Income Tax : Confused about the TDS rate on rent under Section 194-IB for FY 2024-25? Learn when to apply 5% or 2% based on the Union Budget 20...
Income Tax : Important TDS rate changes from October 1, 2024, affecting insurance, rent, commissions, mutual funds, and e-commerce. Learn about...
Income Tax : Understand the TDS provisions on rent payments under Sections 194-I and 194-IB of the Income-tax Act. Know the rates, thresholds, ...
Income Tax : Understand TDS on rent with this guide. Learn about Section 194IB & 195 of the Income Tax Act, their differences, rates, and compl...
Income Tax : Before buying property in India, understand TDS implications based on sellers residency. Navigate TDS rules smoothly with our comp...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendment to section 194-IB of the Income-tax Act, reducing TDS on rent payments from 5% to 2% effective from Octo...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2017 inserted new section 194-IB to provide that an Individual or a HUF (other than those covered under clause (a...
Income Tax : Madras High Court held that addition towards difference between purchase value and guideline value without awaiting report of valu...
Income Tax : In the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes), number...
Article compiles TDS Rate Chart For Financial Year 2020-21 and Assessment Year 2021-22 along with Due date of Payment of TDS and mode of Payment of TDS. Article explains Section under which TDS is deductible and TDS Rate Applicable. Article Covers Change in TDS Applicable from 01.04.2020 which was proposed by Union BUdget 2020 which […]
The Finance Act, 2017 has introduced section 194-IB providing that Tenant of a property making monthly rent payment exceeding ₹ 50, 000 is required to deduct tax at the rate of 5% from the rent payable to a resident landlord.
This article focuses on Tax Deducted at source on payment of Rent on Residential property by an individual and HUF which is covered by Section 194-IB. Article also cover Tax deduction under Section 194I on rent by those in Business. Article further covers the comparison between TDS deduction section 194I and 194IB.
Finance Act 2017 introduced section 194IB which mandates deduction of TDS when rent payment exceeding Rs 50000 for month or part of the month is made. Even Salaried person paying rent more than Rs. 50,000 P.M and claiming HRA are required to deduct and pay TDS of Landlord
With the year coming to an end, salaried people rush to submit their tax declarations to their employers. It hurts when your employer deducts tax from your reward for 30 days of hard work. In order to save tax, one has to jump through all kinds of hoops; investments in ELSS, fresh insurance policies, PPF, etc. House Rent Allowance (HRA) is one of the favourite tools of the salaried class to save taxes. HRA exemption gives big relief to those paying rent for their accommodation.
Deposit & Upload details of Tax deducted along with correct PAN of the Landlord In Form No. 26QC on TIN website ( within 30 days from the end of the month in which the deduction is made. (The tenant is not required to obtain TAN)
The Finance Minister while presenting budget for the year 2017-18 inserted a new provision i.e. section 194 IB under The Income-tax Act,1961, (The Act) to provide for Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) at the rate of 5 percent by an individual or HUF, other than those whose books of account are required to be audited, while making payment of rent* of an amount exceeding Rs.50,000 per month. This section came into force w.e.f. from 01 June 2017
Earlier, only individuals and HUFs who were mandatorily required to have their accounts audited as per the tax laws were required to withhold tax on rental payments on immovable property. However, with the introduction of this new section, all individuals and HUFs
Article explains TDS on cash withdrawals of over Rs 1 crore under section 194N of the Income Tax Act, 1961, TDS at the time of purchasing immovable property under Section 194-IA of the Income Tax Act, TDS on payments made to professionals and contractors under Section 194M, TDS on life insurance proceeds Under section 194DA, […]
TDS Rate Chart or TDS Rate Table For Assessment year 2020-21 (AY) / Financial Year (FY) 2019-20 In the case of a person other than a company (Resident and Non-Resident) i.e. Individual, HUF, BOI, AOP, Artificial Judicial Persons. Partnership Firm (Including LLP) and for domestic company and Foreign Companies. TDS Rates are after considering the […]