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Archive: 19 June 2020

Posts in 19 June 2020

MCA extends time for Creation of deposit repayment reserve & to deposit 15% of amount of debentures

June 19, 2020 4713 Views 0 comment Print

Further Extension of time till 30th September 2020 to creation of deposit repayment reserve of 20% u/s. 73(2)(C) of the Companies Act 2013 and to invest or deposit 15% of amount of debentures u/r.18 of Companies (Share capital and Debentures) Rules 2014 vide General Circular No. 24/2020 Dated: 19th June, 2020. Requirement under section 73(2)(c) […]

EGM with Draft Notice | COVID-19 | Video conferencing / OAVM

June 19, 2020 26400 Views 1 comment Print

EGM refers to Extra – Ordinary General Meetings, called by a company other than scheduled annual meeting (AGM) to deal with urgent matters (Special Businesses). As per Clause 2.2. of Revised SS-2, Items of business other than Ordinary Business may be considered at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting or by means of a postal ballot, if […]

Key Managerial Personnel | Section 2(51) | Companies Act 2013

June 19, 2020 18867 Views 0 comment Print

Extract of Definition of Key Managerial Personnels (KMPs) under Section 2 of Companies Act 2013 Section 2(51) ‘key managerial personnel’, in relation to a company, means— (i) the Chief Executive Officer or the managing director or the manager; (ii) the company secretary; (iii) the whole-time director; (iv) the Chief Financial Officer; (v) such other officer, […]

One Person Company (OPC) Incorporation through SPICe+

June 19, 2020 28437 Views 73 comments Print

One Person Company (OPC) The One Person Company signifies the form of a Company that can be formed with just one Director and a Member as against a Private Limited Company, which requires at least two directors and two members and a Public Company that requires at least three directors and seven members. The compliance […]

DGTR recommends Anti-dumping on imports of Aniline from China

June 19, 2020 651 Views 0 comment Print

DGTR recommends imposition of anti- dumping duty on imports of Aniline from China PR, equal to the lesser of margin of dumping and the margin of injury, so as to remove the injury to the Domestic Industry

Why to Appoint a Company Secretary- CS

June 19, 2020 5826 Views 0 comment Print

All banks whether listed or otherwise, shall have a Company Secretary who is bound by the professional standards of a Company secretary and The secretary shall report to the Chair of the board. Appointment of a Company Secretary has been one of the most talked topics in the recent times as Companies not just appoint […]

Anti-Circumvention investigation on imports of Polytetrafluoroethylene

June 19, 2020 870 Views 0 comment Print

MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Department of Commerce) (DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF TRADE REMEDIES) New Delhi, the 19th June, 2020 INITIATION NOTIFICATION Case No. ADD-AC – 03/2020 Subject: Initiation of Anti-Circumvention investigation concerning alleged circumvention of (i) anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of “Polytetrafluoroethylene” (PTFE) originating in or exported from Russia by imports of “Polytetrafluoroethylene” (PTFE) […]

Anatomy – Private Limited company under Companies Act, 2013

June 19, 2020 28020 Views 14 comments Print

In India, there are around 1250 Laws applicable in different terms in different manner. Some laws use word Prohibition and some use Restriction. But, these both terms are being used in different sense at different locations. To interpret the meaning of these words to be applied at specific provision in Law, it is necessary to […]

Disclosures by Listed Entities under ‘LODR Regulations’ & Circular dated 20.05.2020

June 19, 2020 15726 Views 0 comment Print

A listed entity needs to ensure that all available information about the impact of major events such as the spread of Covid–19, on the company and its operations is communicated in a timely and cogent manner to its investors and shareholders.

IBC Ordinance-FAQ’s- Why, What, When & Whether?

June 19, 2020 1791 Views 0 comment Print

The Pandemic outburst of Covid-19 has not left India untouched in any manner. This Pandemic has not only affected the human beings but has also led the economy to doldrums. The journey of stalling of businesses in India prominently started with the onset of lockdowns in India. The lockdown was justified in the sense that […]

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