Analysis of Regulation 42 to 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) related to Record Date or Date of closure of transfer books, Dividends and Voting by shareholders.
In the instant case, Raj Shipping (the Petitioner) was engaged in Bunker Supplies which mainly consisted of supply of High Speed Diesel Oil (HSD) to various incoming and outgoing vessels within or beyond the port limits of Mumbai port.
Mapra Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. and others (the Petitioners) were engaged in manufacture and sale of medicines and had been regularly filing returns to the concerned Authorities. The Petitioners were claiming an exemption in respect of free of cost supply of medicines to its dealer under a scheme
If this were to be accepted, it would cause unimaginable distortion in interpreting the Valuation Law. Hence, confirming demand merely on the basis of quotation, without considering other facts is not sustainable.
Same Engines India Pvt. Ltd. (the Respondent) had imported components of Tractors from Foreign party and filed Bill of Entry stating the price at which the goods were imported and seeking to pay the Customs duty thereon.
Nirma Ltd. & Ors. (the Respondent) was engaged in the manufacture of Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) which was cleared by the Respondent to its sister units located in different places and was also used captively in the same factory where the said LAB is manufactured.
When export of goods and payment of duty on exported goods is not in question, minor deviations from the fulfillment of the procedural requirements should not be taken into considerations for deciding the fate of a claim.
In the instant case, Man Structural Pvt. Ltd. (the Appellant) was engaged in manufacturing of dutiable as well as exempted final products. The Appellant has availed Cenvat credit on input/input services but was not maintaining separate accounts for inputs for manufacturing dutiable
Courses in : (i) Mass Communication, (ii) International Business Management, (iii) Telecom Management, (iv) Information Technology, (v) Management Studies, (vi) Geo-informatics and (vii) Operational Management are ‘vocational courses’ and therefore, exempt from Service tax
In the instant case, Chowgule Industries (P.) Ltd. (the Appellant) was a holder of Service Tax Registration under the category of ‘authorized service station’ for Maruti Udyog Ltd. (Maruti). The Appellant had purchased the vehicles from the Maruti and sold to their customers.