Market Abuse:It includes market manipulation, benchmark manipulation, misuse of information, or any other similar practice. Market abuse may arise in circumstances where financial market investors have been unreasonably disadvantaged, directly or indirectly, by others who:
Rule 88A of Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Rules, 2017 read with Section 49(5), 49A and 49B of CGST Act, 2017 deals with Order of utilization of input tax credit. Rule 88A is been inserted vide Inserted vide Notification No. 16/2019-Central Tax (Dated 29th March, 2019) and Section 49A and 49B were inserted vide […]
The Income Tax Department conducted search on 9th April, 2019 in Vijaywada at the premises of Sri Gurappa Naidu, a cost accountant. An information had been received on toll-free-number that cash was kept at the residence of Shri Gurappa Naidu which was to be used in General Election.
To ensure that the regulatory framework dealing with insider trading in India is further strengthened, SEBI had notified SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 [PTI Regulations] in place of an earlier Regulations.
GST Composition Scheme for Services Sector In line with the GST Council Meeting held on 10th Jan 2019, Service Providers can opt into the Composition Tax Scheme. In order to implement the said decision of Goods and Service Tax Council, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs have issued a notification no. 2/2019-Central Tax […]
CBDT circular dated 29.02.2016 which requires 20% deposit of tax pending appeal is not rigid and cannot be implemented in all the cases. Based on the facts of the case, the deposit percentage can be increased or decreased.
The order passed by the Assessing Officer under Section 281B of the Act has been ceased to have effect after the expiry of six months from the date of the order of the assessment. Hence, the apprehension of the petitioner regarding the enforcement of the provisional attachment further would not arise and the same can be allayed with a direction to the respondent- authorities that the said order shall not be enforced until a decision is to be taken by the Appellate Authority on the stay application, if to be filed in the appeal proceedings by the assessee within a period of three weeks as aforesaid and is ordered
Transfer Pricing- No notional interest on transaction of purchase and sale of redeemable preference shares as it was not equivalent to interest free loans advances
Depreciation claimed by assessee under section 32 cannot be considered for the purpose of computing disallowance under section 14A because section 14A deals only with the expenditure and not any statutory allowance, such as depreciation under section 32.
In re Kolte Patil Developers Ltd. (GST AAAR Maharashtra) The Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling upheld the ruling given by the Advance Ruling Authority by observing that since the Appellant has raised questions on the admissibility of the credit of the service tax and VAT paid under the pre-GST regime, it is held that neither […]