Valuation is the most fundamental term in finance but is extremely crucial to understand while deriving the value. Also, several events in recent past have transpired to provide an indication of the public concern on valuation and the impact on shareholders and other stakeholders. Fund Providers, both equity and debt, have been active in asking […]
Valuation is an exercise which is unique for every transaction and requires efforts, involvement, application of mind and thought for each assignment separately. Only guiding principles can be adopted and considered by the valuer while undertaking each assignment. Further, ‘value’ is an estimate of the value of a business or assets, arrived at by applying […]
The happenings around the globe in the recent periods have brought about an accentuated appreciation of the implications of changing times. Immediately after the spread of COVID-19 was identified and reported in the months of March and April 2020, the global markets saw a steep drop. The economic and social lockdowns that followed further led […]
Frequently Asked Questions on Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Way back from 1996 in Indian history, the need for having a strong framework of good corporate governance has been kept on increasing due to the various irregularities occurring worldwide including in India. Following the importance various regulators […]
MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Department of Commerce) (DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF TRADE REMEDIES) INITIATION NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 12th February, 2021 Case No. AD-SSR-28/2020 Subject : Initiation of 4th sunset review investigation concerning imports of “Polytetrafluoroethylene” from Russia. No. 7/47/2020-DGTR.—M/s. Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (hereinafter also referred to as the “Applicant”) has filed an application before […]
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, since the lock-down on account of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, has been taking various initiatives for the pensioners, to ensure the timely credit of pension & retirement benefits and keep them healthy and aware during this time of COVID-19 pandemic.
In a significant announcement for strengthening School Education as envisioned under National Education Policy 2020, Union Budget 2021-22 announced that more than 15,000 schools will be qualitatively strengthened to include all components of the National Education Policy 2020.
In re S.A. Safiullah and Co. (GST AAAR Tamil Nadu) The Appellate Authority ruled that the product of the appellant ‘Nizam Pakku’ classifiable under CTH 0802 8090 is leviable to 2.5% CGST as per Sl.No.28 of Annexure-I of Notification No.01/2017- C.T(rate) dated 28.06.2017 and 2.5% SGST under Sl.No.28 of Annexure -I of Notification No. II(2)/CTR/532(d-4)/2017 […]
In re Macro Media Digital Imaging Private Limited (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) The Appellant made an Application to AAR vide Application NO. 47 dated 18.11.2019 seeking advance ruling on the 1. Whether the transaction of printing of content provided by the customer on PVC banners and supply of such printed trade advertisement is supply of goods? […]
Attention: Functionality to opt in for composition has been made available for FY 2021-22 in the Dashboard of taxpayers at Common Portal. The eligible taxpayers, who wish to avail the composition scheme may opt in for composition up to 31st March 2021. Source- Also Read- How to Opt for GST Composition Levy with FAQs […]