Dear Member, Sub: Companies Bill, 2009 As you are aware, the Companies Bill, 2009 has been introduced in Lok Sabha on 3rd August, 2009. The new Bill proposes to open up new avenues for the professionals especially Chartered Accountants and at the same time casts a lot of responsibility on them for conduct […]
SUMMARY OF CASE LAW Mere allegations contained in a line or two against the directors without specifying the violative act committed by any of the directors would not suffice to make the directors offenders so as to summon them for the offences under SEBI Act; mere bald averments in the complaint do not make the […]
SEBI appointed committee recommended limiting the period for participation by QIBs in the IPO to 2 or 3 days
Those who are looking to fill examination form for the CPT, PE -II, PCE, IPCE and CA final Examination conducted by ICAI can now download the form from the following website
Norms for preferential allotment of equity warrants are learnt to be back under the regulatory scanner, following complaints from institutional investors that this instrument is being misused by promoters.
Applications for admission to Common Proficiency Test (Paper-Pencil Mode) is required to be made on the relevant prescribed form as contained in the Information Brochure, which may be obtained from the Additional Secretary (Examinations),
New Income Tax Rate slabs for Individual, HUF, Women, Senior Citizen for A.Y. 2010-11 & F.Y. 2009-2010 Basic exemption for individual tax payers was increased by Rs 10,000 for general tax payers and women and Rs 15,000 for senior citizens (i.e. 65 years and above) by the finance minister on Monday. The current income tax exemption […]
Profession Tax in Maharashtra – In Maharashtra (Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1975), Profession Tax is applicable both on Individuals & Organizations (Company, Firm, Proprietary Concern, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Society, Club, Association Of Persons, Corporation or any other corporate body in Maharashtra per the provisions of the Maharashtra Professional Tax Act of 1975.
I have uploaded all the forms on Excise Duty applicable as on date in Excel and Word Format. The formats of form are taken from www. in. Taxguru is the only site where all the forms are available in Word/Excel Format as all other websites provide in PDF format.
On the request of my viewers I have uploaded some of the Income Tax forms in Excel, Word and PDF Format. Although, I haven’t uploaded all the forms but I uploaded most of the important forms. If any viewers have any form other then those uploaded in excel word format he can mail those to us at our mail id and we will upload the same on our website for the benefit of other viewers.