्दी […]