In view of the newly inserted provisos, some field officers took the view that whoever orders goods to the Manufacturer and directs the Manufacturer to send the goods to ultimate user directly are required to take Dealer’s Registration.
With reference to my previous article on revised registration procedure as per circular 4T of 2015, where common form for registration of MVATCSTPTRCPTEC. Now Department has come up with new Trade circular 5T of 2015 dated 07/05/15 where, you will surprise to here that ; registration can be obtained for all above mentioned numbers without attending the authorities. Yes it is, now the facility to upload all the documents is made available from 07/05/15 onwards.
In the case of Sesa Goa Ltd. vs. CIT, High Court has held that that independent income having no nexus with exports would be covered by the words other similar receipts in clause (baa) of the Explanation to Section 80HHC of the Act.
Corporate social responsibility may be referred to as corporate citizenship and can involve incurring short-term costs that do not provide an immediate financial benefit to the company, but instead promote positive social and environmental change.
The Reserve Bank of India placed on its website, an article titled ‘Recent Trends in Residential Property Prices in India: An exploration using housing loan data’ based on the results of its ‘Residential Asset Price Monitoring Survey’.
The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested an Inspector of Central Excise, Roorkee (Uttrakhand) for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 3500/- from the Complainant.
S.O.1028 (E), dated the 16th April, 2015, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such super session, the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency specified in column (2) of each of Schedule I and Schedule II annexed hereto into Indian currency or vice versa shall
The Reserve Bank has adopted a phased manner of implementation of security and risk mitigation measures in card transactions as evident from the instructions issued from time to time. The acceptance infrastructure is getting geared to accept EMV chip and pin cards.
In terms of extant instructions, all pensioners are required to furnish a life certificate to the pension disbursing bank every year in November for continuance of pension. This certificate can be submitted at any branch of the pension paying bank.
The rising trend in loan related frauds in the financial sector is a matter of serious concern. Equally disquieting is the delay in detection and reporting of such frauds by banks. The issues relating to prevention, early detection and reporting of frauds has been looked into by an Internal Working Group (IWG) of the RBI