ll applicants desirous of seeking registration as a FVCI are now required to submit their applications online only, through SEBI Intermediary Portal at https://siportal.sebi.gov.in.
The position of direct tax collections till June. 2017 has been reviewed by the Board and it is noted that on several parameters, the growth in revenue is not satisfactory. The gross collections have increased by only 8.4% and it is only due to lower refunds that the net collections are showing a growth rate of about 15%. You will appreciate that once refunds in cases not selected in CASS start getting issued. the growth rate in respect of net collections may also come down.
Due to extensive changes in the systems during the roll out of GST, and ensuring that there is no delay in clearance of such goods due to system issues following decisions have been taken :
The e-book contains Rate of Tax on Goods as applicable after considering all Notifications, Circulars etc. issued by CBEC from time to time till 3rd July 2017 and includes Goods taxable at Nil Rate of Tax, taxable at the rate of 5%, taxable at the rate of 12%, taxable at the rate of 18%, taxable […]
With the implementation of GST, it is important to know the provisions that will affect the hotel industry. Services provided by Hotel Industry:-1. Room accommodation services. 2. Serving of foods and liquor in restaurant and in room.
The e-book contains Rate of Tax on Services as applicable after considering all Notifications, Circulars etc issued by CBEC from time to time till 3rd July 2017 and includes Services taxable at Nil Rate of Taxation, taxable at the rate of 5%, taxable at the rate of 12%, taxable at the rate of 18%, taxable at the rate of 28% and GST On Supply Of Services At Same Rate As On Supply Of Similar Goods.
ITC is a mechanism to ensure that the supplier needs to pay GST in cash only on the value addition. ITC mechanism thereby avoids cascading of taxes that is ‘tax on tax’. Under the previous system of indirect taxation, credit of taxes being levied by Central Government was not available as set-off for payment of taxes levied by State Governments, and vice versa.
With the imposition of Goods and Services Tax recently, the textile, hosiery and related job work units which are large in numbers and are mostly from micro, medium and small segment of industry are facing teething problems in this new regime of taxation.
Alternate Investment Funds (AIFs) are privately pooled investment funds, incorporated in India, in the form of a trust, company, LLP or body corporate not covered under any other regulations prescribed by SEBI. These funds are governed by Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012[1].
जयपुर (राजस्थान ) का एक व्यापारी अ जयपुर के ही एक दूसरे व्यापारी “ब” को कोई माल 10 लाख रुपये में बेचता है और मान लीजिये कि राज्यों के जी.एस.टी. की दर 9 प्रतिशत है एवं केंद्र के जी.एस.टी. की दर 9 प्रतिशत रहती है इस प्रकार जी.एस.टी. की कुल दर 18 प्रतिशत हुई (फिलहाल मान लीजिये ) तो अ इस व्यवहार में 90000.00 रुपये एस.जी.एस.टी. (राज्य का जी.एस.टी.) एवं 90000.00 रुपये सी.जी.एस.टी. (केंद्र का जी.एस.टी.) के रूप में अपने खरीददार “ब” से वसूल करेगा.