Refund of IGST on export of goods on payment of duty-Clarification in case of SB003 errors and extension of date in SB005 & other cases using officer Interface for rectification of errors vide Circular No. 22/2018-Customs dated 18th July, 2018
CBIC decided to set up Help Desks at the offices of FIEO and AEPC for expeditious resolution of IGST refund related issues vide Circular 21/2018-Customs dated 18th July 2018.
E commerce operator is only acting as an agent and not covered by the anti-profiteering clause. However, it has observed the excess tax collected from customers were not refunded when rate of change took place for some of the products on 15th Nov 2017 in GST
It is indubitable that through all Copyright laws are administered in India under the Indian Copyright Act-1957. All things considered, one can actually get a lawful cover for his original creation just in the event that he gets a Copyright Registration. Without this basic legitimate insurance, one can’t guarantee the curiosity of his work if there should arise an occurrence of infringement of the Copyright laws.
1. किसी खर्च के लिए नकद भुगतान : अगर आप किसी एक व्यक्ति को एक दिन में १०००० रुपये से अधिक का भुगतान करते है तो वह खर्चा आय कर में मान्य नहीं किया जायेगा I हालाँकि माल भाडा अभी भी आप ३५००० रुपये तक नकदी में दे सकते हैं . उदहारण : आपने अगर ऑफिस रिपेयर्स के लिए १२००० का खर्च एक ही व्यक्ति को एक ही दिन में नगद में किया है तो यह खर्चा आपकी आय में से घटा नहीं सकते.
Though, it has been a year since the implementation of GST, yet there are some problems which require immediate attention of the government to clarify, one of such dubious issue is ‘place of supply’ of intermediary services for the chargeability of GST.
Grievance Redressal Officers have been appointed by both Central and State Governments under the provisions of e-way bill rules for processing the complaints/information uploaded by taxpayers/transporters regarding detention of their List of these Grievance Redressal Officers is available at –
The present appal is filed against the of Order-in-Original No. DEL-SVTAX-ADJ-COM-48-53-13-14 dated 31.03.2014 passed by the Commissioner of Service Tax (Adj.), New Delhi. The period of dispute is from 01.04.2007 to 31.03.2012. 2. Vide the impugned order, the Commissioner has adjudicated the demand raised in six show cause notices issued by various parties. The total service tax demand upheld vide the impugned order is Rs. 4,05,97,745/- alongwith interest and penalties. The following table indicates the demand of service tax made under the different services.
In order to sort out the problems being faced by the exporters for refund claims of GST two ‘Special Drive Refund Fortnight’ were organized from 15.3.2018 to 29.3.2018 and from 31.5.2018 to 16.6.2018. As a result, most of the claims filed till 30.04.2018 have been sanctioned. IGST refunds amounting to Rs. 21,142 crore and RFD-01A […]
How can I create, save, pay taxes and file GSTR-3B return? A normal taxpayer is required to file Form GSTR-1, 2, GSTR-3 return for every tax period. In case of extension of due dates for filing of GSTR-1 and GSTR-2, GSTR-3B needs to be filed by them (in addition to the GSTR-3 return), as and […]