Where the amount of insurance claim was less than the amount of actual expenditure incurred on re-construction/renovation, no short term capital gain u/s. 45(1A) could be charged under such circumstances.
Ever since GST implemented from 01st July 2017 there were several rumours and anticipation for GST Annual return and reconciliation of Annual return with GST Audit. Government has through Notification number 39/2018-CT dated 04.09.2018 and Notification number 49/2018 -CT dated 13.09.2018 have notified GSTR 9 & 9A (Annual Return for Regular & Composite dealer) and GSTR 9C (GST Audit Form), respectively.
A meeting may be generally defined as a gathering or assembly or getting together of a number of persons for transacting any lawful business. Types of General Meeting under Companies Act, 2013 Annual General meeting Extra ordinary General Meeting Annual General Meeting (Section 96) Who holds an AGM- Every Company (Except One Person Company) AGM […]
Meaning of Takeover Takeover implies acquisition of control of a company which is already registered through the purchase or exchange of shares. Takeover takes place usually by acquisition or purchase from the shareholders of a company their shares at a specified price to the extent of at least controlling interest in order to gain control […]
NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING Purpose and importance of the Proper Notice Ø The purpose of the Notice with specified length is to enable a member of the company to read, understand the financial statements, performance and to raise any questions on the state of affairs and to enable members to issue special notice to the […]
Takeover implies acquisition of control of a company which is already registered through the purchase or exchange of shares. Takeover takes place usually by acquisition or purchase from the shareholders of a company their shares at a specified price to the extent of atleast controlling interest in order to gain control of the company.
Article discusses 27 Important Changes in Income Tax Provisions by Union Budget 2018 which includes changes related to Taxation of Long Term Capital Gain, Newly Introduced Standard Deduction for Salaried Employee, Deduction for Senior Citizen under Section 80TTB, Increase of Income Tax Cess Rate to 4% etc. Some Important Income Tax Amendments Budget 2018 1 […]
Definition of Foreign Companies under the Act: The Act clearly defines a foreign company under Section 2(42). A foreign company is any company or body corporate incorporated outside India which— 1. has a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent, physically or through electronic mode; and 2. conducts any business […]
Literally, a start up means ‘the action or process of setting something in motion’. Elaborating, it can be defined as a young business venture that is just beginning to develop. Startups are usually small and initially financed and operated by a handful of founders or one individual. Generally, it offers a product or service that […]
‘Significant Beneficial Owner’ In the process of justifying its election manifesto regarding strengthening of leash on money laundering, Modi Government has yet again come up with a subtle yet effective regulation. The motive in the instance is to identify the ‘Significant Beneficial Owner’ running the show behind the veil of corporations/ partnership firms/ trusts, etc. […]