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Archive: 06 February 2012

Posts in 06 February 2012

Scamsters using Income Tax dept website to dupe people

February 6, 2012 1391 Views 0 comment Print

Cyber experts have warned Internet users of phishing scamsters who are luring people with government domain names and sending unscrupulous e-mails to collect financial and personal information. Mail boxes of people are being hit by an e-mail sent from ref.init@incometaxindia.gov.in, informing them of a tax refund pending with the department which can be collected by entering their financial and bank-related information by clicking on a given hyperlink in the mail.

If main petition is pending for adjudication, interim reliefs in the nature of main reliefs cannot be granted

February 6, 2012 1893 Views 0 comment Print

In the present case the petitioner No. l was removed as director and this Bench presumes that the convening and holding of general meeting in which he was removed is legal and valid. So far as para 11.3 of the reliefs is concerned that the R1-company be directed to be operated only with the joint signature of the petitioner No.1 and respondent No.2 is concerned a similar relief is sought by the applicants in the main petition at para 9.3. Therefore, pending adjudication of main petition, I do not consider it to grant the reliefs at the interim stage. So far as reliefs at para 11.4 is concerned I am not inclined to grant the stay in conducting the shareholders and Board of directors meetings which are to be conducted by the company in accordance with the law or the company may thinks fit to call the meetings in its best interest.

No TDS on payment for purchase of goods / services through credit card transactions

February 6, 2012 33992 Views 2 comments Print

Recently, an opinion was sought from me by a client regarding TDS implications under Chapter XVII-B of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (the Act), in respect of merchant service fees payable in the course of settlement of credit card transactions for the purchase of goods / services. In the aforesaid transactions, the functions of the relevant entities may be briefly discussed as follows :

Furnishing of Annual Statement by a non-resident having Liaison Office in India

February 6, 2012 4700 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No.5/2012-Income Tax S.O…………(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 285 read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962

Highlights of the National Policy on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

February 6, 2012 1083 Views 0 comment Print

(i) The policy recommends production of Concentrate of Poppy Straw (CPS) in India by a company or body corporate. This would enable India to retain its status of a traditional supplier of Opiate Raw Material (ORM) to the rest of world, while remaining competitive. (ii) The consumption of poppy straw by addicts will be gradually reduced and finally stopped in a time frame decided by the States.

MCA reconstitutes Quality Review Board

February 6, 2012 1243 Views 0 comment Print

The Quality Review Board has been reconstituted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Budget 2012 may bring more services in tax net with introduction of negative list

February 6, 2012 2013 Views 0 comment Print

The government is expected to keep 22 services in the negative list and impose 10 per cent tax on the rest, sources said, adding that services for the purpose would be defined as all kinds of economic activities, barring goods, money and immovable property.

Guideline / Prohibition on acceptance of foreign contribution under FCRA, 2010

February 6, 2012 1312 Views 0 comment Print

The Act stipulates that certain persons are totally barred from accepting any foreign contribution. The term ‘foreign contribution’ is defined in Clause (h) of Section 2 of the Act to mean the donation, delivery or transfer made by a foreign source of any article (not being an article of gift for personal use, the market value of which is not more than the specified amount), currency (whether Indian or foreign) or any security. The following are the persons prohibited from accepting foreign contribution:

Know Your Unique Code Number

February 6, 2012 212692 Views 41 comments Print

This has reference to your application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2011-12. The Bank Branch Auditors panel for the year 2010-11, prepared thereof alongwith the Unique Code Number is hosted at http://www.meficai.org/ucn.jsp , for your ready reference. You can visit the the link and check your unique code number. Know your Unique Code Number

PAN likely to become most potent tool to unearth black money, tax evasion

February 6, 2012 1469 Views 0 comment Print

Come next financial year, the PAN card is likely to become the most potent tool for the Income Tax Department to unearth black money, tax evasion and instances of criminal financing in the country.A recent directive of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to the I-T Dept has asked its officials to launch a special drive against those who have “not furnished their PAN (Permanent Account Number)” while entering into high value transactions.

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