Under the Transfer Pricing Regulations, the number of comparables may be one or more than one; but there is no upper limit prescribed u/s 92C of the I T Act. However, the first proviso to se.92(2) indicates that more than one price can be considered for determination of ALP and in such a case, the ALP shall be taken to be arithmetic mean of such price.
We have hereby attempted to elucidate and analyze the major and important amendments proposed in the Direct Tax and Service Tax Laws, with their implications; and are sure that the same would be handy to you.
1. Personal Income Tax: Minor relief of Rs. 2000 Slabs of taxation not revised Ad-hoc Relief of Rs. 2000 for Tax Payers in the first bracket of Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs. Relief available to Individuals having total income upto Rs. 5 lacs.
Scheme to whom it is applicable? The person who has not paid the tax dues. Tax Dues means the service tax due or payable under the Chapter or any other amount due or payable under Section 73 A thereof for the period beginning from 1st day of October 2007 to 31st December 2012 including a CESS, leviable thereon under any other ACT for the time being in force but not paid as on 1st Day of March 2013.
The revised Form ST-3 is expected to be available on ACES by the first week of March. However in the event of any delay, the last date will be suitably extended and adequate time given so that no inconvenience is caused to the assessees.
We would like to invite Article / Analysis on on Budget 2012-13 from Accounting, Tax, Finance and Legal professionals on taxation, Accounting, Finance, Audit and Corporate law. Article will be Published with details of the Author which they send with the Article. For Publication of Your Article on www.taxguru.in E mail your articles at:- info@taxguru.in. Authors are requested to ensure the following :-
a new scheme has been introduced for defaulter – service tax assessees named as Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme. While announcing this scheme, it was said by hon’ble Finance Minister that there are nearly 17,00,000 registered assessees under service tax,
CA Srikant Agarwal We have uploaded below Income Tax Calculator for Financial Year 2013-14 or Assessment Year 2014-15 after making the changes effected by union budget 2013-2014. The calculator calculates Income Tax from Financial Year 2006-07 to 2013-14 and also contains Income Tax Rate for the period from 1997-98 to 2013-14. The Calculator calculates tax […]
The Direct Taxes Code Bill is to be re-introduced before the end of this Budget Session. The Bill is expected to give due weightage to the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance and incorporate the best global practices. The other major proposals on the direct taxes front are as follows –
Service tax 1. Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme, 2013 (VCES) is proposed to be introduced to encourage voluntary compliance and broaden the tax base. In this scheme, it is proposed to provide one time amnesty by way of (i) waiver of interest and penalty; and (ii) immunity from prosecution, to the stop filers, non-filers or non-registrants […]