Income Tax : Understand key reporting requirements for Tax Audit Reports under Sections 44AA and 44AB, including forms, clauses, and disclosure...
Income Tax : Understand who must maintain books of accounts, specific requirements for professionals, and penalties for non-compliance under In...
Income Tax : Learn about Section 44AD, a simplified method to compute business income, excluding some entities. Thresholds and tax implications...
Income Tax : Understanding who must maintain books of accounts, specific requirements, and penalties for non-compliance. A detailed guide for b...
Income Tax : Discover simplified taxation scheme under Section 44AD of Income Tax Act. Learn eligibility criteria, exemptions, and key insights...
Income Tax : Assessee was not liable to deduct TDS under section 194H as relationship between e-commerce platform and assessee was not of an ...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur held that when the cash found in books are more then physically found no further addition is required to be made in th...
Income Tax : Chhattisgarh High Court held that addition u/s. 68 r.w.s. 69A of the Income Tax Act towards unexplained income sustained since ass...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that agriculturist are not required to maintain books of accounts as provisions of section 44AA of the Income Tax ...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that as per provisions of section 44AA of the Income Tax Act, an agriculturist is not required to maintain boo...
Assessee was not liable to deduct TDS under section 194H as relationship between e-commerce platform and assessee was not of an agency but that of two independent parties on principal to principal basis.
ITAT Jaipur held that when the cash found in books are more then physically found no further addition is required to be made in the hands of the assessee. Accordingly, addition towards unexplained cash set aside.
Chhattisgarh High Court held that addition u/s. 68 r.w.s. 69A of the Income Tax Act towards unexplained income sustained since assessee failed to substantiate the nature and source of cash deposits in bank.
ITAT Delhi held that agriculturist are not required to maintain books of accounts as provisions of section 44AA of the Income Tax Act. Accordingly, exemption claim u/s. 10(1) allowed.
ITAT Bangalore held that as per provisions of section 44AA of the Income Tax Act, an agriculturist is not required to maintain books of accounts. Further, revenue has failed to establish anything contrary, accordingly, addition made on this count deleted.
Understand key reporting requirements for Tax Audit Reports under Sections 44AA and 44AB, including forms, clauses, and disclosures for accurate compliance.
ITAT Delhi held that cost to cost reimbursement on account of secondment of employees cannot be treated as Fees for Technical Services (FTS) as defined under Article 12 of India USA-DTAA. Thus, appeal of the assessee allowed.
Understand who must maintain books of accounts, specific requirements for professionals, and penalties for non-compliance under Indian tax laws.
Learn about Section 44AD, a simplified method to compute business income, excluding some entities. Thresholds and tax implications are explained here.
ITAT Jaipur held that assessee failed to get its books of accounts audited based on a reasonable cause. Accordingly, penalty under section 271B of the Income Tax Act for failure to get books of account audited not leviable as assessee reasonable cause shown.