CORRIGENDUM NO. 5/2010 [F.NO.142/13/2010-SO(TPL)], DATED 30-9-2010- In partial modification of Circular No. 5 of 2010, dated June 3, 2010, (i) in para 37.5 (page 333) of the said Circular, for the lines- The above amendment has been made applicable with effect from 1st April, 2009 and will accordingly apply in respect of assessment year 2009-10 and subsequent years.
Notification No. 33/2011 – Income Tax Section 10(23AAA) Of The Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Income Received By Any Person On Behalf Of Fund Established For Welfare Of Employees Or Their Dependents – Notified Purposes/Conditions For Establishment Of Fund – Amendment In Notification No.S.O.672(E), Dated 27-7-1995
AS 16 Borrowing costs defines a ‘qualifying asset’ as an ‘asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.’ It also clarifies that ordinarily, a period of twelve months is considered as a substantial period of time unless a shorter or longer period can be justified on the basis of facts and circumstances of the case. In this case, the manufacture of each aircraft involves a normal time period of 24 to 30 months. Therefore, the aircraft is a qualifying asset under AS 16.
Delhi High Court in the case of DCIT v. Cargill Global Trading (I) (P) Limited on the issue of whether discounting charges paid to a non-resident on discounting of bills of exchange (BEs) can be characterized as ‘interest’, liable for withholding held that the discounting charges are not in the nature of ‘interest’ since they are not payable in respect of money borrowed or debt incurred by the Taxpayer.
Under Section 81 (1A) of the Companies Act, a public company may make a preferential allotment of shares only by passing a special resolution in a general meeting. On 24 May 2011 the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a new set of draft rules [Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2011] to replace the Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2003. The draft rules which provide for greater compliance and disclosure requirements are open for public comments upto 20 June 2011.
As a measure of providing operational flexibility to Indian Corporates investing / having investments abroad, the Reserve Bank of India has further liberalised and rationalised its Overseas Direct Investment Regulations vide A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 69 dated 27 May 2011as outlined below.
The Delhi Bench of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal in the case of Tianjin Tianshi India Private Limited v. ITO, held that existence of actual cross border transaction and motive to shift profits outside India or evade taxes in India are not necessary pre conditions for Transfer Pricing (TP) provisions to apply.
Madras High Court has recently held in the case of CIT v R. Rajgopal [TS-222-HC-2011 (MAD)] that, as the salary was paid directly by the Indian subsidiary company, conditions of Article 16(2)(b) of the Indo-UK Treaty was not fulfilled. Accordingly, the taxpayer was not entitled to claim short stay exemption under Article 16(2) of the India-UK Treaty.
The ‘National Legal E-Library’ project of the Government is to be dedicated o the nation on 15 August 2011.Dr. M Veerappa Moily, the Minister of Law & Justice had proposed the need for the formulation of a ‘National Legal e-library’ for students and practitioners of Law on 6 December 2009, during his meeting with the vice chancellors of Law University and Colleges across India.
Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011 These rules shall apply to every company, including a foreign company as defined under section 591 of the Act, which is engaged in the production, processing, manufacturing, or mining activities and wherein, the aggregate value of net worth as on the last date of the immediately preceding financial year exceeds five crores of rupees; or wherein the aggregate value of the turnover made by the company from sale or supply of all products or activities during the immediately preceding financial year exceeds twenty crores of rupees; or wherein the company’s equity or debt securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India.