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Archive: 31 October 2015

Posts in 31 October 2015

Tribunal Power to grant stay is confined only to appellate order

October 31, 2015 1994 Views 0 comment Print

The Hon’ble (P&H) High Court in the case of Pr.C.I.T. vs ITAT Delhi Bench, New Delhi and anothers while dealing with the scope of power of Tribunal for grant of stay against the prosecution proceedings held that once

Extend ITR due date to 31st October 2015- P&H HC to CBDT

October 31, 2015 75793 Views 0 comment Print

In the case of Vishal Garg & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Anr., Punjab & Haryana HC instructed CBDT extend due date of Tax Audit cases to 31st October 2015 from existing 30th September 2015. Its not clear if the due date for non audit cases also been extended

Filing fees for belated filing under Companies Act, 2013 – opportunity or advantage

October 31, 2015 23067 Views 0 comment Print

Section 611 of the Companies Act, 1956 provided for payment of filing fees in accordance with Schedule X to that Act. There is no Schedule in the Companies Act, 2013 for ‘filing fees’. Accordingly, section 403 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for payment of filing fees as prescribed by rules made under the Companies Act, 2013. Rule 12 and Table annexed to Companies (Registration Offices & Fees) Rules, 2014, prescribed the Fee.

Service Tax Exemption to Intermediate Production Processes

October 31, 2015 105827 Views 5 comments Print

Certain job work and production processes have been exempted from service tax. Carrying out an intermediate production process as job work in relation to –(a) agriculture, printing or textile processing; (b) cut and polished diamonds and gemstones; or plain and studded jewellery of gold and other precious metals, falling under Chapter 71 of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985.

Service Tax on Education Sector

October 31, 2015 8960 Views 0 comment Print

Education sector is one of the most important sectors in our country. Service tax has become an important source of revenue collection for Indian Government. Since all the services are taxable w.e.f. 01.07.2012 except services covered under Negative List

Liability to pay interest on issue of supplementary invoice owing price variation

October 31, 2015 5439 Views 1 comment Print

The respondent was engaged in manufacture of cables and it entered into a contract with customer for supply of such cables & incorporated price variation clause in the agreement entered between them. The respondent paid duty provisionally at the time of removal of goods from the factory

Reopening of assessment not permissible where charges on Assessee are not specific: HC

October 31, 2015 1447 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi High Court held In the case of Oracle Systems Corporation vs. ADIT that it is clear that when a regular assessment is completed in terms of Section 143(3), a presumption can be raised that such an order has been passed upon a proper application of mind.

Prosecution – made more simpler for revenue

October 31, 2015 2791 Views 0 comment Print

A perusal of this order reveals that the Tribunal has recorded a finding that it is empowered by Section 254 of the Act to stay prosecution. The said finding is the bone of contention between the parties. Pr. Commissioner of Income Tax Vs. Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi Bench (Punjab & Haryana HIgh Court at Chandigarh),

Conclusions based on suspicion cannot take the place of proof : SC

October 31, 2015 2661 Views 0 comment Print

Umacharan Shaw & Bros v. CIT: (1959) 37 ITR 271 (SC)- there was no material on which the Income-tax Officer could come to the conclusion that the firm was not genuine and further observed that the conclusion is the result of suspicion which cannot take the place of proof in these matters.

Gift from abroad cannot be taxed on mere suspicion: HC

October 31, 2015 1556 Views 0 comment Print

In our opinion, the Tribunal had, on merits, come to the conclusion that the gifts were genuine. This is a pure question of fact. The Tribunal has examined the evidence which was available on the record and has arrived at the aforesaid finding.

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