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Archive: 16 July 2018

Posts in 16 July 2018

Third GST Refund Fortnight to clear pending refunds

July 16, 2018 1278 Views 0 comment Print

Get your pending GST refunds on exports of goods sanctioned quickly. CBIC is observing GST refund fortnight across all its field formations from 16th – 31st July, 2018 to deal exclusively with the pending GST refund claims (IGST & ITC). Refunds of GST have been a concern for the Government and Trade for the past […]

SEBI extends time limit for RTAs to send letters seeking PAN & bank details

July 16, 2018 1509 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI, vide circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP1/CIR/P/2018/73 dated April 20,2018, inter-alia, mandated RTAs to send a letter under Registered / Speed post seeking PAN and bank details within 90 days of the said circular and two reminders thereof after the gap of 30 days.

Withdraw appeals consequent to CBDT Circular No. 3/2018

July 16, 2018 21786 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT has issued Circular No. 3/2018 dated 11.07.2018 enhancing the monetary limits for filing SLPs/appeals before Supreme Court, High Courts and ITAT. Consequently, SLPs/appeals pending before these fora which are covered by the said Circular are required to be withdrawn/not pressed on priority so that the Department can focus on high value litigations.

No addition for jewellery found within CBDT circular prescribed limit

July 16, 2018 3219 Views 0 comment Print

Shri Ashok Jain Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) In the present case the assessee has not filed any wealth tax returns. The Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court in the case of Satya Narain Patni (supra) noted that the jewellery found during the search was within the limits prescribed by the CBDT circular and in the first instance, […]

Tax Compliance & Planning For Salaried Individuals

July 16, 2018 12026 Views 2 comments Print

The Article aims at creating awareness amongst salaried employees about various tax compliance and possible tax planning over the year. We are in the month of June wherein the last financial year (FY) 2011-12 has gotten over and due date to file Return of Income stares in the face and also it is time to submit your Investment declaration for FY 2012-13.

Penalty U/s. 271(1)(c) invalid if Not specifically mentioned in assessment order as to which limb penalty was imposed

July 16, 2018 6951 Views 1 comment Print

As neither the assessment order nor the show cause notice stated the specific charge of alleged concealment and/or furnishing of inaccurate particulars of income vis-a-vis addition made by AO, entire penalty proceedings under Section 271(1)(c) were vitiated.

Water-logged land adjacent to agricultural land will be treated as agricultural land

July 16, 2018 870 Views 0 comment Print

CIT Vs Shri. Shaji thomas (Kerala High Court) Assessing Officer had accepted the fact that 97.60 Ares of land sold by the assessee is agricultural land. In fact, the said finding was also on proof of specific agricultural operations having been undertaken in the said The adjacent land which is lying as Kayal land and […]

AO cannot determine fair rent on the basis of extraneous consideration

July 16, 2018 2214 Views 0 comment Print

Vidya Education Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) The operative words in Section 23(1)(a) are the sum, for which, the property might reasonably be expected to let from year to year. These words provide a specific direction to the Revenue for determining the fair rent. The A.O. having regard to the aforesaid provisions is expected to make […]

CBIC Notifies Change in BCD on Certain Textile Goods

July 16, 2018 1434 Views 0 comment Print

CBIC notifies changes in BCD on Certain Textile Goods vide Notification No.53/2018-Customs dated 16th of July, 2018. Vide notification CBIC amended duty rates on certain textile goods.

Govt notifies maximum safe axle weight of each axle type of transport vehicles

July 16, 2018 12864 Views 2 comments Print

Central Government hereby notifies the maximum safe axle weight of each axle type in relation to the transport vehicles (other than motor cabs), having regard to the size, nature and number of tyres, as under :—

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